Copies the project artifacts to the user's local repository.
Liferay Portal Local Service Tree Test Utilities
Liferay Portal User Locale Options Web
Guvnor - Generic Management framework
An Eventuate project
The AppSensor project is an OWASP project to create a knowledge base as well as practical implementations for intrusion detection within applications.
Parent pom providing dependency and plugin management for applications built with Maven
The Data Transfer Project
An Eventuate project
Distributed transaction Framework
An Eventuate project
The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.
Rincl (/rɪŋkəl/) facilitates internationalization by providing access to localization resources via Csar.
The Okapi Framework is a cross-platform and free open-source set of components and applications that offer extensive support for localizing and translating documentation and software.
TSL2 JEE Direct Access (local JPA through GenericLocalBeanContainer, GenericLocalServiceBean, GenericEntityManager, ScriptTool, Replication)
SemanticCMS desktop integration mode for local content creation in a JSP environment.
Compiler assisted localization library (CAL10N)
An Eventuate project
An Eventuate project
JDK Mission Control is an advanced set of tools that enables efficient and detailed analysis of the extensive of data collected by JDK Flight Recorder. The tool chain enables developers and administrators to collect and analyze data from Java applications running locally or deployed in production environments.
A Java Agent designed to hide the web of classes that should only be deployed as compiled JavaScript and executed in the web browser.
Hadoop Mini Clusters for local and unit testing.
This feature enables local caching for web responses. It includes the distributedMap feature and performs automatic caching of web application responses to improve response times and throughput. Applications can include a cache-spec.xml file to customize the response caching. The cache may be distributed through addition of a network cache provider such as WebSphere eXtreme Scale.
The Okapi Framework is a cross-platform and free open-source set of components and applications that offer extensive support for localizing and translating documentation and software.
Bindings for Serving Layer standalone mode, for local storage and computation
A computation implementation to run computations locally
Nepxion Discovery is an enhancement for Spring Cloud Discovery
Tool for extracting local image features.
This project provides a maven mojo for using cucumber-reporting to publish pretty html reports for Cucumber. It works by generating html from the cucumber json report formatter. So can be used anywhere a json report is generated. Current use is in the cucumber jenkins plugin and a maven mojo to generate the same report from mvn command line when running locally.
Brave SpanCollector that submits spans to a local storage component
Maven extension for Develocity installations that provides Build Insights, Build Caching, Predictive Test Selection, and Test Distribution for Maven builds. Alternatively, Build Insights can be captured and viewed for free at and Build Caching can be used for free locally. See for more information on Develocity.
A local implementation of REEF that uses local JVMs for execution.
Implementation of a concurrent map with weak keys and a detached thread local storage.
An Eventuate project
EJB Local (Lite) plugin bundle for GlassFish Admin Console
Provides tools for building efficient, scalable local, remote or clustered file servers. It utilizes ActiveJ CSP for fast and reliable file transfer.
An Eventuate project
This feature allows the use of a local JMX connector that is built into the JVM to access JMX resources in the server. The JMX connector can only be used on the same host machine by a client that has the same user ID and the same JDK as the server process. It enables local access by JMX clients such as jConsole, or other JMX clients that use the Attach API.
junixsocket is a Java/JNI library that allows the use of Unix Domain Sockets (AF_UNIX sockets) from Java. In contrast to other implementations, junixsocket extends the Java Sockets API (, etc.) and even supports RMI over AF_UNIX. It is also possible to use it in conjunction with Connector/J to connect to a local MySQL server via Unix domain sockets.
An Eventuate project
JDBC driver to allow clients to use JCR-SQL2 to query a local or remote ModeShape JCR repository.
An Eventuate project
This module provides utility classes that emulate some aspects of UIMA CAS Features and FeatureStructures without UIMA dependency. These are used by 'UIMA Remote Client', 'UIMA Local Client', 'UIMA To Triples' and 'BookSpotter by Sztaki' Enhancement Engines.
JExample is an extensions of JUnit that improves defect localizaton by changing the way you structure your tests. It introduces first-class dependencies. If test B depends on A, the return value of A can be used as B's fixture. And if A test fails, B and all other dependees of A are skipped and marked as white. We show in an empirical study that JExample improves performance and defect localization.
ModeShape Persistence Provider which stores content locally on the FS
Hadoop Mini Clusters for local and unit testing.
Connect File Pulse is a multipurpose source connector for streaming files from a local filesystem to Kafka.
Localization service and data model.
Connect File Pulse is a multipurpose source connector for streaming files from a local filesystem to Kafka.
Tranql oracle connector