A gem to help you convert your google spreadsheet data to json format and load your json to spreadsheet. With this gem, you can choose the worksheet that you want to convert and point the row number you want to convert!
Efficiently format decimal number.
Provides the module CpfCnpj, with methods that detect, validate, and format CPFs and CNPJs (Brazilian federal ID numbers). // Fornece o módulo CpfCnpj, com funções que detectam, validam, e formatam CPFs e CNPJs.
Although made popular by Windows, INI files can be used on any system thanks to their flexibility. They allow a program to store configuration data, which can then be easily parsed and changed. Two notable systems that use the INI format are Samba and Trac. More information about INI files can be found on the [Wikipedia Page](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INI_file). ### Properties The basic element contained in an INI file is the property. Every property has a name and a value, delimited by an equals sign *=*. The name appears to the left of the equals sign and the value to the right. name=value ### Sections Section declarations start with *[* and end with *]* as in `[section1]` and `[section2]` shown in the example below. The section declaration marks the beginning of a section. All properties after the section declaration will be associated with that section. ### Comments All lines beginning with a semicolon *;* or a number sign *#* are considered to be comments. Comment lines are ignored when parsing INI files. ### Example File Format A typical INI file might look like this: [section1] ; some comment on section1 var1 = foo var2 = doodle var3 = multiline values \ are also possible [section2] # another comment var1 = baz var2 = shoodle
This gem provide you library to validate, parsing and format phone number, detect phone network in Vietnam.
Provides Argentine phone number parsing, validation, formatting and meta-information.
Forked from original writeexcel gem. Multiple worksheets can be added to a workbook and formatting can be applied to cells. Text, numbers, formulas, hyperlinks and images can be written to the cells.
A very simple gem that adds some methods to some Ruby standard classes, e.g. <array>.include_any?, <array>.delete_random, etc. Simply require the gem ( require "more_ruby" ) and the additional methods will be available. # New instance methods # ## Array :all_instance_of?, :all_kind_of?, :av, :delete_random, :include_any?, :insert_flat, :mean, :modulo_fetch, :peach, :random, :random_index, :random_insert, :random_move, :stringify_all_values_deep, :sum, :wrap_fetch ## Float :format_with_thousands_delimiter, :signif ## Hash :all_keys, :all_values, :delete_random, :peach, :random_key, :random_pair, :random_value, :remove_empty_fields, :sort_deep, :stringify_all_values_deep, :strip_hash_of_keys, :to_a_deep, :to_xml ## Integer :digit_count, :format_with_thousands_delimiter, :num_to_letter, :signif ## NilClass :empty? ## Numeric :format_with_thousands_delimiter ## String :append, :camelcase, :camelcase_to_snakecase, :capitalize_all, :capitalize_first_letter_only, :escape, :escape_whitespace, :extract_values_from_xml_string, :formatted_number, :index_of_last_capital, :invert_case, :is_hex?, :is_integer?, :join, :pascalcase, :prefix_lines, :random_case, :snakecase, :snakecase_and_downcase, :to_bool, :unindent ## Time :is_after?, :is_before?, :is_within?, :remove_subseconds # New singleton methods # ## FalseClass :maybe?, :random ## File :basename_no_ext ## TrueClass :maybe?, :random
Turnstile is a Redis-based library that can accurately track total number of concurrent users accessing a web/API based server application. It can break it down by "platform" or a device type, and returns data in JSON, CSV of NAD formats. While user tracking may happen synchronously using a Rack middleware, another method is provided that is based on log file analysis, and can therefore be performed outside web server process.
Convert numbers to Indian currency numbering system with seperators, in numeric and alphabetical formats.
YARD is a documentation generation tool for the Ruby programming language. It enables the user to generate consistent, usable documentation that can be exported to a number of formats very easily, and also supports extending for custom Ruby constructs such as custom class level definitions.
The Tripletex API is a **RESTful API**, which does not implement PATCH, but uses a PUT with optional fields. **Actions** or commands are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed `:`. Example: `/v2/hours/123/:approve`. **Summaries** or aggregated results are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed <code>></code>. Example: <code>/v2/hours/>thisWeeksBillables</code>. **"requestID"** is a key found in all validation and error responses. If additional log information is absolutely necessary, our support division can locate the key value. **Download** the [swagger.json](/v2/swagger.json) file [OpenAPI Specification](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification) to [generate code](https://github.com/sveredyuk/tripletex_ruby). This document was generated from the Swagger JSON file. **version:** This is a versioning number found on all DB records. If included, it will prevent your PUT/POST from overriding any updates to the record since your GET. **Date & DateTime** follows the **ISO 8601** standard. Date: `YYYY-MM-DD`. DateTime: `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ` **Sorting** is done by specifying a comma separated list, where a `-` prefix denotes descending. You can sort by sub object with the following format: `project.name, -date`. **Searching:** is done by entering values in the optional fields for each API call. The values fall into the following categories: range, in, exact and like. **Missing fields or even no response data** can occur because result objects and fields are filtered on authorization. **See [FAQ](https://tripletex.no/execute/docViewer?articleId=906&language=0) for more additional information.** ## Authentication: - **Tokens:** The Tripletex API uses 3 different tokens - **consumerToken**, **employeeToken** and **sessionToken**. - **consumerToken** is a token provided to the consumer by Tripletex after the API 2.0 registration is completed. - **employeeToken** is a token created by an administrator in your Tripletex account via the user settings and the tab "API access". Each employee token must be given a set of entitlements. [Read more here.](https://tripletex.no/execute/docViewer?articleId=853&language=0) - **sessionToken** is the token from `/token/session/:create` which requires a consumerToken and an employeeToken created with the same consumer token, but not an authentication header. See how to create a sessionToken [here](https://tripletex.no/execute/docViewer?articleId=855&language=0). - The session token is used as the password in "Basic Authentication Header" for API calls. - Use blank or `0` as username for accessing the account with regular employee token, or if a company owned employee token accesses <code>/company/>withLoginAccess</code> or <code>/token/session/>whoAmI</code>. - For company owned employee tokens (accounting offices) the ID from <code>/company/>withLoginAccess</code> can be used as username for accessing client accounts. - If you need to create the header yourself use <code>Authorization: Basic <base64encode('0:sessionToken')></code>. ## Tags: - <div class="tag-icon-beta"></div> **[BETA]** This is a beta endpoint and can be subject to change. - <div class="tag-icon-deprecated"></div> **[DEPRECATED]** Deprecated means that we intend to remove/change this feature or capability in a future "major" API release. We therefore discourage all use of this feature/capability. ## Fields: Use the `fields` parameter to specify which fields should be returned. This also supports fields from sub elements. Example values: - `project,activity,hours` returns `{project:..., activity:...., hours:...}`. - just `project` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345, "url": "tripletex.no/v2/projects/12345" }`. - `project(*)` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345 "name":"ProjectName" "number.....startDate": "2013-01-07" }`. - `project(name)` returns `"project" : { "name":"ProjectName" }`. - All elements and some subElements : `*,activity(name),employee(*)`. ## Changes: To get the changes for a resource, `changes` have to be explicitly specified as part of the `fields` parameter, e.g. `*,changes`. There are currently two types of change available: - `CREATE` for when the resource was created - `UPDATE` for when the resource was updated NOTE: For objects created prior to October 24th 2018 the list may be incomplete, but will always