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Package atreugo is a high performance and extensible micro web framework with zero memory allocations in hot paths It's build on top of fasthttp and provides the following features: Optimized for speed. Easily handles more than 100K qps and more than 1M concurrent keep-alive connections on modern hardware. Optimized for low memory usage. Easy 'Connection: Upgrade' support via RequestCtx.Hijack. Server provides the following anti-DoS limits: The number of concurrent connections. The number of concurrent connections per client IP. The number of requests per connection. Request read timeout. Response write timeout. Maximum request header size. Maximum request body size. Maximum request execution time. Maximum keep-alive connection lifetime. Early filtering out non-GET requests. A lot of additional useful info is exposed to request handler: Server and client address. Per-request logger. Unique request id. Request start time. Connection start time. Request sequence number for the current connection. Middlewares support: Before view execution. After view execution. Easy routing: Path parameters (mandatories and optionals). Views with timeout. Group paths and middlewares. Static files. Serve one file like pdf, etc. Filters (middlewares) to specific views. net/http handlers support. fasthttp handlers support Common responses (also you could use your own responses): JSON HTTP Text Raw File Redirect

Version published




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High performance and extensible micro web framework with zero memory allocations in hot paths.

It's build on top of fasthttp.


  • WITH Go modules:
go get
  • WITHOUT Go modules:
go get

Supported Go versions:

  • 1.9.x
  • 1.10.x
  • 1.11.x
  • 1.12.x
  • 1.13.x


See: docs

Feature Overview

  • Optimized for speed. Easily handles more than 100K qps and more than 1M concurrent keep-alive connections on modern hardware.

  • Optimized for low memory usage.

  • Easy 'Connection: Upgrade' support via RequestCtx.Hijack.

  • Server provides anti-DoS limits.

  • Middlewares support:

    • Before view execution.
    • After view execution.
  • Easy routing:

    • Path parameters (mandatories and optionals).
    • Views with timeout.
    • Group paths and middlewares.
    • Static files.
    • Serve one file like pdf, etc.
    • Filters (middlewares) to especific views.
    • net/http handlers support.
    • fasthttp handlers support
  • Common responses (also you could use your own responses):

    • JSON
    • HTTP
    • Text
    • Raw
    • File
    • Redirect


Go to examples directory to see how to use Atreugo.


*atreugo.RequestCtx is equal than *fasthttp.RequestCtx, but adding extra funtionality, so you can use the same functions of *fasthttp.RequestCtx. Don't worry :smile:


Best Performance: Atreugo is one of the fastest go web frameworks in the go-web-framework-benchmark.

  • Basic Test: The first test case is to mock 0 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms, 500 ms processing time in handlers.

  • Concurrency Test (allocations): In 30 ms processing time, the tets result for 100, 1000, 5000 clients is:

* Smaller is better

Useful third-party libraries


Feel free to contribute it or fork me... :wink:


Package last updated on 29 Oct 2019

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