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CDK - Curses Development Kit The Curses Development Kit is the low-level compliment to the higher-level Curses Tool Kit. CDK is based primarily upon the TCell codebase, however, it is a hard-fork with many API-breaking changes. Some of the more salient changes are as follows: All CDK applications require some form of `Window` implementation in order to function. One can use the build-in `cdk.CWindow` type to construct a basic `Window` object and tie into it's signals in order to render to the canvas and handle events. For this example however, a more formal approach is taken. Starting out with a very slim definition of our custom `Window`, all that's necessary is the embed the concrete `cdk.CWindow` type and proceed with overriding various methods. The `Init` method is not necessary to overload, however, this is a good spot to do any UI initializations or the like. For this demo, the boilerplate minimum is given as an example to start from. The next method implemented is the `Draw` method. This method receives a pre-configured Canvas object, set to the available size of the `Display`. Within this method, the application needs to process as little "work" as possible and focus primarily on just rendering the content upon the canvas. Let's walk through each line of the `Draw` method. This line uses the built-in logging facilities to log an "info" message that the `Draw` method was invoked and let's us know some sort of human-readable description of the canvas (resembles JSON text but isn't really JSON). The advantage to using these built-in logging facilities is that the log entry itself will be prefixed with some extra metadata identifying the particular object instance with a bit of text in the format of "typeName-ID" where typeName is the object's CDK-type and the ID is an integer (marking the unique instance). Within CDK, there is a concept of `Theme`, which really is just a collection of useful purpose-driven `Style`s. One can set the default theme for the running CDK system, however the stock state is either a monochrome base theme or a colorized variant. Some of the rendering functions require `Style`s or `Theme`s passed as arguments and so we're getting that here for later use. Simply getting a `Rectangle` primitive with it's `W`idth and `H`eight values set according to the size of the canvas' internal buffer. `Rectangle` is a CDK primitive which has just two fields: `W` and `H`. Most places where spacial bounds are necessary, these primitives are used (such as the concept of a box `size` for painting upon a canvas). This is the first actual draw command. In this case, the `Box` method is configured to draw a box on the screen, starting at a position of 0,0 (top left corner), taking up the full volume of the canvas, with a border (first boolean `true` argument), ensuring to fill the entire area with the filler rune and style within a given theme, which is the last argument to the `Box` method. On a color-supporting terminal, this will paint a navy-blue box over the entire terminal screen. These few lines of code are merely concatenating a string of `Tango` markup that includes use of `<b></b>`, `<u></u>`, `<i></i>`, and `<span></span>` tags. All colors have fallback versions and are typically safe even for monochrome terminal sessions. This sets up a variable holding a `Point2I` instance configured for 1/4 of the width into the screen (from the left) and halfway minus one of the height into the screen (from the top). `Point2I` is a CDK primitive which has just two fields: `X` and `Y`. Most places where coordinates are necessary, these primitives are used (such as the concept of an `origin` point for painting upon a canvas). This sets up a variable holding a `Rectangle` configured to be half the size of the canvas itself. This last command within the `Draw` method paints the textual-content prepared earlier onto the canvas provided, center-justified, wrapping on word boundaries, using the default `Normal` theme, specifying that the content is in fact to be parsed as `Tango` markup and finally the content itself. The result of this drawing process should be a navy-blue screen, with a border, and three lines of text centered neatly. The three lines of text should be marked up with bold, italics, underlines and colorization. The last line of text should be telling the current time and date at the time of rendering. The `ProcessEvent` method is the main event handler. Whenever a new event is received by a CDK `Display`, it is passed on to the active `Window` and in this demonstration, all that's happening is a log entry is being made which mentions the event received. When implementing your own `ProcessEvent` method, if the `Display` should repaint the screen for example, one would make two calls to methods on the `DisplayManager`: CDK is a multi-threaded framework and the various `Request*()` methods on the `DisplayManager` are used to funnel requests along the right channels in order to first render the canvas (via `Draw` calls on the active `Window`) and then follow that up with the running `Display` painting itself from the canvas modified in the `Draw` process. The other complete list of request methods is as follows: This concludes the `CdkDemoWindow` type implementation. Now on to using it! The `main()` function within the `_demos/cdk-demo.go` sources is deceptively simple to implement. The bulk of the code is constructing a new CDK `App` instance. This object is a wrapper around the `` CLI package, providing a tidy interface to managing CLI arguments, help documentation and so on. In this example, the `App` is configured with a bunch of metadata for: the program's name "cdk-demo", a simply usage summary, the current version number, an internally-used tag, a title for the main window and the display is to use the `/dev/tty` (default) terminal device. Beyond the metadata, the final argument is an initialization function. This function receives a fully instantiated and running `Display` instance and it is expected that the application instantiates it's `Window` and sets it as the active window for the given `Display`. In addition to that is one final call to `AddTimeout`. This call will trigger the given `func() cdk.EventFlag` once, after a second. Because the `func()` implemented here in this demonstration returns the `cdk.EVENT_PASS` flag it will be continually called once per second. For this demonstration, this implementation simply requests a draw and show cycle which will cause the screen to be repainted with the current date and time every second the demo application is running. The final bit of code in this CDK demonstration simply passes the arguments provided by the end-user on the command-line in a call to the `App`'s `Run()` method. This will cause the `DisplayManager`, `Display` and other systems to instantiate and begin processing events and render cycles.

Version published



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CDK - Curses Development Kit

This package provides the GDK equivalent for CTK. This is not intended to be a parity of GDK in any way, rather this package simply fulfills the terminal drawing and basic event systems required by CTK.

Unless you're using CTK, you should really be using TCell instead.


This project should not be used for any purpose other than intellectual curiosity. This project, in its current iteration, is strictly a Proof-of-Concept and nothing more. The lessons learned so far are being incorporated into a clean rewrite of the entire thing.

This status is reflected in the tagged versioning of this trunk branch, v0.0.x, ie: entirely experimental and unfinished in any sense of the word "done".


go get -u


A makefile has been included to assist in the development workflow.

> make help
usage: make {help|test|clean|demos}

  test: perform all available tests
  clean: cleans package  and built files
  demos: builds the boxes, mouse and unicode demos

Example Usage

While CDK is not intended for direct usage, there are some simple demonstration applications provided.

CDK Demo

A formal CDK application demonstrating the typical boilerplate setup.

Running the tests

CDK provides tests for color, event, runes and styles using the simulation screen. To run the tests, use the make-file for convenience:

> go test -v
testing cdk
  ... (per-test output, trimmed for brevity) ...
ok  0.171s


The current API is unstable and subject to change dramatically. The following is a brief summary of the planned iterations.

  • v0.0.x - Proof of concept, experimental
  • v0.1.x - Rewrite of CDK package, without any (Screen) terminal interface
  • v0.2.x - Write a new Screen interface, following GDK semantics
  • v1.0.0 - First official release, directly related to v1.0.0 of CTK


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license - see the file for details.

Authors and Contributors


  • Thanks to TCell for providing a solid and robust platform to build upon.

TCell Authors and Contributors

  • Garrett D'Amore - Original author - gdamore
  • Zachary Yedidia - Contributor - zyedidia
  • Junegunn Choi - Contributor - junegunn
  • Staysail Systems, Inc. - Support Provider - website


Package last updated on 20 Mar 2021

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