Package profiler contains tools to help profile a running Go service.
Package appflow provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon Appflow. Welcome to the Amazon AppFlow API reference. This guide is for developers who need detailed information about the Amazon AppFlow API operations, data types, and errors. Amazon AppFlow is a fully managed integration service that enables you to securely transfer data between software as a service (SaaS) applications like Salesforce, Marketo, Slack, and ServiceNow, and Amazon Web Services like Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift. Use the following links to get started on the Amazon AppFlow API: Actions Data types Common parameters Common errors If you're new to Amazon AppFlow, we recommend that you review the Amazon AppFlow User Guide. Amazon AppFlow API users can use vendor-specific mechanisms for OAuth, and include applicable OAuth attributes (such as auth-code and redirecturi ) with the connector-specific ConnectorProfileProperties when creating a new connector profile using Amazon AppFlow API operations. For example, Salesforce users can refer to the Authorize Apps with OAuthdocumentation.
Package netbug provides an http.Handler for executing the various profilers and debug tools in the Go standard library. netbug provides some advantages over the /net/http/pprof and /runtime/pprof packages: The simplest integration of netbug looks like: You can then access the index page via GET /myroute/ The netbug.RegisterAuthHandler function lets you register the handler on your http.ServeMux and add some simple authentication, in the form of a URL parameter: You can then access the index page via: The package also provides access to the handlers directly, for when you want to, say, wrap them in your own logic. Just be sure that when you use the handlers that netbug provides, you take care to use `http.StripPrefix` to strip the route you registered the handler on. This is because the handlers' logic expect them to be registered on "/". As you would expect, netbug works the same way with the go profiler tool as /net/http/pprof does. To run a 30 second CPU profile on your service for example:
Package profile is needed for go mod tidy
Package toolbox is a middleware that provides health check, pprof, profile and statistic services for Macaron.
Package ovirtclient provides a human-friendly Go client for the oVirt Engine. It provides an abstraction layer for the oVirt API, as well as a mocking facility for testing purposes. This documentation contains two parts. This introduction explains setting up the client with the credentials. The API doc contains the individual API calls. When reading the API doc, start with the Client interface: it contains all components of the API. The individual API's, their documentation and examples are located in subinterfaces, such as DiskClient. There are several ways to create a client instance. The most basic way is to use the New() function as follows: The mock client simulates the oVirt engine behavior in-memory without needing an actual running engine. This is a good way to provide a testing facility. It can be created using the NewMock method: That's it! However, to make it really useful, you will need the test helper which can set up test fixtures. The test helper can work in two ways: Either it sets up test fixtures in the mock client, or it sets up a live connection and identifies a usable storage domain, cluster, etc. for testing purposes. The ovirtclient.NewMockTestHelper() function can be used to create a test helper with a mock client in the backend: The easiest way to set up the test helper for a live connection is by using environment variables. To do that, you can use the ovirtclient.NewLiveTestHelperFromEnv() function: This function will inspect environment variables to determine if a connection to a live oVirt engine can be established. The following environment variables are supported: URL of the oVirt engine API. Mandatory. The username for the oVirt engine. Mandatory. The password for the oVirt engine. Mandatory. A file containing the CA certificate in PEM format. Provide the CA certificate in PEM format directly. Disable certificate verification if set. Not recommended. The cluster to use for testing. Will be automatically chosen if not provided. ID of the blank template. Will be automatically chosen if not provided. Storage domain to use for testing. Will be automatically chosen if not provided. VNIC profile to use for testing. Will be automatically chosen if not provided. You can also create the test helper manually: This library provides extensive logging. Each API interaction is logged on the debug level, and other messages are added on other levels. In order to provide logging this library uses the go-ovirt-client-log ( interface definition. As long as your logger implements this interface, you will be able to receive log messages. The logging library also provides a few built-in loggers. For example, you can log via the default Go log interface: Or, you can also log in tests: You can also disable logging: Finally, we also provide an adapter library for klog here: Modern-day oVirt engines run secured with TLS. This means that the client needs a way to verify the certificate the server is presenting. This is controlled by the tls parameter of the New() function. You can implement your own source by implementing the TLSProvider interface, but the package also includes a ready-to-use provider. Create the provider using the TLS() function: This provider has several functions. The easiest to set up is using the system trust root for certificates. However, this won't work own Windows: Now you need to add your oVirt engine certificate to your system trust root. If you don't want to, or can't add the certificate to the system trust root, you can also directly provide it to the client. Finally, you can also disable certificate verification. Do we need to say that this is a very, very bad idea? The configured tls variable can then be passed to the New() function to create an oVirt client. This library attempts to retry API calls that can be retried if possible. Each function has a sensible retry policy. However, you may want to customize the retries by passing one or more retry flags. The following retry flags are supported: This strategy will stop retries when the context parameter is canceled. This strategy adds a wait time after each time, which is increased by the given factor on each try. The default is a backoff with a factor of 2. This strategy will cancel retries if the error in question is a permanent error. This is enabled by default. This strategy will abort retries if a maximum number of tries is reached. On complex calls the retries are counted per underlying API call. This strategy will abort retries if a certain time has been elapsed for the higher level call. This strategy will abort retries if a certain underlying API call takes longer than the specified duration.
