Some helper classes for building modular apps with Robotlegs.
Note, if you are using Flex, or AS3 with Robotlegs 1.1 or later then please see the Joel Hooks fork instead:
This fork is frozen at this point PURELY for the convenience of the small number of early-adopters who are bound to using Robotlegs v 1.0.x
Modules should extend ModuleContextView.
Each module requires a context, which should extend ModuleContext.
The IModuleCommandMap and IModuleEventDispatcher work together to provide the modules with a shared event/command bus for inter-module events to take place.
You need to provide each module with the shared ModuleEventDispatcher, and then run startup() on each module to kick things off.
Please see the Robotlegs framework for more info.
These classes were compiled to work with Robotlegs v1.0.