Ionic1 Star Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
⭐ Ionic 1 Component written in typescript, based on css only techniques. ⭐
Ionic1 Star Rating is a Ionic specific Angular1.6 component written in typescript.
It is based on css-star-rating, a fully featured and customizable css only star rating component written in scss.
##Related Projects
Beside all other features listed below it is optimized for mobile which means it implements touch gestures over ionics built in gestures.
This module implements all Features from CSS-STAR-RATING.
It also provides callbacks for all calculation functions used in the component as well as all possible event emitters.
Browser support
IE | Firefox | Chrome | Safari | Opera |
> 11 | > 50 | > 55 | > 10 | > 41 |
| | | | |
*Get Ionic1 Star Rating:
Load library as minified js file
<script src="[bower or npm folder or git-cdn path]/ionic1-star-rating/dist/index.js"></script>
*Load library as ts module
import angularStars = require('ionic1-star-rating/dist/index.js');
Inject it into angular
angular.module('myApp', ['star-rating'])
Use it
<star-rating-comp rating="'3.0'"></star-rating-comp>
Component Properties
Input (< bindings)
id: string (Optional)
The html id attribute of the star rating
Default: undefined
<star-rating-comp id="'my-id'"></star-rating-comp>
rating: number (Optional)
The actual star rating value
Default: 0
<star-rating-comp rating="3"></star-rating-comp>
showHalfStars: boolean (Optional)
To show half stars or not
Options: true, false
Default: false
<star-rating-comp show-half-stars="true"></star-rating-comp>
numOfStars: number (Optional)
The possible number of stars to choose from
Default: 5
<star-rating-comp num-of-stars="6"></star-rating-comp>
label-text: string (Optional)
The label text next to the stars.
Default: undefined
<star-rating-comp label-text="'My text!'"></star-rating-comp>
labelPosition: starRatingPosition (Optional)
The position of the label
Options: top, right, bottom, left
Default: left
<star-rating-comp label-position="'top'"></star-rating-comp>
space: starRatingStarSpace (Optional)
If the start use the whole space or not.
Options: no, between, around
Default: no
<star-rating-comp space="'around'"></star-rating-comp>
size: starRatingSizes (Optional)
The height and width of the stars.
Options: small, medium, large
Default: ok
<star-rating-comp size="'small'"></star-rating-comp>
color: starRatingColors (Optional)
Possible color names for the stars.
Options: default, negative, ok, positive
Default: undefined
<star-rating-comp color="'positive'"></star-rating-comp>
disabled: boolean (Optional)
The click callback is disabled, colors are transparent
Default: false
<star-rating-comp disabled="true"></star-rating-comp>
direction: string (Optional)
The direction of the stars and label.
Options: rtl, ltr
Default: rtl
<star-rating-comp direction="'ltr'"></star-rating-comp>
readOnly: boolean (Optional)
The click callback is disabled
Default: false
<star-rating-comp read-only="true"></star-rating-comp>
speed: starRatingSpeed (Optional)
The duration of the animation in ms.
Options: immediately, noticeable, slow
Default: noticeable
<star-rating-comp speed="'slow'"></star-rating-comp>
starType: starRatingStarTypes (Optional)
The type of start resource to use.
Options: svg, icon, custom-icon
Default: svg
<star-rating-comp star-type="'icon'"></star-rating-comp>
getColor: Function (Optional)
Calculation of the color by rating.
Params: rating, numOfStars, staticColor
Return: colorName as string
<star-rating-comp get-color="parentCtrl.getColor(rating, numOfStars, staticColor)"></star-rating-comp>
getHalfStarVisible: Function (Optional)
Calculation for adding the "half" class or not, depending on the rating value.
Params: rating
Return: boolean
<star-rating-comp get-half-star-visible="parentCtrl.getHalfStarVisible(rating)" rating="3.1"></star-rating-comp>
function getHalfStarVisible(rating) {
var absDiff = Math.abs(rating % 1);
if(absDiff == 0.1) {
return false;
return absDiff > 0;
Output (& bindings)
onClick: Function (Optional)
Callback function for star click event
Params: $event
<star-rating-comp on-click="parentCtrl.onClick($event)"></star-rating-comp>
function onClick($event) {
parent.clickCount = parent.clickCount + 1;
onRatingChange: Function (Optional)
Callback function for rating update event
Params: $event
<star-rating-comp on-rating-change="parentCtrl.onRatingChange($event)"></star-rating-comp>
function onRatingChange($event) {
parent.rating = $event.rating;