Normally resque processes queues in a fixed order. This can lead to
jobs in queues at the end of the list not getting handled for very
long periods. resque-fairly provides a mechanism where by workers are
distributed across the set of queues with pending jobs fairly. This
results in a much more predictable mean time to handling for jobs in
queues that are not the first in the list.
Weighted Priorites
resque-fairly works by sorting the queues randomly before assigning
the next queue on the list to a worker. You can add weights to
your various queues to alter their likelihood of being selected, by
using /priorities/. The priorities select queues by regular expression.
Resque::Plugins::Fairly.prioritize(/^a/, 2)
The above will prioritize queues whose names start with 'a' to
be selected twice as often as the default.
You can use any floating point number as the multiplier. If a queue is
matched by more than one priority, the final weight will be the product
of all the matching weights.
Only and Except filters
Also filters the queues based on one or more regular expressions to
include and/or exclude the matching queues. Note: All these methods
are also chainable.
The above will return a randomized list of queues which contain the
text 'foo', but not the text 'foobar'
Clears all priorities and only and except filters.
Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a
future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with the version. (if you
want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a
commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright (c) 2009 OpenLogic, Inc. See LICENSE for details.