Go Implementation of a Thread Safe Trie Data Structure and (some of) Trie Operations
trie := New().Insert("foo", "bar", "baz")
trie.PrefixSearch("fo") // returns true
trie.PrefixSearch("fb") // returns false
trie.Search("fo") // returns false
trie.Search("foo") // returns true
Code documentation can be found here.
Supported Operation
Operations on Trie Data Structure Level
New() *Trie
Creates an initialized trie data structure
Insert(keywords ...string)
Insert allow one or more keyword to be inserted in trie.
keyword can be any valid Unicode string
PrefixSearch(Key string) (found bool)
Search checks if keyword exist in trie as a keyword or prefix to
Search(keyword string) (found bool)
PrefixSearch checks if keyword exist in trie as a fully qualified
Delete(keyword string)
Delete deletes a keyword from a trie if keyword exist in trie
DeleteBranch(key string)
DeleteBranch deletes all child after last letter of key if key
exists in trie. If key is found, key will be treated as a keyword after this operation
Operations on Node Level
CreateNode(v rune) *Node
CreateNode returns an initialized trie node
AddChildNode(v rune) *Node
AddChildNode add child node to current node with value v
Len() int
Len returns the number of children for node
IsLeafNode() bool
IsLeafNode returns true if current node is a leaf node in Trie
GetChildNode(v rune) (node *Node, exist bool)
GetChildNode retrieve child node with value v.
DeleteChildNode(v rune)
DeleteChildNode Deletes the child node if it exist
Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome. Either in form of issues or Pull Requests.