contain the CREATE and the last change (if the object has been changed after creation). ## Rate limiting in each response header: Rate limiting is performed on the API calls for an employee for each API consumer. Status regarding the rate limit is returned as headers: - `X-Rate-Limit-Limit` - The number of allowed requests in the current period. - `X-Rate-Limit-Remaining` - The number of remaining requests. - `X-Rate-Limit-Reset` - The number of seconds left in the current period. Once the rate limit is hit, all requests will return HTTP status code `429` for the remainder of the current period. ## Response envelope: ``` { "fullResultSize": ###, "from": ###, // Paging starting from "count": ###, // Paging count "versionDigest": "Hash of full result", "values": [...list of objects...] } { "value": {...single object...} } ``` ## WebHook envelope: ``` { "subscriptionId": ###, "event": "object.verb", // As listed from /v2/event/ "id": ###, // Object id "value": {... single object, null if object.deleted ...} } ``` ## Error/warning envelope: ``` { "status": ###, // HTTP status code "code": #####, // internal status code of event "message": "Basic feedback message in your language", "link": "Link to doc", "developerMessage": "More technical message", "validationMessages": [ // Will be null if Error { "field": "Name of field", "message": "Validation failure information" } ], "requestId": "UUID used in any logs" } ``` ## Status codes / Error codes: - **200 OK** - **201 Created** - From POSTs that create something new. - **204 No Content** - When there is no answer, ex: "/:anAction" or DELETE. - **400 Bad request** - - **4000** Bad Request Exception - **11000** Illegal Filter Exception - **12000** Path Param Exception - **24000** Cryptography Exception - **401 Unauthorized** - When authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided - **3000** Authentication Exception - **9000** Security Exception - **403 Forbidden** - When AuthorisationManager says no. - **404 Not Found** - For content/IDs that does not exist. - **6000** Not Found Exception - **409 Conflict** - Such as an edit conflict between multiple simultaneous updates - **7000** Object Exists Exception - **8000** Revision Exception - **10000** Locked Exception - **14000** Duplicate entry - **422 Bad Request** - For Required fields or things like malformed payload. - **15000** Value Validation Exception - **16000** Mapping Exception - **17000** Sorting Exception - **18000** Validation Exception - **21000** Param Exception - **22000** Invalid JSON Exception - **23000** Result Set Too Large Exception - **429 Too Many Requests** - Request rate limit hit - **500 Internal Error** - Unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable - **1000** Exception
An inputmask helps the user with the input by ensuring a predefined format. This can be usefull for dates, numerics, phone numbers...
The phone_parser gem allows programs to strip out formatting of phone numbers. This allows a program to accept any valid phone number in any format and parse it for universal storage.
Transforms numbers into USD specific currency format
NumberRecognizer is library to recognize mobile phone numbers. It can make educated guesses to correct local numbers into numbers in international format.
Convert numbers to and from Base36 format
{<img src="https://secure.travis-ci.org/socialcast/socialcast-shoulda-ext.png?branch=master" alt="Build Status" />}[http://travis-ci.org/socialcast/socialcast-shoulda-ext] = Socialcast Shoulda Extensions Adds new matchers and functionality to the shoulda test library = Installation In your Gemfile: group :test do gem 'socialcast_shoulda_ext', :git => 'git@github.com:socialcast/socialcast-shoulda-ext.git', :require => 'shoulda_ext' end If you want to include the trigger_callbacks matcher, also add the following to your test helper: ShouldaExt::Matchers::TriggerCallbackMatcher.attach_active_record_callback_hooks! = Matchers == RecordCountChangeMatcher Test if the count for a model has changed, and by how much. Requires the context_with_matcher_before_hooks patch, which is included by default. Provides the following matcher methods: - create_record(klass_or_symbol) Alias for change_record_count.for(klass_or_symbol).by(1) - create_records(klass_or_symbol, amount) Alias for change_record_count.for(klass_or_symbol).by(amount) - destroy_record(klass_or_symbol) Alias for