Package couchdb is a driver for connecting with a CouchDB server over HTTP. Use the `couch` driver name when using this driver. The DSN should be a full URL, likely with login credentials: The CouchDB driver generally interprets kivik.Options keys and values as URL query parameters. Values of the following types will be converted to their appropriate string representation when URL-encoded: Passing any other type will return an error. The only exceptions to the above rule are: The CouchDB driver supports a number of authentication methods. For most uses, you don't need to worry about authentication at all--just include authentication credentials in your connection DSN: This will use Cookie authentication by default. To use one of the explicit authentication mechanisms, you'll need to use kivik's Authenticate method. For example: Normally, to include an attachment in a CouchDB document, it must be base-64 encoded, which leads to increased network traffic and higher CPU load. CouchDB also supports the option to upload multiple attachments in a single request using the 'multipart/related' content type. See As an experimental feature, this is now supported by the Kivik CouchDB driver as well. To take advantage of this capability, the `doc` argument to the Put() method must be either: With this in place, the CouchDB driver will switch to `multipart/related` mode, sending each attachment in binary format, rather than base-64 encoding it. To function properly, each attachment must have an accurate Size value. If the Size value is unset, the entirely attachment may be read to determine its size, prior to sending it over the network, leading to delays and unnecessary I/O and CPU usage. The simplest way to ensure efficiency is to use the NewAttachment() method, provided by this package. See the documentation on that method for proper usage. Example: To disable the `multipart/related` capabilities entirely, you may pass the `NoMultipartPut` option, with any value. This will fallback to the default of inline base-64 encoding the attachments. Example: If you find yourself wanting to disable this feature, due to bugs or performance, please consider filing a bug report against Kivik as well, so we can look for a solution that will allow using this optimization.
Package couchdb is a driver for connecting with a CouchDB server over HTTP. Use the `couch` driver name when using this driver. The DSN should be a full URL, likely with login credentials: The CouchDB driver generally interprets kivik.Options keys and values as URL query parameters. Values of the following types will be converted to their appropriate string representation when URL-encoded: Passing any other type will return an error. The only exceptions to the above rule are: The CouchDB driver supports a number of authentication methods. For most uses, you don't need to worry about authentication at all--just include authentication credentials in your connection DSN: This will use Cookie authentication by default. To use one of the explicit authentication mechanisms, you'll need to use kivik's Authenticate method. For example: Normally, to include an attachment in a CouchDB document, it must be base-64 encoded, which leads to increased network traffic and higher CPU load. CouchDB also supports the option to upload multiple attachments in a single request using the 'multipart/related' content type. See As an experimental feature, this is now supported by the Kivik CouchDB driver as well. To take advantage of this capability, the `doc` argument to the Put() method must be either: With this in place, the CouchDB driver will switch to `multipart/related` mode, sending each attachment in binary format, rather than base-64 encoding it. To function properly, each attachment must have an accurate Size value. If the Size value is unset, the entirely attachment may be read to determine its size, prior to sending it over the network, leading to delays and unnecessary I/O and CPU usage. The simplest way to ensure efficiency is to use the NewAttachment() method, provided by this package. See the documentation on that method for proper usage. Example: To disable the `multipart/related` capabilities entirely, you may pass the `NoMultipartPut` option, with any value. This will fallback to the default of inline base-64 encoding the attachments. Example: If you find yourself wanting to disable this feature, due to bugs or performance, please consider filing a bug report against Kivik as well, so we can look for a solution that will allow using this optimization.
Representation of a document in couch DB This is where all the code with respect to the documents go in. File stores the contents in the template file so that its part of the package. DesignDoc is needed with a name -> corresponds to the design document to query. Eash DesignDoc has a set of Views. -> Each view is a map reduce Function or raw javascript code.
Package couchdb provides a simple REST client for CouchDB
Package couchdb provides components to work with CouchDB 2.x with Go. Resource is the low-level wrapper functions of HTTP methods used for communicating with CouchDB Server. Server contains all the functions to work with CouchDB server, including some basic functions to facilitate the basic user management provided by it. Database contains all the functions to work with CouchDB database, such as documents manipulating and querying. ViewResults represents the results produced by design document views. When calling any of its functions like Offset(), TotalRows(), UpdateSeq() or Rows(), it will perform a query on views on server side, and returns results as slice of Row ViewDefinition is a definition of view stored in a specific design document, you can define your own map-reduce functions and Sync with the database. Document represents a document object in database. All struct that can be mapped into CouchDB document must have it embedded. For example: Then you can call Store(db, &user) to store it into CouchDB or Load(db, user.GetID(), &anotherUser) to get the data from database. ViewField represents a view definition value bound to Document. tools/replicate is a command-line tool for replicating databases from one CouchDB server to another. This is mainly for backup purposes, but you can also use -continuous option to set up automatic replication.
