kolide-timeline generates a timeline in CSV format from Kolide pipeline logs, using both query timestamps and any
timestamps returned by the queries.
This tool is geared toward security investigations and incident response.
go install github.com/chainguard-dev/kolide-timeline/cmd/kolide-timeline@latest
go install github.com/chainguard-dev/kolide-timeline/cmd/copy-from-gs@latest
Timeline generation assumes that pipeline logs have been locally downloaded:
kolide-timeline </path/to/device/logs>
If your Kolide pipeline logs are stored in Google Cloud Storage, there is a tool to simplify downloading recent logs for a single device:
copy-from-gs \
--bucket chainguard-kolide-logs \
--prefix kolide/results \
--device-id=183909 \
To find the device ID, visit https://k2.kolide.com/, click on the Device, and view its URL: it will end in /inventory/devices/<device id>/overview