Data Loader Instrumentations
Apollo GraphQL http cache api required by runtime
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache Common APIs
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache APIs
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache APIs
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache APIs
Apollo GraphQL http cache api required by runtime
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Apollo GraphQL runtime library to support generated code
Manifold is a Java compiler plugin, its features include Metaprogramming, Properties, Extension Methods, Operator Overloading, Templates, a Preprocessor, and more.
GraphQL Spring Framework Boot
GraphQL Spring Framework Boot
WebJar for graphql-config
Blaze-Persistence Parent
Code-first GraphQL APIs for MicroProfile :: TCK
GraphQL Spring Framework Boot
Provides GraphQL JPA Query HTTP Transport Web Controller Support
WebJar for graphql-request
Apollo GraphQL Normalized Cache APIs
GraphQL client serializer based on kotlinx.serialization
GraphQL Spring Framework Boot
GraphQL Spring Framework Boot
Utilitaires pour la couche web
WebJar for @aws-amplify/api-graphql
AWS SDK for Android - AppSync GraphQL client library
GraphQL Spring Framework Boot
Spring Boot 3 starter powered by GraphQL SPQR
Spring Boot 3 starter powered by GraphQL SPQR
GraphQL Kotlin common plugin utilities library.
GraphQL Spring Framework Boot
Utilitaires pour la couche web
Scala GraphQL AST representation