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Package httpretty prints your HTTP requests pretty on your terminal screen. You can use this package both on the client-side and on the server-side. This package provides a better way to view HTTP traffic without httputil DumpRequest, DumpRequestOut, and DumpResponse heavy debugging functions. You can use the logger quickly to log requests you are opening. For example: If you pass nil to the logger.RoundTripper it is going to fallback to http.DefaultTransport. You can use the logger quickly to log requests on your server. For example: Note: server logs don't include response headers set by the server. Client logs don't include request headers set by the HTTP client.

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Package httpretty prints the HTTP requests of your Go programs pretty on your terminal screen. It is mostly inspired in curl's --verbose mode, and also on the httputil.DumpRequest and similar functions.


Setting up a logger

You can define a logger with something like

logger := &httpretty.Logger{
	Time:           true,
	TLS:            true,
	RequestHeader:  true,
	RequestBody:    true,
	ResponseHeader: true,
	ResponseBody:   true,
	Colors:         true, // erase line if you don't like colors
	Formatters:     []httpretty.Formatter{&httpretty.JSONFormatter{}},

This code will set up a logger with sane settings. By default the logger prints nothing but the request line (and the remote address, when using it on the server-side).

Using on the client-side

You can set the transport for the *net/http.Client you are using like this:

client := &http.Client{
	Transport: logger.RoundTripper(http.DefaultTransport),

// from now on, you can use client.Do, client.Get, etc. to create requests.

If you don't care about setting a new client, you can safely replace your existing http.DefaultClient with this:

http.DefaultClient.Transport = logger.RoundTripper(http.DefaultClient.Transport)

Then httpretty is going to print information about regular requests to your terminal when code such as this is called:

if _, err := http.Get(""); err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%+v\n", err)

However, have in mind you usually want to use a custom *http.Client to control things such as timeout.

Logging on the server-side

You can use the logger quickly to log requests on your server. For example:


The handler should by a http.Handler. Usually, you want this to be your http.ServeMux HTTP entrypoint.

For working examples, please see the example directory.


You have two ways to filter a request so it isn't printed by the logger.


You can filter any request by setting a request context before the request reaches httpretty.RoundTripper:

req = req.WithContext(httpretty.WithHide(ctx))

Filter function

A second option is to implement

type Filter func(req *http.Request) (skip bool, err error)

and set it as the filter for your logger. For example:

logger.SetFilter(func filteredURIs(req *http.Request) (bool, error) {
	if req.Method != http.MethodGet {
		return true, nil

	if path := req.URL.Path; path == "/debug" || strings.HasPrefix(path, "/debug/") {
		return true, nil

	return false


You can define a formatter for any media type by implementing the Formatter interface.

We provide a JSONFormatter for convenience (it is not enabled by default).


Package last updated on 02 Nov 2023

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