Twilio NON-OFFICIAL Golang wrapper
This project is in a really alpha state for now. Feel free of provide pull requests or add new issues.
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How to use?
On the import section of your Go project:
import (
Now, if you want to send an SMS just do:
client = twilio.NewTwilioRestClient("Your account here", "Your token here")
client.Messsages.Create("+44fromnumber", "+31tonumber", "Hi world!")
If you want to check more than this tiny example, you must check the generated
documentation at godoc.
Supported methods
- You can send SMS.
- You can do calls.
How to develop easily?
What I do is create a symbolic link of my code (if you know a better way,
please let me know :)
If your go path is in your folder ~/go, and you cloned the repo to ~/twilio-go,
you can just copy paste this commands:
$ export GOPATH=/Users/alex/go
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ ln -s $HOME/twilio-go $GOPATH/src/
I've included few examples on the examples/
For example, if you want to send an sms, you can use this command (filling the
needed information, of course):
go run examples/sms/sms.go \
-from +15005550006 \
-to +447449601002 \
-body "Hi world\!"
If you want to make a call, you will need an adittional step. You should check
the documentation of TwiML and provide
the XML in an endpoint that is accessible from the world.
After having that, you can use this command (note that I am using environment
variables now):
TWILIO_ACCOUNT=AC0f9f0c5025b665ed8d68e649e442b0ff \
TWILIO_TOKEN=77a081faa8bebb1487827b527f87a0e5 \
TWILIO_NUMBER=+15005550006 \
go run examples/voice/voice.go \
-to 447449601002 \
- Logical: finish all the API REST methods.
- Add more tests!
- Remove duplication, there is a lot: in tests & in modules code :(