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Interview on the Daytona DotFiles Insider Blog

Socket CEO Feross Aboukhadijeh was interviewed on the Daytona DotFiles Insider blog on the challenges developers face when selecting open source packages and how Socket is working to create a more secure ecosystem.

Interview on the Daytona DotFiles Insider Blog

Sarah Gooding

February 28, 2024

Socket CEO Feross Aboukhadijeh was interviewed on the Daytona DotFiles Insider blog, which features insights and product news. Daytona is a GitHub Codespaces alternative for managing self-hosted, standardized development environments. It’s an interesting tool that focuses on streamlining development environments for collaboration.

The interview emphasized the critical role of open-source software in modern applications, and the mandate for proactive security measures that go beyond just reviewing internally written code. With many applications spanning more than 10,000 dependencies, it’s more code than developers can realistically review manually. This is why we are using LLMs to gain visibility into existing risks within an application's codebase, combined with a developer-first strategy that enables them to act on these security alerts.

The attacks we see happening today require organizations to look beyond traditional vulnerability scanners and use more proactive AI-powered tools earlier in the development process. This is a major shift in how organizations have secured open source code in the past.

Check out the post titled “Fortifying Open Source Foundations with Socket” on the Daytona blog.

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