Package testevents is an example for this question on StackOverflow: It provides a simple wrapper of *testing.T and a basic event manager API to dispatch events on tests. An example of its use would be, at the top of your testing file: This package is engineered to be as close to the original testing framework as possible. Note that the Parallel function is intentionally left unimplemented, as the package is not concurrency safe.
Before running this program, first fetch the data with fetch-all-questions into some base directory. Pass this base directory with the -dir flag to this program. To get a month-by-month breakdown from start date to end date, use the -bymonth flag. Eli Bendersky [] This code is in the public domain. StackOverflow analysis using its API in Go. This program just fetches data from the StackOverflow API. The idea is that you run it once to fetch all the data you need, and can then analyze this data locally by repeatedly invoking analyze-question-sentiment with different parameters. To get the increased API quota, get a key from and run with the env var STACK_KEY=<key> Eli Bendersky [] This code is in the public domain.