change_record_count.for(klass_or_symbol).by(-1) - destroy_records(klass_or_symbol, amount) Alias for change_record_count.for(klass_or_symbol).by(-amount) - change_record_count Tests the difference in record count before and after the current setup/subject block Can be used with the follow methods: - for(klass_or_symbol) Provides the class which the test is being performed on. Can be a constant or a symbol - by(amount) Provides an expected difference for the number of records for the specified class. Excluding this number will allow the matcher to check for any difference Examples: context "creating a blog article" do context "with good parameters" do setup do post :create, :blog => {:title => 'my blog post', :body => 'Ipsum lorem...'} end should create_record :blog end context "without a body" do setup do post :create, :blog => {:title => 'my blog post' } end should_not create_record Blog end end == RespondWithJson Check if the controller's response is json Examples: context ":index.json" do setup do get :index, :format => 'json' end # Just check to see that the response was json should respond_with_json # Evaluate the hash produced by the json yourself should respond_with_json { |json| json.first['blog']['title'] == 'blog post 1'} # Provide an exact match should respond_with_json.exactly(['blog' => {'id' => 1, 'title' => 'blog post 1'}]) # Provide an exact match with a block should response_with_json.exactly{ |json| JSON.parse(Blog.all.to_json)} end context ":index.html" do setup do get :index end # or the negation should_not respond_with_json end == TriggerCallbackMatcher Test if create, update, destroy, or save callbacks were triggered. Requires running ShouldaExt::Matchers::TriggerCallbackMatcher.attach_active_record_callback_hooks! in your test suite in order to work properly. Examples: context "doing nothing to a record" do subject { Blog.new :title => 'blog title' } should_not trigger_callbacks end context "creating a record" do subject { Blog.create! :title => 'blog title' } should trigger_callbacks.for :create should_not trigger_callbacks.for :update, :destroy end = Integrations Currently only integrates with test/unit. RSpec support to come. = Shoulda Extensions == ContextWithMatcherBeforeHooks Adds the ability to define a 'before' method on any method which will be run before each context's setup/subject block. Used by RecordCountChangeMatcher to record the number of records before the tested operation takes place.
This gem aims to check the format of numbers.
Provides validation and proper formatting for ISBN13 numbers.
A helper that can format a number into a fraction.
Roman Converter converts a roman numeral to an english / modern number. Making sure all rules invloved in the formation of a roman numeral is obeyed.
DatatablesServer will receive a number of variables from a Datatables client and it will perform all the required processing (i.e. when paging, sorting, filtering etc), and then return the data in the format required by DataTables
Validates a StepLib datastore (usually stored in JSON) data. This GEM's major and minor version number matches the related StepLib format specification's major and minor version number.
Docsplit is a command-line utility and Ruby library for splitting apart documents into their component parts: searchable UTF-8 plain text, page images or thumbnails in any format, PDFs, single pages, and document metadata (title, author, number of pages...)
A Simple Money Formatter Gem For Formatting Number To USD And INR
Fast international phone number (E164 standard) normalizing, splitting and formatting. Lots of formatting options: International (+.., 00..), national (0..), and local.
Converts numbers into formatted strings with delimiters
Text::Format is provides the ability to nicely format fixed-width text with knowledge of the writeable space (number of columns), margins, and indentation settings.
A Ruby library for validating and formatting Irish phone numbers.
