WebJar for sorted-union-stream
OSCube is a framework of sorts. I find myself writing a particular type of application, some kind of job engine, repeatedly and OSCube is the generic version there-of. It uses Simple-JNDI, and therefore really just basic JNDI, as its configuration system, and the Quartz scheduler for Cron-work.
WebJar for sort-desc
An API for filtering, sorting and limiting data - mostly for Crud backends but usable for more.
WebJar for sorted-indexof
WebJar for ranges-sort
InLong is a one-stop data streaming platform that provides automatic, ecure, distributed, and efficient data publishing and subscription capabilities. This platform helps you easily build stream-based data applications.
InLong is a one-stop data streaming platform that provides automatic, ecure, distributed, and efficient data publishing and subscription capabilities. This platform helps you easily build stream-based data applications.
A kitchen-sink sort of util-lib
An API for filtering, sorting and limiting data - mostly for Crud backends but usable for more.
WebJar for sort-asc
InLong is a one-stop data streaming platform that provides automatic, ecure, distributed, and efficient data publishing and subscription capabilities. This platform helps you easily build stream-based data applications.
Multiple loosely coupled modules which extend ZK framework, originally created by DataLite company. ZKComposer - controll the MVC design with annotations @ZkEvent?, @ZkComponent?, @ZkBinding?, ... (similar to zkspring or zkcdi projects, however without any framework dependencies). ZKDLComponents splits ZK data driven components (listbox, combobox) to MVC design, adds support for easy large data manipulation and contains many pre-built user controls (filter manager, sort manager, visible listbox columns manager, export to excel, etc.) HibernateDAO & ZKDLComponentsHibernateExtensions - Hibernate generic DAO design with extensions for ZKDLComponents to replace all your plumbing code (filter, sort, lazy loading, CRUD). SpringService? - service layer with spring - generic service which speaks to generic DAO. This is the way we use our components at DataLite?, but you can use any integration or DAO at your will.
WebJar for prettier-plugin-sort-json
Keap is a heap data structure presenting stable PriorityQueue and stable Keapsort sorting algorithm
Android ListView with drag and drop reordering.
Compact tool for building SQL, JPA or hibernate queries. Supports utilities for spring pagination and sorting. Supports extending to other types of query languages. Has no transitive dependencies - use only what you need.
cpDetector is a proxy for codepage detection of documents. It delegates to multiple instances that try to detect the codepage by different techinques. A command line executeable is shipped that allows to sort documents by codepage.
Generic sorting (TIMsort variant) for sorting multiple arrays or collections by one, or any data structure a Swapper can be implemented for (split off from util-collections)
Creates and searches hilbert indexed sorted files
Enterprise customers can use the secure data transmission channel provided by SNoti, real-time data collection equipment, equipment for information sorting, equipment status statistics, equipment monitoring, etc .; can also remote control function, real-time transmission of business instructions to control online equipment
Enterprise customers can use the secure data transmission channel provided by SNoti, real-time data collection equipment, equipment for information sorting, equipment status statistics, equipment monitoring, etc .; can also remote control function, real-time transmission of business instructions to control online equipment
Sorts Gradle dependencies
Sorts Gradle dependencies
Sorts Gradle dependencies
Utilities for working with NIO Buffers. Including a BitSet implementation and sorting algos.
Spring cache implementation using Redis sorted set, to prevent returning stale data in cache querying.
Spring cache implementation using Redis sorted set, to prevent returning stale data in cache querying.
Apache Accumulo is a sorted, distributed key/value store based on Google's BigTable design. It is built on top of Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift. It features a few novel improvements on the BigTable design in the form of cell-level access labels and a server-side programming mechanism that can modify key/value pairs at various points in the data management process.
Apache Accumulo is a sorted, distributed key/value store based on Google's BigTable design. It is built on top of Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift. It features a few novel improvements on the BigTable design in the form of cell-level access labels and a server-side programming mechanism that can modify key/value pairs at various points in the data management process.
A generic tool to sort data into bins that can later be counted
An tag library implementation of Pagination with Spring Framework that will provide full features of pagination, search option and column sorting.
A simple library for merging log files with different format of lines timestamps to a single file or readable source with lines sorted by timestamps. See the https://github.com/credibledoc/credible-doc/tree/master/log-combiner-parent page.
Multiple loosely coupled modules which extend ZK framework, originally created by DataLite company. ZKComposer - controll the MVC design with annotations @ZkEvent?, @ZkComponent?, @ZkBinding?, ... (similar to zkspring or zkcdi projects, however without any framework dependencies). ZKDLComponents splits ZK data driven components (listbox, combobox) to MVC design, adds support for easy large data manipulation and contains many pre-built user controls (filter manager, sort manager, visible listbox columns manager, export to excel, etc.) HibernateDAO & ZKDLComponentsHibernateExtensions - Hibernate generic DAO design with extensions for ZKDLComponents to replace all your plumbing code (filter, sort, lazy loading, CRUD). SpringService? - service layer with spring - generic service which speaks to generic DAO. This is the way we use our components at DataLite?, but you can use any integration or DAO at your will.
Multiple loosely coupled modules which extend ZK framework, originally created by DataLite company. ZKComposer - controll the MVC design with annotations @ZkEvent?, @ZkComponent?, @ZkBinding?, ... (similar to zkspring or zkcdi projects, however without any framework dependencies). ZKDLComponents splits ZK data driven components (listbox, combobox) to MVC design, adds support for easy large data manipulation and contains many pre-built user controls (filter manager, sort manager, visible listbox columns manager, export to excel, etc.) HibernateDAO & ZKDLComponentsHibernateExtensions - Hibernate generic DAO design with extensions for ZKDLComponents to replace all your plumbing code (filter, sort, lazy loading, CRUD). SpringService? - service layer with spring - generic service which speaks to generic DAO. This is the way we use our components at DataLite?, but you can use any integration or DAO at your will.
Develop true restful APIs by supporting pagination, filtering, selection, sorting and searching. This project helps you add these featrues to your REST Controller easily without developing custom solutions. The project is currently only compatible with Spring Boot + Spring Data MongoDB applications.
Alternative sorting implementations.
In some data processing tasks we need to use huge maps or sets that are bigger than available JVM heap space or they are loading too slow to standard Java or Scala Maps. We use TSV format (text file with tab separated columns) for persist this kind of Maps or Sets. Some columns are used as a key and rest of columns as a value. Idea of this library is simple. We can prepare these maps once (sort by key), store it to file and then use it as memory mapped file. Searching key in sorted file has log(n) complexity. If more processes uses the same memory mapped file, it exists in memory just once (on Linux). This file can be loaded lazy by OS.
In some data processing tasks we need to use huge maps or sets that are bigger than available JVM heap space or they are loading too slow to standard Java or Scala Maps. We use TSV format (text file with tab separated columns) for persist this kind of Maps or Sets. Some columns are used as a key and rest of columns as a value. Idea of this library is simple. We can prepare these maps once (sort by key), store it to file and then use it as memory mapped file. Searching key in sorted file has log(n) complexity. If more processes uses the same memory mapped file, it exists in memory just once (on Linux). This file can be loaded lazy by OS.
In some data processing tasks we need to use huge maps or sets that are bigger than available JVM heap space or they are loading too slow to standard Java or Scala Maps. We use TSV format (text file with tab separated columns) for persist this kind of Maps or Sets. Some columns are used as a key and rest of columns as a value. Idea of this library is simple. We can prepare these maps once (sort by key), store it to file and then use it as memory mapped file. Searching key in sorted file has log(n) complexity. If more processes uses the same memory mapped file, it exists in memory just once (on Linux). This file can be loaded lazy by OS.
Android ListView with drag and drop reordering.
Multiple loosely coupled modules which extend ZK framework, originally created by DataLite company. ZKComposer - controll the MVC design with annotations @ZkEvent?, @ZkComponent?, @ZkBinding?, ... (similar to zkspring or zkcdi projects, however without any framework dependencies). ZKDLComponents splits ZK data driven components (listbox, combobox) to MVC design, adds support for easy large data manipulation and contains many pre-built user controls (filter manager, sort manager, visible listbox columns manager, export to excel, etc.) HibernateDAO & ZKDLComponentsHibernateExtensions - Hibernate generic DAO design with extensions for ZKDLComponents to replace all your plumbing code (filter, sort, lazy loading, CRUD). SpringService? - service layer with spring - generic service which speaks to generic DAO. This is the way we use our components at DataLite?, but you can use any integration or DAO at your will.
基于jpa再封装,常用的模板CRUD,分页排序,多字段高级搜索,国际化,多租户等功能 (Re-encapsulation based on Spring Data jpa, commonly used template CRUD, paging sort, multi-field advanced search, internationalization, multi-tenancy and other functions),https://github.com/vip-efactory/ejpa
WebJar for angular-semver-sort
Utility classes to sort numbers
An implementation of external sorting using parallelism