Welcome to the "Knuckleheads" game, a (slightly enhanced version of the) fully functional text driven game written in Ruby 1.9 and used as a teaching aid for the excellent web-based Ruby course administered by Pragmatic Studios. W00t! W00t!
Before playing, fill the default csv file "players.csv" with any number of players by putting the name of each followed by their initial health (an integer separated from the name by a comma). Each player must be on a new line. You may also create an alternate file formatted the same way with a different name. (A sample alternate player file called "more_nuts.csv" is provided as an example.) Invoke an alternate file simply by entering the file name when prompted. How fun is that!!
To start the game, start the Ruby file "studio_game.rb" in Ruby 1.9 (or later should work as well) and follow the directions.
By the way, there are two players added in hard code with modified behavior. One is "sandro" a LOSER or "clumsy" player who damages his treasure upon collecting it, resulting in the value of each treasure being worth only half of it's original value. What a klutz!
The other is a wild-ass player, "bright_eyes." He's a serious partyier! After every other player is spent, he "finds the last beer in the fridge" and can't help but w00t. Bright_eyes starts off just like everyone else. But after being w00ted six times he goes freak'n w00t-crazy and w00ts EVERY TIME! You better think long and hard before committing to joining Mr. bright_eyes. Legend has it that he eats the livers of his prey after he parties them to death, and in this way remains an immortal player!
Now fire up that command line for some outrageous fun! CAUTION: It is addictive. My cousin, Schneebo (the Schneebo on my Dad's side, NOT Schneebo Salifronski) once sat down and played Knuckleheads non-stop for 176.39 hours. It's the truth - you've been warned.
Oh, and by the way:
Three w00ts for Pragmatic Studios - woot, woot, h00ray! - woot, woot, h00ray! - woot, woot, h00ray!