Namecheap for libdns
This package implements the libdns interfaces for namecheap, allowing you to manage DNS records.
See namecheap api docs for details on how to get setup with using the namecheap API.
Once you have an API Key and have whitelisted your client IP, you can begin using this library. There's a simple integration test under ./internal/testing
that can be used for testing with this library and serves as an exmpale for usage. You can pass in your credentials through command line flags:
go test ./internal/testing/... -api-key <your_api_key> -username <your_username> -domain
By default the sandbox URL is used but you can also pass the production endpint with the -endpoint <url>
Unit tests are run with go tooling and gofmt should be run prior to submitting patches.
go test -race ./internal/namecheap/...
go fmt ./...