Package couchdb provides components to work with CouchDB 2.x with Go. Resource is the low-level wrapper functions of HTTP methods used for communicating with CouchDB Server. Server contains all the functions to work with CouchDB server, including some basic functions to facilitate the basic user management provided by it. Database contains all the functions to work with CouchDB database, such as documents manipulating and querying. ViewResults represents the results produced by design document views. When calling any of its functions like Offset(), TotalRows(), UpdateSeq() or Rows(), it will perform a query on views on server side, and returns results as slice of Row ViewDefinition is a definition of view stored in a specific design document, you can define your own map-reduce functions and Sync with the database. Document represents a document object in database. All struct that can be mapped into CouchDB document must have it embedded. For example: Then you can call Store(db, &user) to store it into CouchDB or Load(db, user.GetID(), &anotherUser) to get the data from database. ViewField represents a view definition value bound to Document.
Package couchdb provides components to work with CouchDB 2.x with Go. Resource is the low-level wrapper functions of HTTP methods used for communicating with CouchDB Server. Server contains all the functions to work with CouchDB server, including some basic functions to facilitate the basic user management provided by it. Database contains all the functions to work with CouchDB database, such as documents manipulating and querying. ViewResults represents the results produced by design document views. When calling any of its functions like Offset(), TotalRows(), UpdateSeq() or Rows(), it will perform a query on views on server side, and returns results as slice of Row ViewDefinition is a definition of view stored in a specific design document, you can define your own map-reduce functions and Sync with the database. Document represents a document object in database. All struct that can be mapped into CouchDB document must have it embedded. For example: Then you can call Store(db, &user) to store it into CouchDB or Load(db, user.GetID(), &anotherUser) to get the data from database. ViewField represents a view definition value bound to Document. tools/replicate is a command-line tool for replicating databases from one CouchDB server to another. This is mainly for backup purposes, but you can also use -continuous option to set up automatic replication.
Package couchdb provides components to work with CouchDB 2.x with Go. Resource is the low-level wrapper functions of HTTP methods used for communicating with CouchDB Server. Server contains all the functions to work with CouchDB server, including some basic functions to facilitate the basic user management provided by it. Database contains all the functions to work with CouchDB database, such as documents manipulating and querying. ViewResults represents the results produced by design document views. When calling any of its functions like Offset(), TotalRows(), UpdateSeq() or Rows(), it will perform a query on views on server side, and returns results as slice of Row ViewDefinition is a definition of view stored in a specific design document, you can define your own map-reduce functions and Sync with the database. Document represents a document object in database. All struct that can be mapped into CouchDB document must have it embedded. For example: Then you can call Store(db, &user) to store it into CouchDB or Load(db, user.GetID(), &anotherUser) to get the data from database. ViewField represents a view definition value bound to Document. tools/replicate is a command-line tool for replicating databases from one CouchDB server to another. This is mainly for backup purposes, but you can also use -continuous option to set up automatic replication.
Package couchdb is a driver for connecting with a CouchDB server over HTTP. Use the `couch` driver name when using this driver. The DSN should be a full URL, likely with login credentials: The CouchDB driver generally interprets kivik.Options keys and values as URL query parameters. Values of the following types will be converted to their appropriate string representation when URL-encoded: Passing any other type will return an error. The only exceptions to the above rule are: The CouchDB driver supports a number of authentication methods. For most uses, you don't need to worry about authentication at all--just include authentication credentials in your connection DSN: This will use Cookie authentication by default. To use one of the explicit authentication mechanisms, you'll need to use kivik's Authenticate method. For example: Normally, to include an attachment in a CouchDB document, it must be base-64 encoded, which leads to increased network traffic and higher CPU load. CouchDB also supports the option to upload multiple attachments in a single request using the 'multipart/related' content type. See As an experimental feature, this is now supported by the Kivik CouchDB driver as well. To take advantage of this capability, the `doc` argument to the Put() method must be either: With this in place, the CouchDB driver will switch to `multipart/related` mode, sending each attachment in binary format, rather than base-64 encoding it. To function properly, each attachment must have an accurate Size value. If the Size value is unset, the entirely attachment may be read to determine its size, prior to sending it over the network, leading to delays and unnecessary I/O and CPU usage. The simplest way to ensure efficiency is to use the NewAttachment() method, provided by this package. See the documentation on that method for proper usage. Example: To disable the `multipart/related` capabilities entirely, you may pass the `NoMultipartPut` option, with any value. This will fallback to the default of inline base-64 encoding the attachments. Example: If you find yourself wanting to disable this feature, due to bugs or performance, please consider filing a bug report against Kivik as well, so we can look for a solution that will allow using this optimization.
