Implementation of Facebook social plugin 'Like' for Android
WebJar for paper-toggle-button
WebJar for @polymer/paper-toggle-button
Connect Button SDK is a library that helps facilitate the integration of the Connect Button and Connection API.
Compose Multiplatform Kotlin/JS wrappers for @material/icon-button
Compose Multiplatform Kotlin/JS wrappers for @material/segmented-button
WebJar for datatables-buttons
One more FAB Menu - Another floating action button menu with expand/collapse behavior.
Instagram-like button for taking photos or recording videos
A button to substitute the ProgressDialog.
android-button-kit for the mParticle SDK
Animated button with transitions between symbols.
An implementation of Google design, with Floating Action Button transforming into toolbar
A wrapper for Facebook Native Like Button (LikeView) on Android
WebJar for vue-router-back-button
'RichButtons' is a set of button styles for Android applications.
'RichButtons' is a set of button styles for Android applications.
'RichButtons' is a set of button styles for Android applications.
WebJar for paper-button-group
A Swing/AWT based DTP.
WebJar for nebula-button
WebJar for paper-more-button
Simple Android material raised button library for 16+ API
WebJar for @workday/canvas-kit-css-button
WebJar for @polymer/paper-toggle-button
WebJar for px-button-group-design
WebJar for vue-github-button
Button SDK that allws 3rd party to trigger Yoti as support app
Library replicating Google's material design standard for floating buttons
Action bar item which acts both as refresh button and progress indicator
WebJar for bootstrap-switch-button
WebJar for bootstrap-switch-button
WebJar for smart-button
A widget with the social media shortcuts buttons
A button with animation.
The CMS Blue Button project provides Medicare beneficiaries with access to their health care data, and supports an ecosystem of third-party applications that can leverage that data. This is the parent POM for the project.
Progress view with image and retry button
Swing implementation of a split button and JavaBean information for using it in an IDE.
Google Pay Button for Jetpack Compose
Action bar item which acts both as refresh button and progress indicator
Action bar item which acts both as refresh button and progress indicator
Language Buttons plugin for Geoladris
WebJar for vaadin-radio-button
It's a very simple custom views library according UIButton in iOS, all of the views can be automatically set a pressed effect to a button with a simple background image without writing a selector.xml
Android button which can indicate progress.
The WicketStuff Multi-Text input is a Javascript widget which mimics the To: input in Apple's, or the >fb:multi-friend-input< input from Facebook. Essentially, the user may type a piece of text into the input then hit the enter key to have the text added to the input in a rounded box. The user may delete the texted entered by either clicking on an x button within the rounded box, or hitting the backspace button to highlight the text, then clicking backspace again to delete it. Two sets of hidden inputs are used to keep track of the text added to the input and the text deleted.
Enable and disable your features in production on a button click
Android Color Button
The primary WAR for the CMS Blue Button API project. Provides a FHIR API.
CustomButton(custom button) is an easy android library to customize button color for different button states(pressed,disabled..etc) without selector creation and also you can add left/right icon easily to it.