Fluent Bit output plugin
This plugin extends Grafana,s Fluent Bit output plugin which aims to forward log messages from fluent-bit to Loki.
Тhe plugin meets the needs of the Gardener by implementing a logic for dynamically forwarding log messages from one Fluent-bit to multiple Loki instances.
It also adds additional configurations that aim to improve plugin's performance and user experience.
Configuration Options
Key | Description | Default |
Url | Url of loki server API endpoint. | http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push |
TenantID | The tenant ID used by default to push logs to Loki. If omitted or empty it assumes Loki is running in single-tenant mode and no X-Scope-OrgID header is sent. | "" |
BatchWait | Time to wait before send a log batch to Loki, full or not. (unit: sec) | 1 second |
BatchSize | Log batch size to send a log batch to Loki (unit: Bytes). | 10 KiB (10 * 1024 Bytes) |
MaxRetries | Number of times the loki client will try to send unsuccessful sent record to loki. | 10 |
Timeout | The duration which loki client will wait for response. | 10 |
MinBackoff | The first wait after unsuccessful sent log. | 0.5s |
MaxBackoff | The maximum duration after unsuccessful sent log. | 5m |
Labels | labels for API requests. | {job="fluent-bit"} |
LogLevel | LogLevel for plugin logger. | "info" |
RemoveKeys | Specify removing keys. | none |
AutoKubernetesLabels | If set to true, it will add all Kubernetes labels to Loki labels | false |
LabelKeys | Comma separated list of keys to use as stream labels. All other keys will be placed into the log line. LabelKeys is deactivated when using LabelMapPath label mapping configuration. | none |
LineFormat | Format to use when flattening the record to a log line. Valid values are "json" or "key_value". If set to "json" the log line sent to Loki will be the fluentd record (excluding any keys extracted out as labels) dumped as json. If set to "key_value", the log line will be each item in the record concatenated together (separated by a single space) in the format =. | json |
DropSingleKey | If set to true and after extracting label_keys a record only has a single key remaining, the log line sent to Loki will just be the value of the record key. | true |
LabelMapPath | Path to a json file defining how to transform nested records. | none |
DynamicHostPath | Jsonpath in the log labels to the dynamic host. | none |
DynamicHostPrefix | String to prepend to the dynamic host. | none |
DynamicHostSuffix | String to append to the dynamic host. | none |
DynamicHostRegex | Regex to check if the dynamic host is valid. | '*' |
Buffer | If set to true, a buffered client will be used. | none |
BufferType | The buffer type to use when using buffered client is unable. "Dque" is the only available. | "dque" |
QueueDir | Path to a directory where the buffer will store its records. | '/tmp/flb-storage/loki' |
QueueSegmentSize | The number of entries stored into the buffer. | 500 |
QueueName | The name of the file where the log entries will be stored | dque |
ReplaceOutOfOrderTS | Overwrites the timestamp of out of order records. Their timestamp will replaced with the timestamp of the last entry. | false |
FallbackToTagWhenMetadataIsMissing | If set the plugin will try to extract the namespace , pod_name and container_name from the tag when the metadata is missing | false |
TagKey | The key of the record which holds the tag. The tag should not be nested | "tag" |
TagPrefix | The prefix of the tag. In the prefix no metadata will be searched. The prefix must not contain group expression(() ). | none |
TagExpression | The regex expression which will be used for matching the metadata retrieved from the tag. It contains 3 group expressions (() ): pod name , namespace and the container name | "\.(.)_(.)_(.)-.\.log" |
DropLogEntryWithoutK8sMetadata | When metadata is missing for the log entry, it will be dropped | false |
Labels are used to query logs {container_name="nginx", cluster="us-west1"}
, they are usually metadata about the workload producing the log stream (instance
, container_name
, region
, cluster
, level
). In Loki labels are indexed consequently you should be cautious when choosing them (high cardinality label values can have performance drastic impact).
