First install the binary with
cd /tmp && GO111MODULE=on go get
Then install InfluxDB 2.0+
Setup some crons to fetch from APIs.
To get data from the ikon API do like
curl --silent '' > "/path/to/data/ikon/resort-61.$(date --rfc-3339=second).json"
curl --silent '' > "/path/to/data/ikon/resort-62.$(date --rfc-3339=second).json"
Vail resorts are like
curl --silent "" > "/path/to/data/vail/resort-2542.$(date --rfc-3339=second).json"
Also run the binary on a cron to process the results. Make sure to run ski-graphs -help
to see what all flags must be set.
If you need to re-process things you should be able to clear influx with something like
influx delete --bucket skiing --start 2009-01-02T23:00:00Z --stop 2099-01-02T23:00:00Z --org org
then just remove your seen-file and re-run things.
Test examples are formatted and have keys sorted like this:
jq --sort-keys . < resort-61.2021-01-01\ 18:32:01-08:00.json > testinput/test_one.json