Shop API
Shop is an API for publishing, listing and viewing articles in a shop.
cd migrations
sql-migrate up
From project root, Re-generate the models with:
sqlboiler psql
go test ./models
A test data set can be generated using the testdata tool.
It relies on wordlists, which are in a Git submodule of this repository.
After installing the tool and the wordlists, run:
testdata -schema testdata.json
Connection details and schema definitions are in the testdata.json
Please don't modify the Seed, Min and Max values for columns, as it changes the determinism of the data.
Protocol buffers
The shop API server uses gRPC through protocol buffers generation. To regenerate the gRPC definitions, run:
protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:. --go_opt=paths=source_relative shop.proto
Currently benchmarks are split between adaptor code and data code. For the latter a test data set must be loaded before execution.
Query builer
$ go test -bench . ./builder
BenchmarkArticleListQueryAllAll-8 41234 26462 ns/op
BenchmarkArticleListQueryImgCats-8 124092 9852 ns/op
BenchmarkArticleListDefaults-8 168234 7596 ns/op
BenchmarkArticleListWithFilters-8 164244 8273 ns/op
$ go test -bench . -tags adapt ./cmd/server
Benchmark_checkRequired-8 9526696 123 ns/op
Benchmark_articleMsgToModel-8 1561299 755 ns/op
Benchmark_imagesMsgToModel-8 1418565 810 ns/op
Benchmark_videosMsgToModel-8 1517041 834 ns/op
Benchmark_timeModelToMsg-8 8821671 136 ns/op
Benchmark_orderMsgToModel-8 2246192 542 ns/op
Benchmark_checkOrderArticles-8 15703666 75.1 ns/op
Benchmark_orderArticlesModelsToMsg-8 607324 1904 ns/op
Benchmark_orderModelToMsg-8 4236904 290 ns/op
Benchmark_jsonScanner_Scan-8 92625 12256 ns/op
Benchmark_jsonScanner_articlesJSONtoMsg-8 38359 31360 ns/op
Article list benchmarks are a work in progress. Currently it runs against a set of 10.000 articles, random-ish filtered on category ID, published and promoted. The query returns relations in JSON documents, which is than converted to the gRPC types.
$ go test -bench . -tags data -benchtime=1000x ./cmd/server
Benchmark_transaction_jsonQuery-8 1000 3049734 ns/op
Benchmark_transaction_listArticles-8 1000 2964290 ns/op
Benchmark_shopServer_ListArticles_serial-8 1000 3120801 ns/op
Benchmark_shopServer_ListArticles_routines-8 1000 2996836 ns/op