Package sdk is the official AWS SDK for the Go programming language. The AWS SDK for Go provides APIs and utilities that developers can use to build Go applications that use AWS services, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The SDK removes the complexity of coding directly against a web service interface. It hides a lot of the lower-level plumbing, such as authentication, request retries, and error handling. The SDK also includes helpful utilities on top of the AWS APIs that add additional capabilities and functionality. For example, the Amazon S3 Download and Upload Manager will automatically split up large objects into multiple parts and transfer them concurrently. See the s3manager package documentation for more information. Checkout the Getting Started Guide and API Reference Docs detailed the SDK's components and details on each AWS client the SDK supports. The Getting Started Guide provides examples and detailed description of how to get setup with the SDK. The API Reference Docs include a detailed breakdown of the SDK's components such as utilities and AWS clients. Use this as a reference of the Go types included with the SDK, such as AWS clients, API operations, and API parameters. The SDK is composed of two main components, SDK core, and service clients. The SDK core packages are all available under the aws package at the root of the SDK. Each client for a supported AWS service is available within its own package under the service folder at the root of the SDK. aws - SDK core, provides common shared types such as Config, Logger, and utilities to make working with API parameters easier. awserr - Provides the error interface that the SDK will use for all errors that occur in the SDK's processing. This includes service API response errors as well. The Error type is made up of a code and message. Cast the SDK's returned error type to awserr.Error and call the Code method to compare returned error to specific error codes. See the package's documentation for additional values that can be extracted such as RequestId. credentials - Provides the types and built in credentials providers the SDK will use to retrieve AWS credentials to make API requests with. Nested under this folder are also additional credentials providers such as stscreds for assuming IAM roles, and ec2rolecreds for EC2 Instance roles. endpoints - Provides the AWS Regions and Endpoints metadata for the SDK. Use this to lookup AWS service endpoint information such as which services are in a region, and what regions a service is in. Constants are also provided for all region identifiers, e.g UsWest2RegionID for "us-west-2". session - Provides initial default configuration, and load configuration from external sources such as environment and shared credentials file. request - Provides the API request sending, and retry logic for the SDK. This package also includes utilities for defining your own request retryer, and configuring how the SDK processes the request. service - Clients for AWS services. All services supported by the SDK are available under this folder. The SDK includes the Go types and utilities you can use to make requests to AWS service APIs. Within the service folder at the root of the SDK you'll find a package for each AWS service the SDK supports. All service clients follows a common pattern of creation and usage. When creating a client for an AWS service you'll first need to have a Session value constructed. The Session provides shared configuration that can be shared between your service clients. When service clients are created you can pass in additional configuration via the aws.Config type to override configuration provided by in the Session to create service client instances with custom configuration. Once the service's client is created you can use it to make API requests the AWS service. These clients are safe to use concurrently. In the AWS SDK for Go, you can configure settings for service clients, such as the log level and maximum number of retries. Most settings are optional; however, for each service client, you must specify a region and your credentials. The SDK uses these values to send requests to the correct AWS region and sign requests with the correct credentials. You can specify these values as part of a session or as environment variables. See the SDK's configuration guide for more information. See the session package documentation for more information on how to use Session with the SDK. See the Config type in the aws package for more information on configuration options. When using the SDK you'll generally need your AWS credentials to authenticate with AWS services. The SDK supports multiple methods of supporting these credentials. By default the SDK will source credentials automatically from its default credential chain. See the session package for more information on this chain, and how to configure it. The common items in the credential chain are the following: Environment Credentials - Set of environment variables that are useful when sub processes are created for specific roles. Shared Credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) - This file stores your credentials based on a profile name and is useful for local development. EC2 Instance Role Credentials - Use EC2 Instance Role to assign credentials to application running on an EC2 instance. This removes the need to manage credential files in production. Credentials can be configured in code as well by setting the Config's Credentials value to a custom provider or using one of the providers included with the SDK to bypass the default credential chain and use a custom one. This is helpful when you want to instruct the SDK to only use a specific set of credentials or providers. This example creates a credential provider for assuming an IAM role, "myRoleARN" and configures the S3 service client to use that role for API requests. See the credentials package documentation for more information on credential providers included with the SDK, and how to customize the SDK's usage of credentials. The SDK has support for the shared configuration file (~/.aws/config). This support can be enabled by setting the environment variable, "AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1", or enabling the feature in code when creating a Session via the Option's SharedConfigState parameter. In addition to the credentials you'll need to specify the region the SDK will use to make AWS API requests to. In the SDK you can specify the region either with an environment variable, or directly in code when a Session or service client is created. The last value specified in code wins if the region is specified multiple ways. To set the region via the environment variable set the "AWS_REGION" to the region you want to the SDK to use. Using this method to set the region will allow you to run your application in multiple regions without needing additional code in the application to select the region. The endpoints package includes constants for all regions the SDK knows. The values are all suffixed with RegionID. These values are helpful, because they reduce the need to type the region string manually. To set the region on a Session use the aws package's Config struct parameter Region to the AWS region you want the service clients created from the session to use. This is helpful when you want to create multiple service clients, and all of the clients make API requests to the same region. See the endpoints package for the AWS Regions and Endpoints metadata. In addition to setting the region when creating a Session you can also set the region on a per service client bases. This overrides the region of a Session. This is helpful when you want to create service clients in specific regions different from the Session's region. See the Config type in the aws package for more information and additional options such as setting the Endpoint, and other service client configuration options. Once the client is created you can make an API request to the service. Each API method takes a input parameter, and returns the service response and an error. The SDK provides methods for making the API call in multiple ways. In this list we'll use the S3 ListObjects API as an example for the different ways of making API requests. ListObjects - Base API operation that will make the API request to the service. ListObjectsRequest - API methods suffixed with Request will construct the API request, but not send it. This is also helpful when you want to get a presigned URL for a request, and share the presigned URL instead of your application making the request directly. ListObjectsPages - Same as the base API operation, but uses a callback to automatically handle pagination of the API's response. ListObjectsWithContext - Same as base API operation, but adds support for the Context pattern. This is helpful for controlling the canceling of in flight requests. See the Go standard library context package for more information. This method also takes request package's Option functional options as the variadic argument for modifying how the request will be made, or extracting information from the raw HTTP response. ListObjectsPagesWithContext - same as ListObjectsPages, but adds support for the Context pattern. Similar to ListObjectsWithContext this method also takes the request package's Option function option types as the variadic argument. In addition to the API operations the SDK also includes several higher level methods that abstract checking for and waiting for an AWS resource to be in a desired state. In this list we'll use WaitUntilBucketExists to demonstrate the different forms of waiters. WaitUntilBucketExists. - Method to make API request to query an AWS service for a resource's state. Will return successfully when that state is accomplished. WaitUntilBucketExistsWithContext - Same as WaitUntilBucketExists, but adds support for the Context pattern. In addition these methods take request package's WaiterOptions to configure the waiter, and how underlying request will be made by the SDK. The API method will document which error codes the service might return for the operation. These errors will also be available as const strings prefixed with "ErrCode" in the service client's package. If there are no errors listed in the API's SDK documentation you'll need to consult the AWS service's API documentation for the errors that could be returned. Pagination helper methods are suffixed with "Pages", and provide the functionality needed to round trip API page requests. Pagination methods take a callback function that will be called for each page of the API's response. Waiter helper methods provide the functionality to wait for an AWS resource state. These methods abstract the logic needed to to check the state of an AWS resource, and wait until that resource is in a desired state. The waiter will block until the resource is in the state that is desired, an error occurs, or the waiter times out. If a resource times out the error code returned will be request.WaiterResourceNotReadyErrorCode. This example shows a complete working Go file which will upload a file to S3 and use the Context pattern to implement timeout logic that will cancel the request if it takes too long. This example highlights how to use sessions, create a service client, make a request, handle the error, and process the response.
Package appconfigdata provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for AWS AppConfig Data. AppConfig Data provides the data plane APIs your application uses to retrieve configuration data. Here's how it works: Your application retrieves configuration data by first establishing a configuration session using the AppConfig Data StartConfigurationSessionAPI action. Your session's client then makes periodic calls to GetLatestConfigurationto check for and retrieve the latest data available. When calling StartConfigurationSession , your code sends the following information: Identifiers (ID or name) of an AppConfig application, environment, and configuration profile that the session tracks. (Optional) The minimum amount of time the session's client must wait between calls to GetLatestConfiguration . In response, AppConfig provides an InitialConfigurationToken to be given to the session's client and used the first time it calls GetLatestConfiguration for that session. This token should only be used once in your first call to GetLatestConfiguration . You must use the new token in the GetLatestConfiguration response ( NextPollConfigurationToken ) in each subsequent call to GetLatestConfiguration . When calling GetLatestConfiguration , your client code sends the most recent ConfigurationToken value it has and receives in response: NextPollConfigurationToken : the ConfigurationToken value to use on the next call to GetLatestConfiguration . NextPollIntervalInSeconds : the duration the client should wait before making its next call to GetLatestConfiguration . This duration may vary over the course of the session, so it should be used instead of the value sent on the StartConfigurationSession call. The configuration: the latest data intended for the session. This may be empty if the client already has the latest version of the configuration. The InitialConfigurationToken and NextPollConfigurationToken should only be used once. To support long poll use cases, the tokens are valid for up to 24 hours. If a GetLatestConfiguration call uses an expired token, the system returns BadRequestException . For more information and to view example CLI commands that show how to retrieve a configuration using the AppConfig Data StartConfigurationSession and GetLatestConfiguration API actions, see Retrieving the configuration in the AppConfig User Guide.