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Package gohg is a Go client library for using the Mercurial dvcs via it's Command Server. For Mercurial see: For the Hg Command Server see: ▪ Mercurial For Mercurial any version starting from 1.9 should be ok, cause that's the one where the Command Server was introduced. If you send wrong options to it through gohg, or commands or options not yet supported (or obsolete) in your Hg version, you'll simply get back an error from Hg itself, as gohg does not check them. But on the other hand gohg allows issuing new commands, not yet implemented by gohg; see further. ▪ Go Currently gohg is currently developed with Go1.2.1. Though I started with the Go1.0 versions, I can't remember having had to change one or two minor things when moving to Go1.1.1. Updating to Go1.1.2 required no changes at all. I had an issue though with Go1.2, on Windows only, causing some tests using os.exec.Command to fail. I'll have to look into that further, to find out if I should report a bug. ▪ Platform I'm developing and testing both on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04/13.04/13.10. But I suppose it should work on any other platform that supports Hg and Go. Only Go and it's standard library. And Mercurial should be installed of course. At the commandline type: to have gohg available in your GOPATH. Start with importing the gohg package. Examples: All interaction with the Mercurial Command Server (Hg CS from now on) happens through the HgClient type, of which you have to create an instance: Then you can connect the Hg CS as follows: 1. The Hg executable: The first parameter is the Mercurial command to use (which 'hg'). You can leave it blanc to let the gohg tool use the default Mercurial command on the system. Having a parameter for the Hg command allows for using a different Hg version, for testing purposes for instance. 2. The repository path: The second parameter is the path to the repository you want to work on. You can leave it blanc to have gohg use the repository it can find for the current path you are running the program in (searching upward in the folder tree eventually). 3. The config for the session: The third parameter allows to provide extra configuration for the session. Though this is currently not implemented yet. 4. Should gohg create a new repo before connecting? This fourth parameter allows you to indicate that you want gohg to first create a new Mercurial repo if it does not already exist in the path given by the second parameter. See the documentation for more detailed info. 5. The returnvalue: The HgClient.Connect() method eventually returns an error, so you can check if the connection succeeded, and if it is safe to go on. Once the work is done, you can disconnect the Hg CS using a typical Go idiom: The gohg tool sets some environment variables for the Hg CS session, to ensure it's good working: Once we have a connection to a Hg CS we can do some work with the repository. This is done with commands, and gohg offers 3 ways to use them. 1. The command methods of the HgClient type. 2. The HgCmd type. 3. The ExecCmd() method of the HgClient type. Each of which has its own reason of existence. Commands return a byte slice containing the resulting data, and eventually an error. But there are a few exceptions (see api docs). If a command fails, the returned error contains 5 elements: 1) the name of the internal routine where the error was trapped, 2) the name of the HgClient command that was run, 3) the returncode by Mercurial, 4) the full command that was passed to the Hg CS, and 5) the eventual error message returned by Mercurial. So the command could return something like the following in the err variable when it fails: The command aliases (like 'id' for 'identify') are not implemented. But there are examples in identify.go and showconfig.go of how you can easily implement them yourself. This is the easiest way, a kind of convenience. And the most readable too. A con is that as a user you cannot know the exact command that was passed to Hg, without some extra mechanics. Each command has the same name as the corresponding Hg command, except it starts with a capital letter of course. An example (also see examples/example1.go): Note that these methods all use the HgCmd type internally. As such they are convenience wrappers around that type. You could also consider them as a kind of syntactic sugar. If you just want to simply issue a command, nothing more, they are the way to go. The only way to obtain the commandstring sent to Hg when using these command methods, is by calling the HgClient.ShowLastCmd() method afterwards before issuing any other commands: Using the HgCmd type is kind of the standard way. It is a struct that you can instantiate for any command, and for which you can set elements Name, Options and Params (see the api docs for more details). It allows for building the command step by step, and also to query the exact command that will be sent to the Hg CS. A pro of this method is that it allows you to obtain the exact command string that will be passed to Mercurial before it is performed, by calling the CmdLine() method of HgCmd. This could be handy for logging, or for showing feedback to the user in a GUI program. (You could even call CmdLine() several times, and show the building of the command step by step.) An example (also see examples/example2.go): As you can see, this way requires some more coding. The source code will also show you that the HgCmd type is indeed used as the underlying type for the convenience HgClient commands, in all the New<hg-command>Cmd() constructors. The HgClient type has an extra method ExecCmd(), allowing you to pass a fully custom built command to Hg. It accepts a string slice that is supposed to contain all the elements of the complete command, as you would type it at the command line. It could be a convenient way for performing commands that are not yet implemented in gohg, or to make use of extensions to Hg (for which gohg offers no support (yet?)). An example (also see examples/example3.go): Just like on the commandline, options come before parameters. Options to commands use the same name as the long form of the Mercurial option they represent, but start with the necessary capital letter. An options value can be of type bool, int or string. You just pass the value as the parameter to the option (= type conversion of the value to the option type). You can pass any number of options, as the elements of a slice. Options can occur more than once if appropriate (see the ones marked with '[+]' in the Mercurial help). Parameters are used to provide any arguments for a command that are not options. They are passed in as a string or a slice of strings, depending on the command. These parameters typically contain revisions, paths or filenames and so. The gohg tool only checks if the options the caller gives are valid for that command. It does not check if the values are valid for the combination of that command and that option, as that is done by Mercurial. No need to implement that again. If an option is not valid for a command, it is silently ignored, so it is not passed to the Hg CS. A few options are not implemented, as they seemed not relevant for use with this tool (for instance: the global --color option, or the --print0 option for status). The gohg tool only returns errors, with an as clear as possible message, and never uses log.Fatal() nor panics, even if those may seem appropriate. It leaves it up to the caller to do that eventually. It's not up to this library to decide whether to do a retry or to abort the complete application. ▪ The following config settings are fixated in the code (at least for now): ▪ As mentioned earlier, passing config info is not implemented yet. ▪ Currently the only support for extensions to Mercurial is through the ExecCmd method. ▪ If multiple Hg CSs are used against the same repo, it is up to Mercurial to handle this correctly. ▪ Mercurial is always run in english. Internationalization is not necessary here, as the conversation with Hg is internal to the application. Please note that this tool is still in it's very early stages. If you have suggestions or requests, or experience any problems, please use the issue tracker at Or you could send a patch or a pull request. Copyright 2012-2014, The gohg Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD style license that can be found in the file.