# SshSig - SSH signature verification in pure ruby SshSig is a Ruby gem which can be used to verify signatures signed created by `ssh-keygen`. This capability was [first added](https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/commit/2a9c9f7272c1e8665155118fe6536bebdafb6166) in OpenSSH 8.0 allows SSH keys to be used for GPG-like signing capabilities, [including signing git commits](https://github.com/git/git/pull/1041). ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'ssh_sig' ``` And then execute: $ bundle install Or install it yourself as: $ gem install ssh_sig ## Usage Version 1 of [the SSH signature format](https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/blob/b7ffbb17e37f59249c31f1ff59d6c5d80888f689/PROTOCOL.sshsig) supports `ed25519` and `rsa` keys. It is recommended that you use `ed25519` over `rsa` where possible (`ssh-keygen -t ed25519`). In order to verify a signature you need: 1. The public key of the sender 1. The signature file 1. The message to be verified. ```ruby require 'ssh_sig' armored_pubkey = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILXPkJPI4TMFWZP4xRBQjNeizUG99KuZCt9G23rX48kz" blob = ::SshSig::Blob.from_armor( <<~EOF -----BEGIN SSH SIGNATURE----- U1NIU0lHAAAAAQAAADMAAAALc3NoLWVkMjU1MTkAAAAgtc+Qk8jhMwVZk/jFEFCM16LNQb 30q5kK30bbetfjyTMAAAAEZmlsZQAAAAAAAAAGc2hhNTEyAAAAUwAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUx OQAAAECJITeYJIlEeydsCTh1DkfdhlDJFBa73ojfWe0MbrIzoJKd9THd9WeQrhygSRGsNG cU/stk3/919nykg67yG2gN -----END SSH SIGNATURE----- EOF ) message = "This message was definitely sent by Brian Williams" valid = ::SshSig::Verifier .from_armored_pubkey(armored_pubkey) .verify(blob, message) if valid puts 'Signature is valid' else puts 'Signature is not valid' end ``` Signatures can be created using `ssh-keygen -Y sign -n file -f ~/.ssh/ed_25519 message.txt` and will be outputted in `message.txt.sig`. Public keys can be found in a variety of places, including: - Your `~/.ssh/id_<alg>.pub` file - `authorized_keys` files on servers - `https://gitlab.com/<username>.keys` - `https://github.com/<username>.keys` The `SshSig::Verifier#from_gitlab` and `SshSig::Verifier#from_github` methods are provided to automatically load public keys from the respective `<username>.keys` urls. ```ruby require 'ssh_sig' blob = ::SshSig::Blob.from_armor( <<~EOF -----BEGIN SSH SIGNATURE----- U1NIU0lHAAAAAQAAADMAAAALc3NoLWVkMjU1MTkAAAAgtc+Qk8jhMwVZk/jFEFCM16LNQb 30q5kK30bbetfjyTMAAAAEZmlsZQAAAAAAAAAGc2hhNTEyAAAAUwAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUx OQAAAECJITeYJIlEeydsCTh1DkfdhlDJFBa73ojfWe0MbrIzoJKd9THd9WeQrhygSRGsNG cU/stk3/919nykg67yG2gN -----END SSH SIGNATURE----- EOF ) message = 'This message was definitely sent by Brian Williams' valid = ::SshSig::Verifier .from_gitlab('bwill') .verify(blob, message) if valid puts 'Signature is valid' else puts 'Signature is not valid' end ``` ## Is it safe to re-purpose SSH keys for signing? Yes. The [SSH signature protocol](https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/blob/d575cf44895104e0fcb0629920fb645207218129/PROTOCOL.sshsig) is designed to be resistant to cross-protocol attacks, where signatures created for one purpose (i.e. signing a git commit), may be re-used for another purpose (i.e. authenticating to a server). It does this using the magic pre-amble (to differentiate between messages signed by `ssh-keygen` and messages used for SSH authentication) and namespaces (to differentiate between messages signed by `ssh-keygen` but used for different purposes). This causes identical messages to produce different signatures for each different protocol. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/ssh_sig. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct](https://github.com/[USERNAME]/ssh_sig/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
roman_monkey is a set of simple tools for formatting the numbers from 1 to 3999 as roman numerals, as well as, converting and validating the roman numerals themselves.
A simple gem that encodes numbers into seven segment display format and decodes seven segment strings to numbers.
Round numbers into a reader friendly format
Used to validate phone numbers, format phone numbers according to international standards or Vietnamese standards, extract the country code (country name) via phone number, check the phone number of the network (within the range Viet Nam) then return to the network provider providing the phone number
A utility class for formatting numbers in common ways.
This gem parses the `.loi` file format and allows to check if a given National Insurance Number card serial number is marked as 'in opposition', or to extract all the serial numbers in opposition.
Provides a number of validators for various parameter types and formats.
Formats a number into a currency string (e.g., $1,567.65).
Prettify big numbers using Short Scale format.
