SeamlessPay Android
SeamlessPay Android provides drop-in UI Components that can be used
to collect your users' payment details and process payments from within your
app. We also expose the Base SDK that allow you to use our API directly.
Get started with 📚 integration guide.
Your development environment must have minimum requirements configured:
Note: If you do have the Android SDK installed, add a
file to the top level directory with sdk.dir=/path/to/your/sdk/.android-sdk
Example Apps
The SeamlessPay Android SDK comes bundled with the following demo apps:
: Basic setup and usage of UI Components
Before start any development in Example App run command in terminal:
./gradlew addPreCommitGitHookOnBuild
While developing the SDK, it's crucial to test it in the Example App without distributing new artifacts to Maven.
To do this, ensure you have pulled the latest Example App code.
Then, update its settings.gradle file to include the SDK as a module:
include ':app'
include ':sdk'
project(':sdk').projectDir =
new File('../sdk')
Next, add this module to the dependencies section of the build.gradle file
to gain access to SDK classes in the Example App:
dependencies {
implementation project(':sdk')
Once development is complete and you're ready to publish a new SDK version, remove the SDK module from settings.gradle
include ':app'
Update the SDK dependency to use the most recent version from Maven and commit the changes:
Run ./gradlew :demo:installDebug
to install the Demo app on a device.