CircleMenu is a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations.
WebJar for vue-grid-layout
Thymeleaf Layout Dialect rewritten in java.
A very simple arc layout library for Android
The JWebSwing implementation for JQuery UI Layout
Liferay Analytics Reports Layout Display Page API
Liferay Analytics Reports Layout Implementation
Creates a Liferay layout template module project.
Liferay Analytics Reports Layout Display Page Implementation
Wicket Web Beans (WWB) is an Apache Wicket component toolkit for displaying and editing POJOs that conform to the JavaBeans specification. Web pages are automatically generated based on bean properties and certain conventions. If necessary, the layout, editability, and actions of these pages can be customized on an exception basis. In other words, the toolkit normally does what you'd expect, but when it doesn't, you can override its behavior.
WebJar for flex-layout-srcs
WebJar for @angular/flex-layout
Twitter Bootstrap 3.6, with full sources, integrated with light layout sporting a default Entando theme.
Search View Layout like Lollipop Dialer
Compose UI primitives. This library contains the primitives that form the Compose UI Toolkit, such as drawing, measurement and layout.
Bridge to the Graphviz command-line tool for access through ELK.
WebJar for vaadin-split-layout
Compose layout implementations
A library for layout testing of websites
Single line diagram layout based on CGMES-DL
Screenshot Tests Litho Layout Hierarchy Plugins
WebJar for iron-flex-layout
Opinionated set of tools for functional programming in Scala
Opinionated set of tools for functional programming in Scala
JSFTemplating is to work with JavaServer Faces technology to make building pages and components easier. It is used to define the layout of an example component.
Single line diagram Force Layout parent project
Single line diagram core components like graph data models, automatic layouts, SVG renderer
Airship Layout Rendering Library
WebJar for app-layout
WebJar for app-layout
DynamicJasper (DJ) is an API that hides the complexity of Jasper Reports, it helps developers to save time when designing simple/medium complexity reports generating the layout of the report elements automatically. It creates reports dynamically, defining at runtime the columns, column width (auto width), groups, variables, fonts, charts, crosstabs, sub reports (that can also be dynamic), page size and everything else that you can define at design time. This dependency provides basic ttf font files to be used along with DynamicJasper This packages requires JasperReports 6.3.1 or newer
WebJar for opentok-layout-js
a project that can implement dynamic layout and data bind on Android&IOS system. mobile device render ui, bind data, add event listener... according to downloaded [bundle] file.
a project that can implement dynamic layout and data bind on Android&IOS system. mobile device render ui, bind data, add event listener... according to downloaded [bundle] file.
Compose layout implementations
WebJar for metalsmith-layouts
Jetspeed-2 Layouts Portlet Application
Layout Plugin
Layout algorithm based on the force approach.
Utilities for analysing the content and visual layout of a web-page.
You donât want your apps look and feel boring, do you? Add some bubbles!
Android layout that simulates physics using JBox2D. Simply add views, enable physics, and watch them fall!
Layout algorithm based on the radial tree approach.
JSFTemplating is to work with Jakarta Faces technology to make building pages and components easier. It is used to define the layout of an example component.
Full width layout, inspired by the classic Hero unit example from Twitter Bootstrap. Default Widgets included.
JSFTemplating is to work with Jakarta Faces technology to make building pages and components easier. It is used to define the layout of an example component.
Provides GWT Angular module for Masonry cascading grid layout library.
Different custom layouts that will help you to handle your UI on foldable devices