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Package conf is a configuration parser that loads configuration in a struct from files and automatically creates cli flags. Just define a struct with needed configuration. Values are then taken from multiple source in this order of precedence: Default is to use lower cased field names in struct to create command line arguments. Tags can be used to specify different names, command line help message and section in conf file. Format is: conf.Path variable can be set to the path of a configuration file. For default it is initialized to the value of environment variable: Files ending with: will be parsed as INI informal standard: First letter of every key found is upper cased and than, a struct field with same name is searched: If such field name is not found than comparison is made against key specified as first element in tag. conf tries to be modular and easily extensible to support different formats. This is a work in progress, APIs can change.

Version published



==== conf

|image0|_ |image1|_ |image2|_

.. |image0| image:: .. _image0:

.. |image1| image:: .. _image1:

.. |image2| image:: .. _image2:

.. contents::


A go package for configuration parsing. Automagically populates a configuration struct using configuration files & command line arguments.

It aims to be modular and easily extendible to support other formats. Only INI format supported for now.

Usage and examples

An example of utilization::

    type myConf struct {
            Address string
            Port    string
            // A command line flag "-users", which expects an int value,
            // will be created.
            // Same key name will be searched in configuration file.
            NumberOfUsers int `conf:"users,number of users,"`
            Daemon        bool
            Message       string

    func Example() {
            // To create a dafault value for a flag
            // assign it when instantiate the conf struct.
            c := myConf{Message: "A default value"}
            conf.Path = "test_data/one.ini"
            err := conf.Parse(&c)
            if err != nil {
                    log.Fatal("Unable to parse configuration", err)
            fmt.Println("address:", c.Address)
            fmt.Println("port:", c.Port)
            fmt.Println("number of users:", c.NumberOfUsers)

See the flag arguments that are automagically created::

    go run main.go -h

See godocs <>_ for examples and documentation.

Pull requests that add new tests, features or fixes are welcome, encouraged, and credited.


Package last updated on 05 Feb 2018

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