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Package httpin helps decoding an HTTP request to a custom struct by binding data with querystring (query params), HTTP headers, form data, JSON/XML payloads, URL path params, and file uploads (multipart/form-data).

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httpin - HTTP Input for Go

HTTP Request from/to Go Struct

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Core Features

httpin helps you easily decode data from an HTTP request, including:

  • Query parameters, e.g. ?name=john&is_member=true
  • Headers, e.g. Authorization: xxx
  • Form data, e.g. username=john&password=******
  • JSON/XML Body, e.g. POST {"name":"john"}
  • Path variables, e.g. /users/{username}
  • File uploads

You only need to define a struct to receive/bind data from an HTTP request, without writing any parsing stuff code by yourself.

Since v0.15.0, httpin also supports creating an HTTP request (http.Request) from a Go struct instance.

httpin is:

How to decode an HTTP request to Go struct?

type ListUsersInput struct {
	Token    string `in:"query=access_token;header=x-access-token"`
	Page     int    `in:"query=page;default=1"`
	PerPage  int    `in:"query=per_page;default=20"`
	IsMember bool   `in:"query=is_member"`

func ListUsers(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	input := r.Context().Value(httpin.Input).(*ListUsersInput)

	if input.IsMember {
		// Do sth.
	// Do sth.

How to encode a Go struct to HTTP request?

type ListUsersInput struct {
	Token    string `in:"query=access_token;header=x-access-token"`
	Page     int    `in:"query=page;default=1"`
	PerPage  int    `in:"query=per_page;default=20"`
	IsMember bool   `in:"query=is_member"`

func SDKListUsers() {
	payload := &ListUsersInput{
		Token:    os.Getenv("MY_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN"),
		Page:     2,
		IsMember: true,

	// Easy to remember, http.NewRequest -> httpin.NewRequest
	req, err := httpin.NewRequest("GET", "/users", payload)
	// ...

Why this package?

Compared with using net/http package
func ListUsers(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	page, err := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("page"), 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		// Invalid parameter: page.
	perPage, err := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("per_page"), 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		// Invalid parameter: per_page.
	isMember, err := strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("is_member"))
	if err != nil {
		// Invalid parameter: is_member.

	// Do sth.
BenefitsBefore (use net/http package)After (use ggicci/httpin package)
⌛️ Developer Time😫 Expensive (too much parsing stuff code)🚀 Faster (define the struct for receiving input data and leave the parsing job to httpin)
♻️ Code Repetition Rate😞 High😍 Lower
📖 Code Readability😟 Poor🤩 Highly readable
🔨 Maintainability😡 Poor🥰 Highly maintainable

Alternatives and Similars


Package last updated on 14 Jan 2024

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