Package couchdb is a driver for connecting with a CouchDB server over HTTP. Use the `couch` driver name when using this driver. The DSN should be a full URL, likely with login credentials: The CouchDB driver generally interprets kivik.Options keys and values as URL query parameters. Values of the following types will be converted to their appropriate string representation when URL-encoded: Passing any other type will return an error. The only exceptions to the above rule are: The CouchDB driver supports a number of authentication methods. For most uses, you don't need to worry about authentication at all--just include authentication credentials in your connection DSN: This will use Cookie authentication by default. To use one of the explicit authentication mechanisms, you'll need to use kivik's Authenticate method. For example: Normally, to include an attachment in a CouchDB document, it must be base-64 encoded, which leads to increased network traffic and higher CPU load. CouchDB also supports the option to upload multiple attachments in a single request using the 'multipart/related' content type. See As an experimental feature, this is now supported by the Kivik CouchDB driver as well. To take advantage of this capability, the `doc` argument to the Put() method must be either: With this in place, the CouchDB driver will switch to `multipart/related` mode, sending each attachment in binary format, rather than base-64 encoding it. To function properly, each attachment must have an accurate Size value. If the Size value is unset, the entirely attachment may be read to determine its size, prior to sending it over the network, leading to delays and unnecessary I/O and CPU usage. The simplest way to ensure efficiency is to use the NewAttachment() method, provided by this package. See the documentation on that method for proper usage. Example: To disable the `multipart/related` capabilities entirely, you may pass the `NoMultipartPut` option, with any value. This will fallback to the default of inline base-64 encoding the attachments. Example: If you find yourself wanting to disable this feature, due to bugs or performance, please consider filing a bug report against Kivik as well, so we can look for a solution that will allow using this optimization.
Package couchdb is a driver for connecting with a CouchDB server over HTTP.
Package couchdb provides a simple REST client for CouchDB
Representation of a document in couch DB This is where all the code with respect to the documents go in. File stores the contents in the template file so that its part of the package. DesignDoc is needed with a name -> corresponds to the design document to query. Eash DesignDoc has a set of Views. -> Each view is a map reduce Function or raw javascript code.
Package couchdb provides components to work with CouchDB 2.x with Go. Resource is the low-level wrapper functions of HTTP methods used for communicating with CouchDB Server. Server contains all the functions to work with CouchDB server, including some basic functions to facilitate the basic user management provided by it. Database contains all the functions to work with CouchDB database, such as documents manipulating and querying. ViewResults represents the results produced by design document views. When calling any of its functions like Offset(), TotalRows(), UpdateSeq() or Rows(), it will perform a query on views on server side, and returns results as slice of Row ViewDefinition is a definition of view stored in a specific design document, you can define your own map-reduce functions and Sync with the database. Document represents a document object in database. All struct that can be mapped into CouchDB document must have it embedded. For example: Then you can call Store(db, &user) to store it into CouchDB or Load(db, user.GetID(), &anotherUser) to get the data from database. ViewField represents a view definition value bound to Document. tools/replicate is a command-line tool for replicating databases from one CouchDB server to another. This is mainly for backup purposes, but you can also use -continuous option to set up automatic replication.
Package couchdb is a driver for connecting with a CouchDB server over HTTP.
Package couchdb provides components to work with CouchDB 2.x with Go. Resource is the low-level wrapper functions of HTTP methods used for communicating with CouchDB Server. Server contains all the functions to work with CouchDB server, including some basic functions to facilitate the basic user management provided by it. Database contains all the functions to work with CouchDB database, such as documents manipulating and querying. ViewResults represents the results produced by design document views. When calling any of its functions like Offset(), TotalRows(), UpdateSeq() or Rows(), it will perform a query on views on server side, and returns results as slice of Row ViewDefinition is a definition of view stored in a specific design document, you can define your own map-reduce functions and Sync with the database. Document represents a document object in database. All struct that can be mapped into CouchDB document must have it embedded. For example: Then you can call Store(db, &user) to store it into CouchDB or Load(db, user.GetID(), &anotherUser) to get the data from database. ViewField represents a view definition value bound to Document. tools/replicate is a command-line tool for replicating databases from one CouchDB server to another. This is mainly for backup purposes, but you can also use -continuous option to set up automatic replication.
Package couchdb is a driver for connecting with a CouchDB server over HTTP.