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Why fast-hash?

The fast-hash is a simple, robust, and efficient general-purpose hash function.

Simple - ~30 lines of code.
Robust - Passes all tests of SMHasher(
Efficient - Faster than Google MurmurHash2. 

The fast-hash primarily computes 64-bit and 32-bit hash values. For 128-bit hash functions, I recommend Google MurmurHash3 and SpookyHash. However, they can be an overkill for 64-bit hashing applications.

Widely used in industry and academia:

How does it work?

First, interested readers can learn more about the math from the seminar paper:

##Mix Function

The mix function of the fast-hash consists of two Xorshifts and one multiplication:

#define mix_fasthash(h) ({              \
        (h) ^= (h) >> 23;               \
        (h) *= 0x2127599bf4325c37ULL;   \
        (h) ^= (h) >> 47; })

Whereas MurmurHash2's mix function has two multiplications and one Xorshift:

#define mix_murmur2(h) ({               \
        (h) *= 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995ULL;   \
        (h) ^= (h) >> 47;               \
        (h) *= 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995ULL; })

Generally, multiplication, which takes tens of CPU clocks, is much more expensive than Xorshift, which takes only several CPU clocks, on almost all platforms. Thus the fast-hash should be more efficient than MurmurHash2, especially when the size of input data grows. Furthermore, the mix function of Murmurhash2 is slightly flawed as it produces biased bits according to the SMHasher results.

Hash Value of Other Bit Lengths

To obtain hash values of other bit lengths than 32 or 64, the simplest way is to use bitwise AND to extract bits from the the 64-bit hash value calculated by the fast-hash. Another more robust technique suggested by Knuth in his masterpiece "The Art of Computer Programming Vol2" follows:

Let H be the 64-bit hash value. A 32-bit hash value can be computed using (H - (H >> 32)) & (2^32 - 1) . The basic idea is to have all bits in the 64-bit hash value effect on the resulting 32-bit hash value. This conversion is essentially the same as H % (2^32 + 1) . Note that

H = (H >> 32) * 2^32 + H & (2^32 - 1)
  = (H >> 32) * (2^32 + 1) - (H >> 32) + H & (2^32 - 1)


The fast-hash was tested using the SMHasher(, which is known as the "DieHarder" hash testing. The test results show that the fast-hash is a better choice than Google MurmurHash2 (slightly biased and slower than the fast-hash), Jenkins hash function (moderately biased and notably slower than the fast-hash), and a few other popular ones such as Bernstein, CRC, SDBM, FNV, and etc.

--- Testing Murmur2B (MurmurHash2 for x64, 64-bit)

[[[ Sanity Tests ]]]

Verification value 0x1F0D3804 : Passed!
Running sanity check 1..........PASS
Running sanity check 2..........PASS

[[[ Speed Tests ]]]

Bulk speed test - 262144-byte keys
Alignment  0 -  1.062 bytes/cycle - 3038.47 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  1 -  0.706 bytes/cycle - 2018.56 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  2 -  0.706 bytes/cycle - 2018.57 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  3 -  0.706 bytes/cycle - 2018.55 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  4 -  0.706 bytes/cycle - 2018.57 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  5 -  0.701 bytes/cycle - 2006.61 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  6 -  0.706 bytes/cycle - 2018.56 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  7 -  0.706 bytes/cycle - 2018.56 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz

Small key speed test -    1-byte keys -    78.47 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    2-byte keys -    80.45 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    3-byte keys -    82.76 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    4-byte keys -    82.33 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    5-byte keys -    85.25 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    6-byte keys -    84.18 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    7-byte keys -    85.24 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    8-byte keys -    94.82 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    9-byte keys -   101.57 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   10-byte keys -   104.72 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   11-byte keys -    96.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   12-byte keys -   106.25 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   13-byte keys -   106.04 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   14-byte keys -   109.24 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   15-byte keys -   108.11 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   16-byte keys -    96.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   17-byte keys -   108.04 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   18-byte keys -   107.20 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   19-byte keys -   114.08 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   20-byte keys -   108.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   21-byte keys -   116.67 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   22-byte keys -   117.68 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   23-byte keys -   119.27 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   24-byte keys -   109.80 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   25-byte keys -   120.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   26-byte keys -   117.43 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   27-byte keys -   122.90 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   28-byte keys -   119.67 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   29-byte keys -   122.65 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   30-byte keys -   122.57 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   31-byte keys -   123.35 cycles/hash

[[[ Differential Tests ]]]

