Warning: this package is a work in progress; in a very primitive state right now.
Package imageutil
import "github.com/dchest/imageutil"
Package imageutil implements functions for the manipulation of images.
func ResizeBilinear
func ResizeBilinear(img *image.NRGBA, newWidth, newHeight int) *image.NRGBA
ResizeBilinear returns a new NRGBA image with the given width and height
created by resizing the given NRGBA image using the bilinear interpolation.
func ResizeNearestNeighbor
func ResizeNearestNeighbor(img image.Image, newWidth, newHeight int) *image.NRGBA
ResizeNearestNeighbor returns a new NRGBA image with the given width and
height created by resizing the given image using the nearest neighbor