Which is the fastest?
Measuring response times (routing times) for each framework (middleware).
Each framework has to have two features; routing and parsing path parameters.
Last update: 2018-04-10
OS: Darwin (version: 17.3.0, arch: x86_64)
CPU Cores: 8
Ranking (Framework)
- router_cr (crystal)
- iron (rust)
- raze (crystal)
- nickel (rust)
- japronto (python)
- actix (rust)
- spider-gazelle (crystal)
- fasthttprouter (go)
- mofuw (nim)
- lucky (crystal)
- amber (crystal)
- kemal (crystal)
- rocket (rust)
- clusterpolka (node)
- iris (go)
- gorilla_mux (go)
- echo (go)
- phoenix (elixir)
- gin (go)
- plug (elixir)
- aspnetcore (csharp)
- vapor (swift)
- sanic (python)
- perfect (swift)
- kitura (swift)
- jester (nim)
- polka (node)
- clusterexpress (node)
- akkahttp (scala)
- express (node)
- roda (ruby)
- rack-routing (ruby)
- criollo (objc)
- sinatra (ruby)
- tornado (python)
- rails (ruby)
Ranking (Language)
- crystal (router_cr)
- rust (iron)
- python (japronto)
- go (fasthttprouter)
- nim (mofuw)
- node (clusterpolka)
- elixir (phoenix)
- csharp (aspnetcore)
- swift (vapor)
- scala (akkahttp)
- ruby (roda)
- objc (criollo)
All frameworks
Language (Runtime) | Framework (Middleware) | Max [sec] | Min [sec] | Ave [sec] |
ruby | rails | 350.161733 | 349.403240 | 349.758695 |
ruby | sinatra | 100.885575 | 100.654648 | 100.776388 |
ruby | roda | 35.200353 | 34.684047 | 34.891702 |
ruby | rack-routing | 45.339112 | 44.963142 | 45.080912 |
crystal | kemal | 8.239321 | 7.847715 | 8.080067 |
crystal | router_cr | 6.643287 | 6.410330 | 6.555974 |
crystal | raze | 6.931865 | 6.664825 | 6.848396 |
crystal | lucky | 8.145836 | 7.735874 | 8.010866 |
crystal | amber | 8.090061 | 7.831198 | 8.011325 |
crystal | spider-gazelle | 7.240015 | 7.046256 | 7.192485 |
go | echo | 10.205904 | 9.653988 | 9.989534 |
go | gorilla_mux | 9.971818 | 9.486147 | 9.743084 |
go | iris | 9.732393 | 9.387682 | 9.565645 |
go | fasthttprouter | 7.592036 | 7.326633 | 7.452470 |
go | gin | 10.973279 | 10.560217 | 10.811344 |
rust | actix | 7.199203 | 6.997528 | 7.099141 |
rust | iron | 6.801253 | 6.679035 | 6.710507 |
rust | nickel | 6.936677 | 6.786194 | 6.876099 |
rust | rocket | 8.657137 | 8.349306 | 8.504091 |
node | express | 28.081658 | 26.611051 | 27.016107 |
node | clusterexpress | 17.409648 | 15.773684 | 16.309491 |
node | polka | 15.867429 | 15.066904 | 15.401819 |
node | clusterpolka | 9.363300 | 9.197916 | 9.309864 |
elixir | plug | 11.253845 | 10.597757 | 10.876218 |
elixir | phoenix | 11.220435 | 10.087917 | 10.668334 |
swift | vapor | 12.498265 | 12.178270 | 12.336104 |
swift | perfect | 12.900839 | 12.444516 | 12.684239 |
swift | kitura | 13.263198 | 12.493619 | 12.940476 |
scala | akkahttp | 18.595948 | 16.553332 | 17.078369 |
csharp | aspnetcore | 10.932268 | 10.829186 | 10.887798 |
python | sanic | 12.986084 | 11.706889 | 12.437696 |
python | japronto | 7.116580 | 7.002742 | 7.055527 |
python | tornado | 176.956387 | 176.746874 | 176.855119 |
nim | jester | 14.122242 | 14.050893 | 14.082330 |
nim | mofuw | 8.012292 | 7.701051 | 7.814884 |
objc | criollo | 57.233161 | 55.853540 | 56.561862 |
Current target frameworks (middlewares)
- Ruby
- Crystal
- Go
- Rust
- node
- Elixir
- Swift
- Scala
- C#
- Python
- Nim
- Objective-C
See Development section when you want to add new languages or frameworks.
The rule
We want to know the response time (routing time), not a usability. So full-stack framework is at a disadvantage.
- Each server has no special logics.
- Each server's executable is named as
. (For example, server_ruby_sinatra
) - There are only 3 routes
- GET '/' return status code 200 with empty body
- GET '/user/:id' return status code 200 with the id
- POST '/user' return status code 200 with empty body
Required environment -> See Current target frameworks(middlewares)
By using Neph
Neph is a modern command line job processor that can be substitute for make
To compile servers and benchmarker,
> neph
For each language,
> neph ruby
For each framework,
> neph rails
See neph.yaml
By using make
To compile servers and benchmarker,
> make
For each language,
> make ruby
For each framework,
> make rails
You can take a benchmark by
> bin/benchmarker
For each language
> bin/benchmarker ruby
For each framework
> bin/benchmarker rails
For comparison (Comparing rails, kemal and router.cr in this example)
> bin/benchmarker rails crystal
If you take it manually, you can run each server by
> bin/server_[Language]_[Framework]
and run client by
> time bin/client
You can set # of threads and # of the loops of the request(there are 3 requests in a loop) by
> time bin/client -t 16 -r 1000
In the above example, 16 threads requests 1000 * 3 times.
So 48000 requests are sent in total.
Using Docker
Setup servers by using docker
is under WIP. Currently, crystal and ruby servers are supported. For example
docker-compose up rails
Then you can run your client by
time ./bin/client
- Give me PR when you want to add other web frameworks
- Give me PR when you can tuning each framework (under the rule)
Where should I modify when adding new framework
<- Project itselfbenchmarker/benchmarker.cr
<- Adding it as a target toREADME.md
<- Adding it as a target framework of the listMakefile
Anyway, you don't have to care about details since maintainer can fix them after merging it. The result will be updated by maintainer.
- Fork it (https://github.com/tbrand/which_is_the_fastest/fork)
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request