Testing 8303632 up-to-5-bit differentials in 64-bit keys -> 64 bit hashes.
1000 reps, 8303632000 total tests, expecting 0.00 random collisions..........
0 total collisions, of which 0 single collisions were ignored

Testing 11017632 up-to-4-bit differentials in 128-bit keys -> 64 bit hashes.
1000 reps, 11017632000 total tests, expecting 0.00 random collisions..........
0 total collisions, of which 0 single collisions were ignored

Testing 2796416 up-to-3-bit differentials in 256-bit keys -> 64 bit hashes.
1000 reps, 2796416000 total tests, expecting 0.00 random collisions..........
0 total collisions, of which 0 single collisions were ignored

[[[ Avalanche Tests ]]]

Testing  32-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 9.372000% !!!!! 
Testing  40-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 12.293333% !!!!! 
Testing  48-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 12.561333% !!!!! 
Testing  56-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 12.418000% !!!!! 
Testing  64-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.734667%
Testing  72-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.724000%
Testing  80-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.702000%
Testing  88-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.826667%
Testing  96-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 9.629333% !!!!! 
Testing 104-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 12.272667% !!!!! 
Testing 112-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 12.328667% !!!!! 
Testing 120-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 12.716667% !!!!! 
Testing 128-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.724000%
Testing 136-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.682667%
Testing 144-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.719333%
Testing 152-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 1.038000% !!!!! 

[[[ Keyset 'Cyclic' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 8 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  54 - 0.033%

Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 9 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  17 - 0.039%

Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 10 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  39 - 0.032%

Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 11 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  53 - 0.029%

Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 12 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  19-bit window at bit  20 - 0.032%

[[[ Keyset 'TwoBytes' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-4-byte keys, 652545 total keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  16-bit window at bit  47 - 0.364%

Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-8-byte keys, 5471025 total keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  35 - 0.205%

Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-12-byte keys, 18616785 total keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  10 - 0.018%

Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-16-byte keys, 44251425 total keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  58 - 0.006%

Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-20-byte keys, 86536545 total keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  49 - 0.003%

[[[ Keyset 'Sparse' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Sparse' - 32-bit keys with up to 6 bits set - 1149017 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  16-bit window at bit   4 - 0.101%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 40-bit keys with up to 6 bits set - 4598479 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  17-bit window at bit  39 - 0.075%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 48-bit keys with up to 5 bits set - 1925357 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  18-bit window at bit  39 - 0.115%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 56-bit keys with up to 5 bits set - 4216423 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  19-bit window at bit  37 - 0.124%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 64-bit keys with up to 5 bits set - 8303633 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  43 - 0.060%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 96-bit keys with up to 4 bits set - 3469497 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  19-bit window at bit  22 - 0.050%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 256-bit keys with up to 3 bits set - 2796417 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  19-bit window at bit  31 - 0.084%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 2048-bit keys with up to 2 bits set - 2098177 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  18-bit window at bit  23 - 0.090%

[[[ Keyset 'Combination Lowbits' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Combination' - up to 8 blocks from a set of 8 - 19173960 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  16 - 0.018%

[[[ Keyset 'Combination Highbits' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Combination' - up to 8 blocks from a set of 8 - 19173960 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  35 - 0.014%

[[[ Keyset 'Combination 0x8000000' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Combination' - up to 20 blocks from a set of 2 - 2097150 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  18-bit window at bit  21 - 0.122%

[[[ Keyset 'Combination 0x0000001' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Combination' - up to 20 blocks from a set of 2 - 2097150 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  18-bit window at bit  46 - 0.080%

[[[ Keyset 'Combination Hi-Lo' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Combination' - up to 6 blocks from a set of 15 - 12204240 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  58 - 0.032%

[[[ Keyset 'Window' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Windowed' - 128-bit key,  20-bit window - 128 tests, 1048576 keys per test
Window at   0 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   1 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   2 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   3 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   4 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   5 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   6 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   7 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   8 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   9 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  10 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  11 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  12 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  13 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  14 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  15 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  16 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  17 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  18 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  19 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  20 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  21 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  22 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  23 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  24 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  25 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  26 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  27 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  28 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  29 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  30 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  31 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  32 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  33 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  34 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  35 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  36 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  37 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  38 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  39 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  40 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  41 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  42 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  43 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  44 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  45 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  46 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  47 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  48 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  49 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  50 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  51 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  52 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  53 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  54 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  55 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  56 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  57 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  58 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  59 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  60 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  61 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  62 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  63 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  64 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  65 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  66 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  67 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  68 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  69 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  70 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  71 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  72 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  73 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  74 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  75 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  76 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  77 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  78 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  79 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  80 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  81 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  82 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  83 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  84 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  85 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  86 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  87 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  88 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  89 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  90 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  91 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  92 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  93 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  94 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  95 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  96 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  97 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  98 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  99 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 100 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 101 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 102 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 103 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 104 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 105 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 106 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 107 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 108 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 109 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 110 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 111 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 112 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 113 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 114 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 115 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 116 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 117 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 118 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 119 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 120 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 121 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 122 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 123 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 124 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 125 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 126 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 127 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 128 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)