Very simple ruby application that prompts you for the number of rounds you want to play. Created following the tutorials from pragmaticstudio. Just enter a number and the game players will randomly find treasures and gain/lose hit points. You can play as many times as you want until you enter exit/quit. You can also include your own csv files of any players you want to use. The format is 'player_name, health' ex: player1, 100 player2, 40 player3, 50 To use: install the gem gem install DemoGame Run it from the command line with cmd 'demo_game'
The Tripletex API is a **RESTful API**, which does not implement PATCH, but uses a PUT with optional fields. **Actions** or commands are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed `:`. Example: `/v2/hours/123/:approve`. **Summaries** or aggregated results are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed <code>></code>. Example: <code>/v2/hours/>thisWeeksBillables</code>. **"requestID"** is a key found in all validation and error responses. If additional log information is absolutely necessary, our support division can locate the key value. **Download** the [swagger.json](/v2/swagger.json) file [OpenAPI Specification](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification) to [generate code](https://github.com/sveredyuk/tripletex_ruby). This document was generated from the Swagger JSON file. **version:** This is a versioning number found on all DB records. If included, it will prevent your PUT/POST from overriding any updates to the record since your GET. **Date & DateTime** follows the **ISO 8601** standard. Date: `YYYY-MM-DD`. DateTime: `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ` **Sorting** is done by specifying a comma separated list, where a `-` prefix denotes descending. You can sort by sub object with the following format: `project.name, -date`. **Searching:** is done by entering values in the optional fields for each API call. The values fall into the following categories: range, in, exact and like. **Missing fields or even no response data** can occur because result objects and fields are filtered on authorization. **See [FAQ](https://tripletex.no/execute/docViewer?articleId=906&language=0) for more additional information.** ## Authentication: - **Tokens:** The Tripletex API uses 3 different tokens - **consumerToken**, **employeeToken** and **sessionToken**. - **consumerToken** is a token provided to the consumer by Tripletex after the API 2.0 registration is completed. - **employeeToken** is a token created by an administrator in your Tripletex account via the user settings and the tab "API access". Each employee token must be given a set of entitlements. [Read more here.](https://tripletex.no/execute/docViewer?articleId=853&language=0) - **sessionToken** is the token from `/token/session/:create` which requires a consumerToken and an employeeToken created with the same consumer token, but not an authentication header. See how to create a sessionToken [here](https://tripletex.no/execute/docViewer?articleId=855&language=0). - The session token is used as the password in "Basic Authentication Header" for API calls. - Use blank or `0` as username for accessing the account with regular employee token, or if a company owned employee token accesses <code>/company/>withLoginAccess</code> or <code>/token/session/>whoAmI</code>. - For company owned employee tokens (accounting offices) the ID from <code>/company/>withLoginAccess</code> can be used as username for accessing client accounts. - If you need to create the header yourself use <code>Authorization: Basic <base64encode('0:sessionToken')></code>. ## Tags: - <div class="tag-icon-beta"></div> **[BETA]** This is a beta endpoint and can be subject to change. - <div class="tag-icon-deprecated"></div> **[DEPRECATED]** Deprecated means that we intend to remove/change this feature or capability in a future "major" API release. We therefore discourage all use of this feature/capability. ## Fields: Use the `fields` parameter to specify which fields should be returned. This also supports fields from sub elements. Example values: - `project,activity,hours` returns `{project:..., activity:...., hours:...}`. - just `project` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345, "url": "tripletex.no/v2/projects/12345" }`. - `project(*)` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345 "name":"ProjectName" "number.....startDate": "2013-01-07" }`. - `project(name)` returns `"project" : { "name":"ProjectName" }`. - All elements and some subElements : `*,activity(name),employee(*)`. ## Changes: To get the changes for a resource, `changes` have to be explicitly specified as part of the `fields` parameter, e.g. `*,changes`. There are currently two types of change available: - `CREATE` for when the resource was created - `UPDATE` for when the resource was updated NOTE: For objects created prior to October 24th 2018 the list may be incomplete, but will always contain the CREATE and the last change (if the object has been changed after creation). ## Rate limiting in each response header: Rate limiting is performed on the API calls for an employee for each API consumer. Status regarding the rate limit is returned as headers: - `X-Rate-Limit-Limit` - The number of allowed requests in the current period. - `X-Rate-Limit-Remaining` - The number of remaining requests. - `X-Rate-Limit-Reset` - The number of seconds left in the current period. Once the rate limit is hit, all requests will return HTTP status code `429` for the remainder of the current period. ## Response envelope: ``` { "fullResultSize": ###, "from": ###, // Paging starting from "count": ###, // Paging count "versionDigest": "Hash of full result", "values": [...list of objects...] } { "value": {...single object...