Package goversioninfo creates a syso file which contains Microsoft Version Information and an optional icon.
Package gi is the top-level repository for the GoGi GUI framework. All of the code is in the sub-packages within this repository: * gist: css-based styling settings, including Color * girl: rendering library, can be used standalone, SVG compliant * gi: the main 2D GUI Node, Widgets, and Window * giv: more complex Views of Go data structures, supporting Model-View paradigm. * svg: full SVG rendering framework, used for Icons in gi. * gi3d: 3D rendering of a Scene within 2D windows -- full interactive 3D scenegraph. * histyle: text syntax-based highlighting styles -- used in giv.TextView * python: access all of GoGi from within Python using GoPy system.
Package IconFontCppHeaders provides mappings from human-friendly icon names to the corresponding Unicode code points for a variety of freely-available icon fonts (e.g., FontAwesome.)
Package favicon finds icons for websites. It can find icons in HTML (favicons in <link> elements, Open Graph or Twitter images) and in JSON manifests, or check common paths on the server (e.g. /favicon.ico). Package-level functions call the corresponding methods on a default Finder. For customised Finder behaviour, pass appropriate options to New().
Package systray is a cross-platform Go library to place an icon and menu in the notification area.
Package gi is the top-level repository for the GoGi GUI framework. All of the code is in the sub-packages within this repository: * gist: css-based styling settings, including Color * girl: rendering library, can be used standalone, SVG compliant * gi: the main 2D GUI Node, Widgets, and RenderWin * giv: more complex Views of Go data structures, supporting Model-View paradigm. * svg: full SVG rendering framework, used for Icons in gi. * gi3d: 3D rendering of a Scene within 2D windows -- full interactive 3D scenegraph. * histyle: text syntax-based highlighting styles -- used in textview.View * python: access all of GoGi from within Python using GoPy system.
Package systray is a cross-platform Go library to place an icon and menu in the notification area.