test/spec layers an RSpec-inspired interface on top of Test::Unit, so you can mix TDD and BDD (Behavior-Driven Development). test/spec is a clean-room implementation that maps most kinds of Test::Unit assertions to a `should'-like syntax.
Test your ActionMailer and Mailer messages in Capybara
Konacha is a Rails engine that allows you to test your JavaScript with the mocha test framework and chai assertion library. It is similar to Jasmine and Evergreen, but does not attempt to be framework agnostic. By sticking with Rails, Konacha can take full advantage of features such as the asset pipeline and engines.
Quickly bundle any Ruby libraries into a RubyGem and share it with the world, your colleagues, or perhaps just with yourself amongst your projects. RubyGems are centrally stored, versioned, and support dependencies between other gems, so they are the ultimate way to bundle libraries, executables, associated tests, examples, and more. Within this gem, you get one thing - <code>newgem</code> - an executable to create your own gems. Your new gems will include designated folders for Ruby code, test files, executables, and even a default website page for you to explain your project, and which instantly uploads to RubyForge website (which looks just like this one by default)
MiniTest/RSpec/Cucumber formatter that gives each test file its own line of dots
RSpec tests for your AWS resources.
Generate beautiful API documentation, including a UI to explore and test operations, directly from your rspec integration tests. OpenAPI 2 and 3 supported. More about the OpenAPI initiative here: http://spec.openapis.org/
Run your jasmine tests in a real live browser!
This library provides a number of PDF::Reader[0] based tools for use in testing PDF output. Presently, the primary purpose of this tool is to support the tests found in Prawn[1], a pure Ruby PDF generation library. However, it may be useful to others, so we have made it available as a gem in its own right. [0] https://github.com/yob/pdf-reader [1] https://github.com/prawnpdf/prawn
Autotest plugin to enable rails-style test filenames.
rcodetools is a collection of Ruby code manipulation tools. It includes xmpfilter and editor-independent Ruby development helper tools, as well as emacs and vim interfaces. Currently, rcodetools comprises: * xmpfilter: Automagic Test::Unit assertions/RSpec expectations and code annotations * rct-complete: Accurate method/class/constant etc. completions * rct-doc: Document browsing and code navigator * rct-meth-args: Precise method info (meta-prog. aware) and TAGS generation
This plugin adds the ability to tests against the Refinery CMS gem while inside a Refinery CMS extension
A Test Kitchen Driver for Amazon EC2
makes after_commit callbacks testable in Rails 3+ with transactional_fixtures
RSpec test doubles for ActiveModel and ActiveRecord
A Test Kitchen Verifier for InSpec
Guard::Jasmine automatically tests your Jasmine specs on PhantomJS
High method and class churn has been shown to have increased bug and error rates. This gem helps you know what is changing a lot so you can do additional testing, code review, or refactoring to try to tame the volatile code.
Provides help with developing and testing Netzke components
Strategies for cleaning databases using ActiveRecord. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.
JSON matchmaking for all your API testing needs.
Transaction::Simple provides a generic way to add active transaction support to objects. The transaction methods added by this module will work with most objects, excluding those that cannot be Marshal-ed (bindings, procedure objects, IO instances, or singleton objects). The transactions supported by Transaction::Simple are not associated with any sort of data store. They are "live" transactions occurring in memory on the object itself. This is to allow "test" changes to be made to an object before making the changes permanent. Transaction::Simple can handle an "infinite" number of transaction levels (limited only by memory). If I open two transactions, commit the second, but abort the first, the object will revert to the original version. Transaction::Simple supports "named" transactions, so that multiple levels of transactions can be committed, aborted, or rewound by referring to the appropriate name of the transaction. Names may be any object except nil. Transaction groups are also supported. A transaction group is an object wrapper that manages a group of objects as if they were a single object for the purpose of transaction management. All transactions for this group of objects should be performed against the transaction group object, not against individual objects in the group. Version 1.4.0 of Transaction::Simple adds a new post-rewind hook so that complex graph objects of the type in tests/tc_broken_graph.rb can correct themselves. Version just fixes a simple bug with #transaction method handling during the deprecation warning. Version is a small update for people who use Transaction::Simple in bundler (adding lib/transaction-simple.rb) and other scenarios where having Hoe as a runtime dependency (a bug fixed in Hoe several years ago, but not visible in Transaction::Simple because it has not needed a re-release). All of the files internally have also been marked as UTF-8, ensuring full Ruby 1.9 compatibility.
pod gen allows you to keep your Podfile and podspecs as the single source of truth for pods under development. By generating throw-away workspaces capable of building, running, and testing a pod, you can focus on library development without worrying about other code or managing an Xcode project. pod gen works particularly well for monorepo projects, since it is capable of using your existing settings when generating the workspace, making each gen'ed project truly a small slice of the larger application.
Rails performance tests (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
Set of matchers and helpers to allow you test your APIs responses like a pro.
A Rack based reverse proxy for basic needs. Useful for testing or in cases where webserver configuration is unavailable.
Culerity integrates Cucumber and Celerity in order to test your application's full stack.
A Sinatra extension for setting and showing Rails-like flash messages. This extension improves on the Rack::Flash gem by being simpler to use, providing a full range of hash operations (including iterating through various flash keys, testing the size of the hash, etc.), and offering a 'styled_flash' view helper to render the entire flash hash with sensible CSS classes. The downside is reduced flexibility -- these methods will *only* work in Sinatra.
Serv-O-Lux is a collection of Ruby classes that are useful for daemon and process management, and for writing your own Ruby services. The code is well documented and tested. It works with Ruby and JRuby supporting 1.9 and 2.0 interpreters.
Steak is a minimal extension of RSpec-Rails that adds several conveniences to do acceptance testing of Rails applications using Capybara. It's an alternative to Cucumber in plain Ruby.
Command-line tool for guessing which spec files are relevant to a set of input file paths.
Adds Capybara feature tests in Minitest and Rails.
RSpec::Wait enables time-resilient expectations in your RSpec test suite.
This implementation conforms to RFC 2898, and has been tested using the test vectors in Appendix B of RFC 3962. Note, however, that while those specifications use HMAC-SHA-1, this implementation defaults to HMAC-SHA-256. (SHA-256 provides a longer bit length. In addition, NIST has stated that SHA-1 should be phased out due to concerns over recent cryptanalytic attacks.)
Use cucumber to test native iOS apps via Frank
Use vim (or any other text editor) from inside irb to quickly test & write new code.
[DEPRECATED] A Ruby helper for running tests in Sauce Labs' browser testing cloud service. #[DEPRECATED] Sauce Labs does not recommend this gem. It will not receive further development or support.
Apparition is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on Chrome in a headless or headed manner
Providing a simple command line tool for puppet content creators, to enable simple and complex test deployments.
Extends mocha to allow detailed tracking and querying of stub and mock invocations. Allows test spies using the have_received rspec matcher and assert_received for Test::Unit. Extracted from the jferris-mocha fork.
FixtureBuilder allows testers to use their existing factories, like FactoryGirl, to generate high performance fixtures that can be shared across all your tests and development environment. The best of all worlds! Speed, Maintainability, Flexibility, Consistency, and Simplicity!
A Test Kitchen Driver for Docker & Chef Infra optimized for rapid testing using Chef Infra docker images
Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
Create temporary table-backed ActiveRecord models for use in tests
Unit tests for maintaining test-driven Sass libraries.
A library to make it easier to do golden-master style testing in Ruby
A project that wraps selenium API into object-oriented testing style and packages it into a RubyGem.
ShamRack plumbs Net::HTTP directly into Rack, for quick and easy HTTP testing.
'extensions' is a set of extensions to Ruby's built-in classes. It gathers common idioms, useful additions, and aliases, complete with unit testing and documentation, so they are suitable for production code. See http://extensions.rubyforge.org for full documentation.
Generate ActiveRecord models on the fly for your tests