1 | Select your preferred language | The language you wish for your WebSocket lambdas to be written | Node | Node, Typescript, Python, Golang, Java, Ruby |
2 | Environment Name | The environment you wish to deploy your code | Development | Development, Staging, Production |
3 | Infrastructure Code Location Path | The path should be only the path from the current directory. The current Directory path will be joined with the given path. Make sure to be in the directory (project) you wish to add the WebSocket infrastructure code too. | infrastructure | infrastructure |
4 | WebSocket Code Location Path | The path should be only the path from the current directory. The current Directory path will be joined with the given path. Make sure to be in the directory (project) you wish to add the WebSocket serverless code too. | websocket | websocket |
5 | Terraform Resource Name | The prefix you wish to add to all your resource names. Resource name format will look as <terraform-resource-name>-<environment>-<specifc-resource-name> | your projects name | helloworld-development-websocket-manager |
6 | AWS Region | The AWS region where you want your infrastructure to be located | eu-west-2 | us-east-1 |
7 | AWS Account ID | The AWS account ID that you wish to use for your infrastructure | This is required, there is no default | 123456789000 |
8 | Authorization Key Name | The name of the authorizer query parameter on your WebSocket URL | Authorization | ?Authorization=1234 |