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Package s3 provides the client and types for making API requests to Amazon Simple Storage Service. See for more information on this service. See s3 package documentation for more information. To Amazon Simple Storage Service with the SDK use the New function to create a new service client. With that client you can make API requests to the service. These clients are safe to use concurrently. See the SDK's documentation for more information on how to use the SDK. See aws.Config documentation for more information on configuring SDK clients. See the Amazon Simple Storage Service client S3 for more information on creating client for this service. The s3manager package's Uploader provides concurrent upload of content to S3 by taking advantage of S3's Multipart APIs. The Uploader also supports both io.Reader for streaming uploads, and will also take advantage of io.ReadSeeker for optimizations if the Body satisfies that type. Once the Uploader instance is created you can call Upload concurrently from multiple goroutines safely. See the s3manager package's Uploader type documentation for more information. The s3manager package's Downloader provides concurrently downloading of Objects from S3. The Downloader will write S3 Object content with an io.WriterAt. Once the Downloader instance is created you can call Upload concurrently from multiple goroutines safely. See the s3manager package's Downloader type documentation for more information. GetBucketRegion will attempt to get the region for a bucket using a region hint to determine which AWS partition to perform the query on. Use this utility to determine the region a bucket is in. See the s3manager package's GetBucketRegion function documentation for more information The s3crypto package provides the tools to upload and download encrypted content from S3. The Encryption and Decryption clients can be used concurrently once the client is created. See the s3crypto package documentation for more information.

Version published


Package last updated on 23 Jun 2022

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