Version published



gohg - a Go client library for Mercurial

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What it is

This project provides a Go client library for the Mercurial dvcs, using its Command Server.

The purpose is to make working with Mercurial as transparent and Go-like as possible. So gohg only passes your commands to Mercurial, and does not check them for validity, as that is already done quite well by Mercurial itself. It returns any results - and/or error messages - from Mercurial 'as is'. Well, some results will eventually be wrapped in a more Go-like form, like changeset info for instance.

It is as much an occasion for me to experience working with Go :) .


  • Choice of what hg command/version to use (default = 'hg').
  • Choice of repo to work on (default = '.').
  • First create a new repo on the fly before connecting to it (see the 4th param to Connect()).
  • Commands implemented so far: add, addremove, annotate, archive, branches, clone, commit, diff, export, forget, heads, identify, init, log, manifest, merge, pull, push, remove, serve, showconfig, status, summary, tags, tip, update, verify, version.
  • Options implemented so far: all options for all implemented commands (except global --color and --print0 for status).
  • Obtain the full commandstring that was passed to Mercurial (for showing in the GUI f.i.).
  • Pass any command to Hg, allowing for use of extensions, and future commands when they are not yet implemented by gohg.
  • Commands returning changeset info do that in a Go-like way, using a slice of structs, where each element is a changeset. TODO
  • Ask for 'raw' Hg output (as shown on stdout when issuing a hg command from a terminal). TODO



For Mercurial any version starting from 1.9 should be ok, cause that's the one where the Command Server was introduced. If you send wrong options to it through gohg, or commands or options not yet supported (or obsolete) in your Hg version, you'll simply get back an error from Hg itself, as gohg does not check them. But on the other hand gohg allows issuing new commands, not yet implemented by gohg; see the documentation.


Currently gohg is developed with Go1.2.1. Though I started with the Go1.0 versions, I can't remember having had to change more than one or two minor things when moving to Go1.1.1. Updating to Go1.1.2 required no changes at all. I had an issue though with Go1.2, on Windows only, causing some tests using os.exec.Command to fail. I'll have to look into that further, to find out if I should report a bug.


I'm developing and testing both on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04/13.04/13.10. But I suppose it should work on any other platform that supports Mercurial and Go.


Only Go and it's standard library. And Mercurial should be installed of course.


At the commandline type:

go get [-u]
go test [-v]

to have gohg available in your GOPATH.


Run this example program in a terminal from a folder containing a Mercurial repository. Or pass the repo of your choice as the second parameter for Connect(). (You can find the source in the \examples folder as readme-test.go, along with a few others.)

package main

import (
    hg ""

func main() {
    var err error
    hc := hg.NewHgClient()
    if err = hc.Connect("", "", nil); err != nil {
    defer hc.Disconnect()

    var summ []byte
    if summ, err = hc.Summary(nil, nil); err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("\"summary\" for repo %s:\n%s\n", hc.RepoRoot(), summ)

    var l []byte
    files := []string{}
    if l, err = hc.Log([]hg.Option{hg.Limit(2)}, files); err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("\"log -l 2\" for repo %s:\n%s\n", hc.RepoRoot(), l)


For more details on how to use gohg have a look at the documentation.


Please note that this tool is still in it's very early stages. If you have suggestions or requests, or experience any problems, please use the issue tracker. Or you could send a patch or a pull request.


Copyright 2012-2014, The gohg Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD style license that can be found in the file.


Package last updated on 20 Jul 2014

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