Robust multidimensional profiling to quantify complex changes via the minimum covariance determinant.
This package allows to perform robust multidimensional profiling in 'Julia' and comes with helper functions, especially designed for high-content imaging-based morphological profiling.
Installation from Julia's package repository (easiest option)
You can simply add this package from the Julia repository like any other package:
import Pkg
using BioProfiling
Local installation
Alternatively, you may use the following to load this package after cloning this repository:
import Pkg
using BioProfiling
Installation from GitHub
Use the following to install the package:
import Pkg
Pkg.add(Pkg.PackageSpec(url = ""))
You can then import the package normally:
using BioProfiling
Learn more
This package was created by Loan Vulliard @ Menche lab.
This package relies on several amazing open-source Julia packages, listed in the requirement file (see Project.toml).
If you use this tool in your research work, please cite the preprint in which we detail how this tool is implemented and can be used:
BioProfiling.jl: Profiling biological perturbations with high-content imaging in single cells and heterogeneous populations
Loan Vulliard, Joel Hancock, Anton Kamnev, Christopher W. Fell, Joana Ferreira da Silva, Joanna Loizou, Vanja Nagy, Loïc Dupré, Jörg Menche
bioRxiv 2021.06.18.448961; doi: