WebJar for rc-notification
Metrix Notification library
Android APP Factory
A powerful library for creating notifications in android platform.
A platform to find, combine and analyze earth imagery at any scale.
Artifact that provides the default implementation of the navigation notification
A Java Library to send Push Notification to the Amazon Device Messaging Network
WSO2 Carbon - MQTT Pull Notification Lister Implementation
Spinnaker Keel
Capacitor Android local-notifications plugin native library
A custom wso2 products or solution
TOAST Android Push SDK Notification Module
JASMINe Monitoring is a set of tools allowing to supervise a distributed infrastructure. This is composed of probes, a system to aggregate, filter, ... monitoring informations (JASMINe Probe), a message bus (EventSwitch), a storage system, an alarm mechanism and a web console (JASMINe EoS - Eye of SOA).
JASMINe Monitoring is a set of tools allowing to supervise a distributed infrastructure. This is composed of probes, a system to aggregate, filter, ... monitoring informations (JASMINe Probe), a message bus (EventSwitch), a storage system, an alarm mechanism and a web console (JASMINe EoS - Eye of SOA).
WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.
Send Notifications through AWS SNS service
Parent pom file for spring starters
Corporate POM for projects in the oppna-program community.
Parent pom file for spring starters
Corporate POM for projects in the oppna-program community.
Parent pom file for spring starters
Parent pom file for spring starters
Liferay Enterprise Product Notification Web
Liferay Notification REST Client
Hawkular Business Transaction Management
Ontrack module: ontrack-extension-notifications
Liferay Headless User Notification API
Liferay Notifications Service
Liferay Headless User Notification Implementation
Liferay Headless User Notification Client
The IBM® FHIR® Server is a modular Java implementation of version 4 of the HL7 FHIR specification with a focus on performance and configurability.
Automated investing on Zonky. Define investment strategy, run, profit.
This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for NotificationHubs Management SDK. For documentation on how to use this package, please see https://aka.ms/azsdk/java/mgmt. Microsoft Notification Hubs Resource Provider REST API. Package tag package-preview-2023-10.
A Java library for sending push notifications
IBM FHIR Server Notifications for NATS
Compose and dispatch notifications to users based on PASS events
A Camel Huawei Simple Notification Component
Fluent UI Android, Module : fluentui_notification
The core project of babyfish, it supports (1) .NET style event notification API (2) Object Graph Travel API (3) Typed I18N (4) X Collection Framework (5) MA Collection Framework (6) ObjectModel4Java
WebJar for angular-ui-notification
WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.
A notification badge with animation.
WSO2 Enterprise Mobility Manager - Apple Push Notification Services
Nrich Notification API
WebJar for @kie-tooling-core/notifications
The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.
Context sensitive notifications for Android