Package sasl implements the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) as defined by RFC 4422. Most users of this package will only need to create a Negotiator using NewClient or NewServer and call its Step method repeatedly. Authors implementing SASL mechanisms other than the builtin ones will want to create a Mechanism struct which will likely use the other methods on the Negotiator. Be advised: This API is still unstable and is subject to change.
Package mailyak provides a simple interface for generating MIME compliant emails, and optionally sending them over SMTP. Both plain-text and HTML email body content is supported, and their types implement io.Writer allowing easy composition directly from templating engines, etc. Attachments are fully supported including inline attachments, with anything that implements io.Reader suitable as a source (like files on disk, in-memory buffers, etc). The raw MIME content can be retrieved using MimeBuf(), typically used with an API service such as Amazon SES that does not require using an SMTP interface. MailYak supports both plain-text SMTP (which is automatically upgraded to a secure connection with STARTTLS if supported by the SMTP server) and explicit TLS connections.