Package appdash provides a Go app performance tracing suite. Appdash allows you to trace the end-to-end performance of hierarchically structured applications. You can, for example, measure the time and see the detailed information of each HTTP request and SQL query made by an entire distributed web application. The cmd/appdash tool launches a web front-end which displays a web UI for viewing collected app traces. It is effectively a remote collector which your application can connect and send events to. Timing and application-specific metadata information can be viewed in a nice timeline view for each span (e.g. HTTP request) and it's children. The web front-end can also be embedded in your own Go HTTP server by utilizing the traceapp sub-package, which is effectively what cmd/appdash serves internally. Sub-packages for HTTP and SQL event tracing are provided for use with appdash, which allows it to function equivalently to Google's Dapper and Twitter's Zipkin performance tracing suites. The most high-level structure is a Trace, which represents the performance of an application from start to finish (in an HTTP application, for example, the loading of a web page). A Trace is a tree structure that is made up of several spans, which are just IDs (in an HTTP application, these ID's are passed through the stack via a few special headers). Each span ID has a set of Events that directly correspond to it inside a Collector. These events can be any combination of message, log, time-span, or time-stamped events (the cmd/appdash web UI displays these events as appropriate). Inside your application, a Recorder is used to send events to a Collector, which can be a remote HTTP(S) collector, a local in-memory or persistent collector, etc. Additionally, you can implement the Collector interface yourself and store events however you like.
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Package easypgp is a generated protocol buffer package. It is generated from these files: It has these top-level messages: