CheatInstances is a tool to get the Spot instances from AWS through CLI
// With Options
Usage: cheapinstances -count="3" -instance="m3.medium" -price="0.10" -region="us-east-1" -zone="us-east-1c"
-count string
This is used for the number of instance requests you need
-instance string
This Represents the Instance Type
-price string
This Represents the Price to use for the Requested instance
-region string
This Represents the Region to Use
-zone string
This Represents the zone to use for the respective Region
// Without Options
Enter any one in the following:
1) Get the price history
2) Create the Spot Instance
3) Check the Spot Instance Request History
4) Cancel the Spot Instance Request
5) Exit
Folder Strucutre
├── Dockerfile
├── config.ini
├── glide.lock
├── glide.yaml
├── main.go
├── server
│ └── server.go
└── slack
└── slack.go
Things Done So Far
1)Create the Spot Instance Request.
2)Check for the Spot Instance Price History.
3)Cancel the Spot Instance Request.
4)Get the Spot Instances Request made from the Account.
Yet to Do
1)Get the Least Price based zone and the price.
2)Anticipating the Price for the next Request.
Third Party Integrations
Slack: We have integrated Slack Chat based integration on every request you make