This service allowes a user to find devices (and services) which match given filter criteria.
the endpoint expects a jwt in the Authorization header.
Filter By Simple Query-Parameter
if the request correlates to a single bpmn process task (or event), the user can use the following query-parameters:
- function_id
- device_class_id
- aspect_id
GET /selectables?function_id=someId1&aspect_id=someOtherId
"creator": "creator",
"shared": true,
"permission": {"r": true, "w": false, "x": true", "a": false"}
Filter By JSON
if the request correlates to multiple bpmn tasks in a bpmn lane, the simple query parameters and powerful enough.
in this case the user may send a json list of the filter-criteria to the endpoint.
the json has to be query-encoded and set to the 'json' query-parameter.
json example:
GET /selectables?json=%5B%7B%22function_id%22%3A%22some-function-id%22%2C%22device_class_id%22%3A%22some-device-clsass-id%22%2C%22aspect_id%22%3A%22some-aspect-id%22%7D%5D
Filter By Base64 JSON
the json may also be send base64 encoded
GET /selectables?base64=W3siZnVuY3Rpb25faWQiOiJzb21lLWZ1bmN0aW9uLWlkIiwiZGV2aWNlX2NsYXNzX2lkIjoic29tZS1kZXZpY2UtY2xzYXNzLWlkIiwiYXNwZWN0X2lkIjoic29tZS1hc3BlY3QtaWQifV0%3D
the user may filter the results additionally with a blocklist of brotocol ids, by using the query-parameter 'filter_protocols'.
filter_protocols may be a ',' separated list of protocol-ids.
GET /selectables?function_id=someId1&aspect_id=someOtherId&filter_protocols=id1,id2
the list of blocked protocols may also be set implicitly by using the query-parameter 'filter_interaction'.
this creates a list of unwanted protocols, that use the given interaction.
the value of 'filter_interaction' may be one of the following values:
- event
- request
- event+request
GET /selectables?function_id=someId1&aspect_id=someOtherId&filter_interaction=event
Bulk Request
POST /bulk/selectables
Bulk Request Combined Devices
similar to a request to '/bulk/selectables' but returns only the found (distinct) devices of all found selectables.
POST /bulk/selectables/combined/devices
Completed Services
by default the '/selectables' and '/bulk/selectables' endpoints return the services as known by the semantic repository. For completed services the query-parameter 'complete_services' can be set to true. In this case the additional field servicePathOptions is returned for each selectable.
GET /selectables?complete_services=true&function_id=someId1&aspect_id=someOtherId
POST /bulk/selectables/combined/devices?complete_services=true