A lightweight ORM Framework for Kotlin with strong typed SQL DSL and sequence APIs.
Beigesoft ORM library. This is simple lightweigt multiplatform (JDBC/Android) ORM library. It supports Postgresql, H2 and SQlite. Consist of ORM logic except platform dependent database access logic - e.g. JDBC or Android. It's configurable with standard Java Properties XML files. Standard SQL queries both DML(e.g. SELECT) and DDL(e.g. CREATE) are automatically generated and could be modified/replaced by Properties XML.
This is simple lightweigt multiplatform (JDBC/Android) ORM library. It supports Postgresql, MySql, H2 and SQlite. It consist of ORM logic except platform dependent database access logic - e.g. JDBC or Android. It's configured with Beige-Settings (standard Java Properties XML files).
A lightweight ORM Framework for Kotlin with strong typed SQL DSL and sequence APIs.
Dialect for SQLite for Hibernate ORM
It consist of JDBC implementation of database service. Test package consist of ORM JDBC tests for SQlite, Mysql, Postgresql, H2 databases.
SQLKing is an Android SQLite ORM powered an annotation preprocessor, tables are defined by Model classes and CRUD classes expose an expressive api for SQLite executing queries.
This is CRUD interface based on standard JEE MVC servlet, JSP, JSTL. It renders forms and lists of any entity according XML settings (Beige-Settings). Database logic is handled by Beige-ORM. It also includes Mail-sender and database replicator through WEB-service. It is SQLite configured. Put WAR file into Tomcat7 webapps, make sure that Tomcat has libraries: HikariCP-2.4.3.jar, sqlite-jdbc-, slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar (versions may be different), for MS Windows change file separator in META-INF\context.xml connectionURL from "/" to "\" and reassemble WAR. Beigesoft-Accounting-Web extends it into very complex business application.
It consist of Android SQlite implementation of database service. It's used for Beige-ORM for Android.
SQLKing is an Android SQLite ORM geared towards working with flat data structures. Tables are defined by Model classes and CRUD classes expose clean builders for executing queries.
SQLKing is an Android SQLite ORM powered an annotation preprocessor, tables are defined by Model classes and CRUD classes expose an expressive api for SQLite executing queries.
SQLKing is an Android SQLite ORM powered an annotation preprocessor, tables are defined by Model classes and CRUD classes expose an expressive api for SQLite executing queries.
KittyORM - Data Mapper ORM for Android\SQLite
Dialect for SQLite for Hibernate ORM
Android SQLite Core Library
Android SQLite Core Library
Panosen Android Orm for sqlite
Android SQLite ORM.
JBSqlUtils es un ORM desarrollado en java por José Carlos Alfredo Bran Aguirre, que permite gestionar BD's SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL y SQLServer, de una manera fácil y rápida sin interrumpir la ejecución del hilo principal del programa, lo cual la hace un potente ORM, por medio del cual tendrá acceso a un CRUD, configurando únicamente la conexión del modelo, los atributos que posee la tabla en BD's cómo variables que pertenecerán al modelo en su aplicación. JBSqlUtils también proporciona un potente generador de instrucciones SQL que le permitirá crear o eliminar una tabla, insertar, seleccionar, actualizar o eliminar registros de una tabla en su BD's sin necesidad de instanciar un modelo cómo tal, únicamente tendrá que configurar previamente la conexión a su BD's. Lo cual la hace un potente ORM para aplicaciones android y sistemas empresariales que tengan la necesidad de poder conectarse a alguna de estas 4 tipos de BD's, cabe mencionar que para ello utiliza el SQLite JDBC de org.xerial, org.postgresql, mysql y com.microsoft.sqlserver. Para mayor información, consultar el enlace del proyecto