You can use Labels
, RemoveKeys
, LabelKeys
and LabelMapPath
to how the output plugin will perform labels extraction.
If set to true, it will add all Kubernetes labels to Loki labels automatically and ignore parameters LabelKeys
, LabelMapPath.
When using the Parser
and Filter
plugins Fluent Bit can extract and add data to the current record/log data. While Loki labels are key value pair, record data can be nested structures.
You can pass a json file that defines how to extract labels from each record. Each json key from the file will be matched with the log record to find label values. Values from the configuration are used as label names.
Considering the record below :
"kubernetes": {
"container_name": "promtail",
"pod_name": "promtail-xxx",
"namespace_name": "prod",
"labels" : {
"team": "x-men",
"HOSTNAME": "docker-desktop",
"log" : "a log line",
"time": "20190926T152206Z",
and a LabelMap file as follow :
"kubernetes": {
"container_name": "container",
"pod_name": "pod",
"namespace_name": "namespace",
"labels" : {
"team": "team",
The labels extracted will be {team="x-men", container="promtail", pod="promtail-xxx", namespace="prod"}
If you don't want the kubernetes
fields to appear in the log line you can use the RemoveKeys
configuration field. (e.g. RemoveKeys kubernetes,HOSTNAME
Configuration examples
To configure the Loki output plugin add this section to fluent-bit.conf
Name loki
Match kubernetes.*
Url http://loki.garden.svc:3100/loki/api/v1/push
LogLevel info
BatchWait 1
# (1sec)
BatchSize 30720
# (30KiB)
Labels {test="fluent-bit-go", lang="Golang"}
LineFormat json
ReplaceOutOfOrderTS true
DropSingleKey false
AutoKubernetesLabels true
LabelSelector gardener.cloud/role:shoot
RemoveKeys kubernetes,stream,type,time
LabelMapPath /fluent-bit/etc/kubernetes_label_map.json
DynamicHostPath {"kubernetes": {"namespace_name": "namespace"}}
DynamicHostPrefix http://loki.
DynamicHostSuffix .svc:3100/loki/api/v1/push
DynamicHostRegex shoot--
MaxRetries 3
Timeout 10
MinBackoff 30
Buffer true
BufferType dque
QueueDir /fluent-bit/buffers
QueueSegmentSize 300
QueueSync normal
QueueName gardener-kubernetes
FallbackToTagWhenMetadataIsMissing true
TagKey key
TagPrefix kubernetes.var.log.containers
TagExpression "\\.(.*)_(.*)_(.*)-.*\\.log"
DropLogEntryWithoutK8sMetadata true
Name loki
Match journald.*
Url http://loki.garden.svc:3100/loki/api/v1/push
LogLevel info
BatchWait 1
# (1sec)
BatchSize 30720
# (30KiB)
Labels {test="fluent-bit-go", lang="Golang"}
LineFormat json
ReplaceOutOfOrderTS true
DropSingleKey false
RemoveKeys kubernetes,stream,hostname,unit
LabelMapPath /fluent-bit/etc/systemd_label_map.json
MaxRetries 3
Timeout 10
MinBackoff 30
Buffer true
BufferType dque
QueueDir /fluent-bit/buffers
QueueSegmentSize 300
QueueSync normal
QueueName gardener-journald
FallbackToTagWhenMetadataIsMissing false
DropLogEntryWithoutK8sMetadata false
A full example configuration file is also available in this repository.
Running multiple plugin instances
You can run multiple plugin instances in the same fluent-bit process, for example if you want to push to different Loki servers or route logs into different Loki tenant IDs. To do so, add additional [Output]
make -C fluent-bit-to-loki plugin
If you have Fluent Bit installed in your $PATH
you can run the plugin using:
fluent-bit -e /path/to/built/out_loki.so -c fluent-bit.conf
You can also adapt your plugins.conf, removing the need to change the command line options:
Path /path/to/built/out_loki.so