} } ``` ## WebHook envelope: ``` { "subscriptionId": ###, "event": "object.verb", // As listed from /v2/event/ "id": ###, // Object id "value": {... single object, null if object.deleted ...} } ``` ## Error/warning envelope: ``` { "status": ###, // HTTP status code "code": #####, // internal status code of event "message": "Basic feedback message in your language", "link": "Link to doc", "developerMessage": "More technical message", "validationMessages": [ // Will be null if Error { "field": "Name of field", "message": "Validation failure information" } ], "requestId": "UUID used in any logs" } ``` ## Status codes / Error codes: - **200 OK** - **201 Created** - From POSTs that create something new. - **204 No Content** - When there is no answer, ex: "/:anAction" or DELETE. - **400 Bad request** - - **4000** Bad Request Exception - **11000** Illegal Filter Exception - **12000** Path Param Exception - **24000** Cryptography Exception - **401 Unauthorized** - When authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided - **3000** Authentication Exception - **9000** Security Exception - **403 Forbidden** - When AuthorisationManager says no. - **404 Not Found** - For content/IDs that does not exist. - **6000** Not Found Exception - **409 Conflict** - Such as an edit conflict between multiple simultaneous updates - **7000** Object Exists Exception - **8000** Revision Exception - **10000** Locked Exception - **14000** Duplicate entry - **422 Bad Request** - For Required fields or things like malformed payload. - **15000** Value Validation Exception - **16000** Mapping Exception - **17000** Sorting Exception - **18000** Validation Exception - **21000** Param Exception - **22000** Invalid JSON Exception - **23000** Result Set Too Large Exception - **429 Too Many Requests** - Request rate limit hit - **500 Internal Error** - Unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable - **1000** Exception
Gem to format numbers
An inputmask helps the user with the input by ensuring a predefined format. This can be usefull for dates, numerics, phone numbers...
A simple gem to format a numbers
Welcome to the "Knuckleheads" game, a (slightly enhanced version of the) fully functional text driven game written in Ruby 1.9 and used as a teaching aid for the excellent web-based Ruby course administered by Pragmatic Studios. W00t! W00t! Before playing, fill the default csv file "players.csv" with any number of players by putting the name of each followed by their initial health (an integer separated from the name by a comma). Each player must be on a new line. You may also create an alternate file formatted the same way with a different name. (A sample alternate player file called "more_nuts.csv" is provided as an example.) Invoke an alternate file simply by entering the file name when prompted. How fun is that!! To start the game, start the Ruby file "studio_game.rb" in Ruby 1.9 (or later should work as well) and follow the directions. By the way, there are two players added in hard code with modified behavior. One is "sandro" a LOSER or "clumsy" player who damages his treasure upon collecting it, resulting in the value of each treasure being worth only half of it's original value. What a klutz! The other is a wild-ass player, "bright_eyes." He's a serious partyier! After every other player is spent, he "finds the last beer in the fridge" and can't help but w00t. Bright_eyes starts off just like everyone else. But after being w00ted six times he goes freak'n w00t-crazy and w00ts EVERY TIME! You better think long and hard before committing to joining Mr. bright_eyes. Legend has it that he eats the livers of his prey after he parties them to death, and in this way remains an immortal player! Now fire up that command line for some outrageous fun! CAUTION: It is addictive. My cousin, Schneebo (the Schneebo on my Dad's side, NOT Schneebo Salifronski) once sat down and played Knuckleheads non-stop for 176.39 hours. It's the truth - you've been warned. Oh, and by the way: Three w00ts for Pragmatic Studios - woot, woot, h00ray! - woot, woot, h00ray! - woot, woot, h00ray!
Gem to format numbers directly inside model, view and controller
Docsplit is a command-line utility and Ruby library for splitting apart documents into their component parts: searchable UTF-8 plain text, page images or thumbnails in any format, PDFs, single pages, and document metadata (title, author, number of pages...)
Takes licence plate as a input and outputs facility code and card number in Wiegand 26 bit format