[[[ Keyset 'Text' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Text' - keys of form "Foo[XXXX]Bar" - 14776336 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  24 - 0.022%

Keyset 'Text' - keys of form "FooBar[XXXX]" - 14776336 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  19-bit window at bit  32 - 0.018%

Keyset 'Text' - keys of form "[XXXX]FooBar" - 14776336 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  31 - 0.026%

[[[ Keyset 'Zeroes' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Zeroes' - 65536 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  12-bit window at bit  32 - 0.459%

[[[ Keyset 'Seed' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Seed' - 1000000 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  17-bit window at bit  42 - 0.079%

Input vcode 0x00000001, Output vcode 0x00000001, Result vcode 0x00000001
Verification value is 0x00000001 - Testing took 1718.040000 seconds

--- Testing FastHash64 (Ulib's FastHash for x86-64, 64-bit.)

[[[ Sanity Tests ]]]

Verification value 0xA16231A7 : Passed!
Running sanity check 1..........PASS
Running sanity check 2..........PASS

[[[ Speed Tests ]]]

Bulk speed test - 262144-byte keys
Alignment  0 -  1.067 bytes/cycle - 3053.60 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  1 -  0.745 bytes/cycle - 2130.87 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  2 -  0.745 bytes/cycle - 2130.87 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  3 -  0.745 bytes/cycle - 2130.87 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  4 -  0.745 bytes/cycle - 2130.87 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  5 -  0.745 bytes/cycle - 2130.87 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  6 -  0.745 bytes/cycle - 2130.87 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  7 -  0.745 bytes/cycle - 2130.87 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz

Small key speed test -    1-byte keys -    92.44 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    2-byte keys -    95.69 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    3-byte keys -    96.37 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    4-byte keys -   100.21 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    5-byte keys -    98.75 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    6-byte keys -    95.60 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    7-byte keys -    99.72 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    8-byte keys -    92.48 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    9-byte keys -   104.06 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   10-byte keys -   102.76 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   11-byte keys -   110.69 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   12-byte keys -   108.76 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   13-byte keys -   108.29 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   14-byte keys -   109.68 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   15-byte keys -   108.91 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   16-byte keys -    99.21 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   17-byte keys -   106.80 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   18-byte keys -   107.25 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   19-byte keys -   105.99 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   20-byte keys -   110.71 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   21-byte keys -   111.79 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   22-byte keys -   112.35 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   23-byte keys -   108.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   24-byte keys -   108.76 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   25-byte keys -   116.70 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   26-byte keys -   117.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   27-byte keys -   116.69 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   28-byte keys -   118.11 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   29-byte keys -   117.71 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   30-byte keys -   123.67 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   31-byte keys -   122.65 cycles/hash

[[[ Differential Tests ]]]

Testing 8303632 up-to-5-bit differentials in 64-bit keys -> 64 bit hashes.
1000 reps, 8303632000 total tests, expecting 0.00 random collisions..........
0 total collisions, of which 0 single collisions were ignored

Testing 11017632 up-to-4-bit differentials in 128-bit keys -> 64 bit hashes.
1000 reps, 11017632000 total tests, expecting 0.00 random collisions..........
0 total collisions, of which 0 single collisions were ignored

Testing 2796416 up-to-3-bit differentials in 256-bit keys -> 64 bit hashes.
1000 reps, 2796416000 total tests, expecting 0.00 random collisions..........
0 total collisions, of which 0 single collisions were ignored

[[[ Avalanche Tests ]]]

Testing  32-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.742667%
Testing  40-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.707333%
Testing  48-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.751333%
Testing  56-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.718000%
Testing  64-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.658000%
Testing  72-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.634667%
Testing  80-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.654667%
Testing  88-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.684667%
Testing  96-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.654667%
Testing 104-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.714667%
Testing 112-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.762667%
Testing 120-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.734667%
Testing 128-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.634000%
Testing 136-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.682000%
Testing 144-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.808000%
Testing 152-bit keys ->  64-bit hashes,   300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.791333%

[[[ Keyset 'Cyclic' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 8 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  32 - 0.034%

Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 9 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  49 - 0.033%

Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 10 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  31 - 0.021%

Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 11 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  31 - 0.024%

Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 12 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  11 - 0.040%

[[[ Keyset 'TwoBytes' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-4-byte keys, 652545 total keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  16-bit window at bit  51 - 0.077%

Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-8-byte keys, 5471025 total keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  49 - 0.044%

Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-12-byte keys, 18616785 total keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  19-bit window at bit  54 - 0.020%

Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-16-byte keys, 44251425 total keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  33 - 0.006%

Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-20-byte keys, 86536545 total keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  29 - 0.003%

[[[ Keyset 'Sparse' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Sparse' - 32-bit keys with up to 6 bits set - 1149017 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  17-bit window at bit  25 - 0.097%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 40-bit keys with up to 6 bits set - 4598479 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  19-bit window at bit  34 - 0.072%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 48-bit keys with up to 5 bits set - 1925357 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  18-bit window at bit  61 - 0.083%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 56-bit keys with up to 5 bits set - 4216423 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  19-bit window at bit  19 - 0.055%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 64-bit keys with up to 5 bits set - 8303633 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  16 - 0.044%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 96-bit keys with up to 4 bits set - 3469497 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  19-bit window at bit  62 - 0.069%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 256-bit keys with up to 3 bits set - 2796417 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  19-bit window at bit  50 - 0.070%

Keyset 'Sparse' - 2048-bit keys with up to 2 bits set - 2098177 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  18-bit window at bit  14 - 0.057%

[[[ Keyset 'Combination Lowbits' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Combination' - up to 8 blocks from a set of 8 - 19173960 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  52 - 0.018%

[[[ Keyset 'Combination Highbits' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Combination' - up to 8 blocks from a set of 8 - 19173960 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit   3 - 0.014%

[[[ Keyset 'Combination 0x8000000' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Combination' - up to 20 blocks from a set of 2 - 2097150 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  18-bit window at bit  51 - 0.078%

[[[ Keyset 'Combination 0x0000001' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Combination' - up to 20 blocks from a set of 2 - 2097150 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  18-bit window at bit  49 - 0.115%

[[[ Keyset 'Combination Hi-Lo' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Combination' - up to 6 blocks from a set of 15 - 12204240 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit   7 - 0.030%

[[[ Keyset 'Window' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Windowed' - 128-bit key,  20-bit window - 128 tests, 1048576 keys per test
Window at   0 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   1 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   2 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   3 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   4 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   5 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   6 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   7 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   8 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at   9 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  10 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  11 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  12 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  13 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  14 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  15 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  16 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  17 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  18 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  19 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  20 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  21 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  22 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  23 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  24 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  25 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  26 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  27 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  28 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  29 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  30 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  31 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  32 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  33 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  34 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  35 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  36 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  37 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  38 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  39 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  40 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  41 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  42 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  43 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  44 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  45 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  46 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  47 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  48 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  49 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  50 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  51 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  52 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  53 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  54 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  55 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  56 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  57 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  58 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  59 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  60 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  61 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  62 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  63 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  64 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  65 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  66 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  67 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  68 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  69 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  70 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  71 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  72 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  73 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  74 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  75 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  76 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  77 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  78 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  79 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  80 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  81 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  82 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  83 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  84 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  85 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  86 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  87 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  88 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  89 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  90 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  91 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  92 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  93 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  94 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  95 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  96 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  97 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  98 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at  99 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 100 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 101 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 102 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 103 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 104 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 105 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 106 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 107 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 108 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 109 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 110 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 111 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 112 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 113 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 114 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 115 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 116 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 117 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 118 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 119 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 120 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 121 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 122 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 123 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 124 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 125 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 126 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 127 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 128 - Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)

[[[ Keyset 'Text' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Text' - keys of form "Foo[XXXX]Bar" - 14776336 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  19-bit window at bit  35 - 0.023%

Keyset 'Text' - keys of form "FooBar[XXXX]" - 14776336 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  53 - 0.025%

Keyset 'Text' - keys of form "[XXXX]FooBar" - 14776336 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  20-bit window at bit  10 - 0.018%

[[[ Keyset 'Zeroes' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Zeroes' - 65536 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  13-bit window at bit  58 - 0.468%

[[[ Keyset 'Seed' Tests ]]]

Keyset 'Seed' - 1000000 keys
Testing collisions   - Expected     0.00, actual     0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the  17-bit window at bit  46 - 0.127%

Input vcode 0x00000001, Output vcode 0x00000001, Result vcode 0x00000001
Verification value is 0x00000001 - Testing took 1664.050000 seconds


Package last updated on 23 Apr 2023

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