Liferay Blogs API
Liferay Blogs Item Selector API
Liferay Blogs Service
Liferay Blogs Web
Liferay Blogs Recent Bloggers API
Aries top-level parent pom
Liferay Blogs Recent Bloggers Web
Liferay Blogs Item Selector Web
Liferay Blogs Layout Prototype
Liferay Adaptive Media Blogs Web Fragment
Liferay Adaptive Media Blogs Item Selector Web
Liferay Blogs UAD
Liferay Blogs Test Utilities
Liferay Adaptive Media Blogs Web
Liferay Blogs Editor Configuration
Liferay Blogs Reading Time
Liferay Adaptive Media Blogs Editor Configuration
The ROME Propono subproject is a Java class library that supports publishing protocols, specifically the Atom Publishing Protocol and the legacy MetaWeblog API. Propono includes an Atom client library, Atom server framework and a Blog client that supports both Atom protocol and the MetaWeblog API.
Aries top-level parent pom
Aries top-level parent pom
Liferay Blogs Demo Data Creator API
Liferay Sharing Blogs
Liferay Blog Apio Implementation
Liferay Blog Apio API
Aries top-level parent pom
Aries top-level parent pom
Aries top-level parent pom
Liferay Content Dashboard Blogs Implementation
Jersey example for implementing generic PATCH support via JAX-RS reader interceptor. Taken from Gerard Davison's blog entry:
This EBA contains the core bundles for the sample Blog application. It does not include all transitive dependencies, which need to be provisioned during deployment. It uses JPA for the persistence layer.
This EBA contains the core bundles for the sample Blog application. It does not include all transitive dependencies, which need to be provisioned during deployment. It uses JDBC for the persistence layer.
Liferay Blogs REST
Liferay Blogs Lang
Integrate the live blog in real time into your Android client applications with speed and efficiency. Our SDK helps you focus on the client's implementation of initializing, configuring and displaying the live blog.
Blogging management
OpooPress Framework is a java based blog aware static site generator.
The ROME Propono subproject is a Java class library that supports publishing protocols, specifically the Atom Publishing Protocol and the legacy MetaWeblog API. Propono includes an Atom client library, Atom server framework and a Blog client that supports both Atom protocol and the MetaWeblog API.
Aries top-level parent pom
Liferay Blogs Demo
Liferay Blogs Asset Auto Tagger Google Cloud Natural Language
Liferay Blogs Demo Data Creator Implementation
Liferay Analytics Reports Blogs Implementation
Liferay Blogs Asset Auto Tagger OpenNLP
Aries top-level parent pom
WebJar for startbootstrap-clean-blog
WebJar for startbootstrap-clean-blog