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crane is a command line tool for service providers/administrators. It provides some commands that allow the service administrator to register himself/herself, manage teams, apps and services. Usage: The currently available commands are (grouped by subject): Use "crane help <command>" for more information about a command. Usage: The target is the crane server to which all operations will be directed to. With this set of commands you are be able to check the current target, add a new labeled target, set a target for usage, list the added targets and remove a target, respectively. Usage: This command returns the current version of crane command. Usage: user-create creates a user within crane remote server. It will ask for the password before issue the request. Usage: user-remove will remove currently authenticated user from remote tsuru server. since there cannot exist any orphan teams, tsuru will refuse to remove a user that is the last member of some team. if this is your case, make sure you remove the team using "team-remove" before removing the user. Usage: Login will ask for the password and check if the user is successfully authenticated. If so, the token generated by the crane server will be stored in ${HOME}/.crane_token. All crane actions require the user to be authenticated (except login and user-create, obviously). Usage: Logout will delete the token file and terminate the session within crane server. Usage: change-password will change the password of the logged in user. It will ask for the current password, the new and the confirmation. Usage: reset-password will redefine the user password. This process is composed by two steps: In order to generate the token, users should run this command without the --token flag. The token will be mailed to the user. With the token in hand, the user can finally reset the password using the --token flag. The new password will also be mailed to the user.`, Usage: team-create will create a team for the user. crane requires a user to be a member of at least one team in order to create a service. When you create a team, you're automatically member of this team. Usage: team-remove will remove a team from tsuru server. You're able to remove teams that you're member of. A team that has access to any app cannot be removed. Before removing a team, make sure it does not have access to any app (see "app-grant" and "app-revoke" commands for details). Usage: team-list will list all teams that you are member of. Usage: team-user-add adds a user to a team. You need to be a member of the team to be able to add another user to it. Usage: team-user-remove removes a user from a team. You need to be a member of the team to be able to remove a user from it. A team can never have 0 users. If you are the last member of a team, you can't remove yourself from it. Usage: Template will create a file named "manifest.yaml" with the following content: Change it at will to configure your service. Id is the id of your service, it must be unique. You must provide a production endpoint that will be invoked by tsuru when application developers ask for new instances and are binding their apps to their instances. For more details, see the text "Services API Workflow": Usage: Create will create a new service with information present in the manifest file. Here is an example of usage: You can use "crane template" to generate a template. Both id and production endpoint are required fields. When creating a new service, crane will add all user's teams as administrator teams of the service. Usage: Update will update a service using a manifest file. Currently, it's only possible to edit an endpoint, or add new endpoints. You need to be an administrator of the team to perform an update. Usage: Remove will remove a service from crane server. You need to be an administrator of the team to remove it. Usage: List will list all services that you administrate, and the instances of each service, created by application developers. Usage: doc-add will update service's doc. Example of usage: You need to be an administrator of the service to update its docs. Usage: doc-get will retrieve the current documentation of the service.

Version published




Build Status

crane is a command line for service providers/administrators on tsuru.



Package last updated on 19 Jan 2017

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