YARD-Cucumber is a YARD extension that processes Cucumber Features, Scenarios, Steps, Step Definitions, Transforms, and Tags and provides a documentation interface that allows you easily view and investigate the test suite. This tools hopes to bridge the gap of being able to provide your feature descriptions to your Product Owners and Stakeholders.
Re-run failed RSpec tests.
FireWatir stands for "Web Application Testing in Ruby for Firefox". FireWatir (pronounced firewater) is a free, open-source functional testing tool for automating browser-based tests of web applications. It works with applications written in any language. FireWatir drives the Firefox browser the same way an end user would. It clicks links, fills in forms, presses buttons. FireWatir also checks results, such as whether expected text appears on the page, or whether a control is enabled. FireWatir is a Ruby library that works with Firefox on Windows. It also works on Linux, Mac but without support for JavaScript popups (currently support will be there shortly).
Visual email testing
Test Rails generators with RSpec
Provides simple way to integrate regression test selection approach to your RSpec test suite
Role-based authorization system for Rails with a concise DSL for securing your Rails application. Acl9 makes it easy to get security right for your app, the access control code sits right in your controller, the syntax is very easy to understand, and acl9 makes it easy to test your access rules.
ruby-plsql gem provides simple Ruby API for calling Oracle PL/SQL procedures. It could be used both for accessing Oracle PL/SQL API procedures in legacy applications as well as it could be used to create PL/SQL unit tests using Ruby testing libraries.
If Rake won't do it by itself, you oughtta Mattock. If you survived the pun, you might enjoy this gem. Features: * Extensions to Tasklibs to support powerful deerpaths. * A commandline library that supports mocking for tests. * A module to support common templating patterns
Making callback tests easy on the fingers and eyes
Infrastructure Behavior Testing Framework
Run Jasmine JavaScript unit tests, integrate them into Ruby applications.
Provides a fake SQS server that you can run locally to test against
Guard::Test automatically run your tests on file modification.
A set of RSpec matchers for testing Pundit authorisation policies
A collection of helpers for testing OpenTelemetry Ruby
Tools for testing the Calabash Toolchain locally, on Travis CI, and Jenkins
minitest-hooks adds around and before_all/after_all/around_all hooks for Minitest. This allows you do things like run each suite of specs inside a database transaction, running each spec inside its own savepoint inside that transaction, which can significantly speed up testing for specs that share expensive database setup code.
Ruby gem to merge Cucumber JSON reports and build mobile-friendly HTML Test Report, JSON report and retry file.
System testing with rspec
Easily test JSONAPIs and Graphiti Resources
Test Unit runner for spork
Automatically generates tests for your Puppet code
Integration tests for GitLab
An extremely fast, expressive, and context-driven unit-testing framework. A replacement for all other testing frameworks. Protest the slow test.
A Ruby library for controlling Toxiproxy. Can be used in resiliency testing.
Runs your tests in a random timezone
A Ruby gem for faking external web services for testing
Adding snapshot testing to RSpec
A fake Pusher server for development and testing.
Ball Aerospace COSMOS provides all the functionality needed to send commands to and receive data from one or more embedded systems referred to as "targets". Out of the box functionality includes: Telemetry Display, Telemetry Graphing, Operational and Test Scripting, Command Sending, Logging, and more.
Testing FTP? Use this!
Ruby based DSL for writing JMeter test plans
A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on CRuby 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1.1. See `.travis.yml` for more information. Include: - Descriptive statistics: frequencies, median, mean, standard error, skew, kurtosis (and many others). - Correlations: Pearson's r, Spearman's rank correlation (rho), point biserial, tau a, tau b and gamma. Tetrachoric and Polychoric correlation provides by statsample-bivariate-extension gem. - Intra-class correlation - Anova: generic and vector-based One-way ANOVA and Two-way ANOVA, with contrasts for One-way ANOVA. - Tests: F, T, Levene, U-Mannwhitney. - Regression: Simple, Multiple (OLS), Probit and Logit - Factorial Analysis: Extraction (PCA and Principal Axis), Rotation (Varimax, Equimax, Quartimax) and Parallel Analysis and Velicer's MAP test, for estimation of number of factors. - Reliability analysis for simple scale and a DSL to easily analyze multiple scales using factor analysis and correlations, if you want it. - Dominance Analysis, with multivariate dependent and bootstrap (Azen & Budescu) - Sample calculation related formulas - Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), using R libraries +sem+ and +OpenMx+ - Creates reports on text, html and rtf, using ReportBuilder gem - Graphics: Histogram, Boxplot and Scatterplot.
Cucumber adaptor to generate rich allure test reports
== DESCRIPTION: Puppet Provisioner for Test Kitchen == FEATURES: Supports puppet apply, puppet agent, puppet bolt, hiera, hiera-eyaml, hiera-eyaml-gpg, custom facts, librarian-puppet, puppet collections
Allows you to focus on a few tests with ease without having to use command-line arguments. Good for tools like guard that don't have enough brains to understand test output. Cf. minitest-autotest (an example of a test runner with strong testing logic). Inspired by https://github.com/seattlerb/minitest/issues/213
Mr Bones is a handy tool that creates new Ruby projects from a code skeleton. The skeleton contains some starter code and a collection of rake tasks to ease the management and deployment of your source code. Several Mr Bones plugins are available for creating git repositories, creating GitHub projects, running various test suites and source code analysis tools.
A meta package to use all test-unit extensions.
Execute YARD examples as tests
Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API]. Its goals are: * Idiomatic Ruby * No dependencies outside of the Ruby standard library (This is true with Rails 2.1. Previous Rails versions require the JSON gem) * Concrete classes and methods modeling the Facebook data, so it's easy for a Rubyist to understand what's available * Well tested
Work with your tests, not against them.
minitest/rspec parallel test runner for CI environments
Busser - Runs tests for projects in Test Kitchen
Improved file transfers for for test-kitchen
Xamarin Test Cloud lets you automatically test your app on hundreds of mobile devices
RAutomation is a small and easy to use library for helping out to automate windows and their controls for automated testing. RAutomation provides: * Easy to use and user-friendly API (inspired by Watir http://www.watir.com) * Cross-platform compatibility * Easy extensibility - with small scripting effort it's possible to add support for not yet supported platforms or technologies
More resilient test doubles for RSpec.
Easy to use mocking for testing the Bunny client for RabbitMQ
When ShamRack doesn't quite cut it; when your JavaScript and non-Ruby code needs to hit an external API for your tests; when you're excited about spinning up a full server instead of faking out Net::HTTP: we present the Discoball.