Package dateparse parses date-strings without knowing the format in advance, using a fast lex based approach to eliminate shotgun attempts. It leans towards US style dates when there is a conflict.
Package validate validates Go structs and types recursively based on tags. It provides powerful syntax to perform validation for substructs, maps, slices, arrays, and pointers. Package also allows to run custom validation methods. Use this package to make sure that the content of the struct is in the format you need. For example, **validate** package is useful when unmarshalling YAML or JSON. This package supports most of the built-in types: int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, int, uint, uintptr, float32, float64 and aliased types: time.Duration, byte (uint8), rune (int32). Following validators are available: gt, lt, gte, lte, empty, nil, one_of, format. Use validate tag to specify validators for fields of a struct. If any of validators fail, validate.Validate returns an error. It is possible to specify multiple validators using & (ampersand) or | (vertical bar) operator. & operator is used for logical AND, while | is used for logical OR. & operator has a priority over | operator. You can use a regular syntax to validate a slice/array. To validate slice/array values, specify validators after an arrow character. You can use a regular syntax to validate a map. To validate map keys, specify validators inside brackets. To validate map values, specify validators after an arrow character. You can use a regular syntax to validate a pointer. To dereference a pointer, specify validators after an arrow character. You can validate a nested struct with regular syntax. You can validate a substruct with regular syntax. You can use brackets and arrow syntax to deep to as many levels as you need. You can specify custom validation method. Custom validation also works for a substuct, if a substruct is defined in an exported field. Validate method returns two types of errors: ErrorSyntax and ErrorValidation. You can handle an error type using switch syntax.
Package lambda provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for AWS Lambda. Lambda is a compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. Lambda runs your code on a high-availability compute infrastructure and performs all of the administration of the compute resources, including server and operating system maintenance, capacity provisioning and automatic scaling, code monitoring and logging. With Lambda, you can run code for virtually any type of application or backend service. For more information about the Lambda service, see What is Lambdain the Lambda Developer Guide. The Lambda API Reference provides information about each of the API methods, including details about the parameters in each API request and response. You can use Software Development Kits (SDKs), Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Toolkits, and command line tools to access the API. For installation instructions, see Tools for Amazon Web Services. For a list of Region-specific endpoints that Lambda supports, see Lambda endpoints and quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.. When making the API calls, you will need to authenticate your request by providing a signature. Lambda supports signature version 4. For more information, see Signature Version 4 signing processin the Amazon Web Services General Reference.. Because Amazon Web Services SDKs use the CA certificates from your computer, changes to the certificates on the Amazon Web Services servers can cause connection failures when you attempt to use an SDK. You can prevent these failures by keeping your computer's CA certificates and operating system up-to-date. If you encounter this issue in a corporate environment and do not manage your own computer, you might need to ask an administrator to assist with the update process. The following list shows minimum operating system and Java versions: Microsoft Windows versions that have updates from January 2005 or later installed contain at least one of the required CAs in their trust list. Mac OS X 10.4 with Java for Mac OS X 10.4 Release 5 (February 2007), Mac OS X 10.5 (October 2007), and later versions contain at least one of the required CAs in their trust list. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (March 2007), 6, and 7 and CentOS 5, 6, and 7 all contain at least one of the required CAs in their default trusted CA list. Java 1.4.2_12 (May 2006), 5 Update 2 (March 2005), and all later versions, including Java 6 (December 2006), 7, and 8, contain at least one of the required CAs in their default trusted CA list. When accessing the Lambda management console or Lambda API endpoints, whether through browsers or programmatically, you will need to ensure your client machines support any of the following CAs: Amazon Root CA 1 Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2 Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority Root certificates from the first two authorities are available from Amazon trust services, but keeping your computer up-to-date is the more straightforward solution. To learn more about ACM-provided certificates, see Amazon Web Services Certificate Manager FAQs.
Package eks provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is a managed service that makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services without needing to setup or maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Amazon EKS runs up-to-date versions of the open-source Kubernetes software, so you can use all the existing plugins and tooling from the Kubernetes community. Applications running on Amazon EKS are fully compatible with applications running on any standard Kubernetes environment, whether running in on-premises data centers or public clouds. This means that you can easily migrate any standard Kubernetes application to Amazon EKS without any code modification required.
Package seelog implements logging functionality with flexible dispatching, filtering, and formatting. To create a logger, use one of the following constructors: Example: The "defer" line is important because if you are using asynchronous logger behavior, without this line you may end up losing some messages when you close your application because they are processed in another non-blocking goroutine. To avoid that you explicitly defer flushing all messages before closing. Logger created using one of the LoggerFrom* funcs can be used directly by calling one of the main log funcs. Example: Having loggers as variables is convenient if you are writing your own package with internal logging or if you have several loggers with different options. But for most standalone apps it is more convenient to use package level funcs and vars. There is a package level var 'Current' made for it. You can replace it with another logger using 'ReplaceLogger' and then use package level funcs: Last lines do the same as In this example the 'Current' logger was replaced using a 'ReplaceLogger' call and became equal to 'logger' variable created from config. This way you are able to use package level funcs instead of passing the logger variable. Main seelog point is to configure logger via config files and not the code. The configuration is read by LoggerFrom* funcs. These funcs read xml configuration from different sources and try to create a logger using it. All the configuration features are covered in detail in the official wiki: There are many sections covering different aspects of seelog, but the most important for understanding configs are: After you understand these concepts, check the 'Reference' section on the main wiki page to get the up-to-date list of dispatchers, receivers, formats, and logger types. Here is an example config with all these features: This config represents a logger with adaptive timeout between log messages (check logger types reference) which logs to console, all.log, and errors.log depending on the log level. Its output formats also depend on log level. This logger will only use log level 'debug' and higher (minlevel is set) for all files with names that don't start with 'test'. For files starting with 'test' this logger prohibits all levels below 'error'. Although configuration using code is not recommended, it is sometimes needed and it is possible to do with seelog. Basically, what you need to do to get started is to create constraints, exceptions and a dispatcher tree (same as with config). Most of the New* functions in this package are used to provide such capabilities. Here is an example of configuration in code, that demonstrates an async loop logger that logs to a simple split dispatcher with a console receiver using a specified format and is filtered using a top-level min-max constraints and one expection for the 'main.go' file. So, this is basically a demonstration of configuration of most of the features: To learn seelog features faster you should check the examples package: It contains many example configs and usecases.
Package validator implements value validations for structs and individual fields based on tags. It can also handle Cross Field and Cross Struct validation for nested structs. Validate A simple example usage: The error can be used like so Both StructErrors and FieldError implement the Error interface but it's intended use is for development + debugging, not a production error message. Why not a better error message? because this library intends for you to handle your own error messages Why should I handle my own errors? Many reasons, for us building an internationalized application I needed to know the field and what validation failed so that I could provide an error in the users specific language. The hierarchical error structure is hard to work with sometimes.. Agreed Flatten function to the rescue! Flatten will return a map of FieldError's but the field name will be namespaced. Custom functions can be added Cross Field Validation can be implemented, for example Start & End Date range validation Multiple validators on a field will process in the order defined Bad Validator definitions are not handled by the library NOTE: Baked In Cross field validation only compares fields on the same struct, if cross field + cross struct validation is needed your own custom validator should be implemented. NOTE2: comma is the default separator of validation tags, if you wish to have a comma included within the parameter i.e. excludesall=, you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x2C, which is replaced in the code as a comma, so the above will become excludesall=0x2C Here is a list of the current built in validators: Validator notes: This package panics when bad input is provided, this is by design, bad code like that should not make it to production.