Server side of the GraphQL Implementation
A lightweight typesafe GraphQL HTTP Client based on Spring WebClient
Apollo GraphQL Android Support
Maven plugins configuration
Module containing SchemaGeneratorHooksProvider Service Provider Interface (SPI)
Spring Boot 3 starter powered by GraphQL SPQR
Apollo GraphQL API classes
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Apollo GraphQL RxJava2 bindings
GraphQL client serializer based on Jackson
Maven plugins configuration
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
GraphQL Spring Framework Boot
WebJar for graphql-language-service
WebJar for graphql-language-service-parser
Scala GraphQL implementation
UI Tools effectively repackaged
Asynchronous HTTP/2 RPC/REST client/server library built on top of Java 8, Netty, Thrift and gRPC (armeria-graphql-protocol)
Apollo GraphQL API classes
Blaze-Persistence Parent
Provides GraphQL JPA Query Schema Generation and Execution Support
Graphql Kotlin Data Loader
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL API classes
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Apollo GraphQL API classes
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL API classes
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL Annotations
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Http4k GraphQL support
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
The modular web framework for Java and Kotlin
The modular web framework for Java and Kotlin
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Gradle plugin for generating java/kotlin classes for graphql files