Simple adapter written in kotlin
. You may use it to display data with RecyclerView.
Making easy to create a list with header and/or footer.
You can extend this adapter to add some sticky headers or something.
Built on generics it allows you to create your app prototypes(or even release versions)
quickly, without writing a ton of code.
compile "com.github.keeperus:extendedrecycleradapter:1.0.1"
Create adapter and display your data in just two lines:
val data = ArrayList<SomeData> //next two lines
val adapter: ExtendedRecyclerAdapter<SomeData, SomeDataView> =
ExtendedRecyclerAdapter<SomeData, SomeDataView>(data, R.layout.list_some_data_view)
Adapter constructor must have next parameters:
- data - ArrayList of your data classes which you want to be displayed
- layoutId - your xml layout resource containing SomeDataView component
Additional parameter:
- viewId - id of a SomeDataView component in layoutId - default value is R.id.list_item
Function attachToRecyclerView must have only one parameter:
- recyclerView - your RecyclerView
Additional parameter:
- startFromBot - boolean value. true if you want a messenger-like displaying of items, otherwise false.
This function is setting adapter to RecyclerView and setting a LinearLayoutManager if startFromBot = false or
a StaggeredGridLayoutManager if startFromBot = true.
SomeDataView example
Class SomeDataView must extend a ViewGroup and implement ExtendedRecyclerItemInterface to be used by ExtendedRecyclerAdapter.
Interface ExtendedRecyclerItemInterface has SomeData as a generic parameter.
class SomeDataView : LinearLayout, ExtendedRecyclerItemInterface<SomeData> {
constructor(context: Context) : this(context, null)
constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?) : this(context, attrs, 0)
constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr: Int = 0) :
super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {
view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.view_chat_dialog, this, true) as View
var view: View? = null
override fun setItem(item: SomeData,
isSelected: Boolean,
position: Int,
list: ArrayList<SomeData>,
hasHeader: Boolean,
highlight: String?,
extra: Any?) {
override fun onRecycle() { } // you should clean up your view in here
override var innerClickListener: View.OnClickListener? = null
override var onListItemSelectedListener: OnListItemSelectedListener<SomeData>? = null
R.layout.list_some_data_view example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Adapter functions
Header and footer
You can set a header view or/and a footer view to your adapter
val headerView = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.some_header, null, false)
adapter.setHeader(headerView) // set a header. adapter.notifyDataSetChanged is called automatically
adapter.setHeader(null) remove a header. adapter.notifyDataSetChanged is called automatically
You can add some highlights for you TextViews with Spannables.
Can be useful for filtering your data by some text value.
val query: String?
You can pass any object like a bundle, interface or something to your view.
val bundle = Bundle
adapter.extra = bundle
adapter.extra = View.OnClickListener {/**some code*/}
Handling view clicks
adapter.onClickListener = View.OnClickListener { /**do something*/}
Handling clicks and selected state on the SomeDataView side
override fun setItem(item: SomeData,
isSelected: Boolean,
position: Int, list:
hasHeader: Boolean,
highlight: String?,
extra: Any?) {
override fun setItem(item: SomeData,
isSelected: Boolean,
position: Int,
list: ArrayList<SomeData>,
hasHeader: Boolean,
highlight: String?,
extra: Any?) {
someButton.setTag(R.id.data_extra, item)
someButton.setOnClickListener {
onListItemSelectedListener?.onSelected(item, !isSelected)
and later you can use it:
adapter.onClickListener = View.OnClickListener {
val item = it.getTag(R.id.data_extra) as SomeData
val viewId = it.id
when (viewId) {
R.id.some_id -> someFunction(item)
else -> anotherFunction(item)
You can extend this adapter to implement some additional interfaces or to add some extra features you need.
Please, don't forget that if there is a header, than position is increased by 1, so you need to check hasHeader() function.
If you override function setItemView, call the super to save the functionality.
class SomeDataAdapter(data: ArrayList<SomeData>) :
ExtendedRecyclerAdapter<SomeData, SomeDataView>(layoutId = R.layout.list_some_data_view, data = data){
override fun setItemView(itemView: SomeDataView, item: SomeData, position: Int) {
super.setItemView(itemView, item, position)
//Your code