Analyzes dependency structure and cycles
- there must be at least 1 level
- the last level is always the class level
- the second to last level is the package level
- the first x levels greater than 2 establish a hierarchy
- every class will be broken down into the same number of levels
- this makes sensible graphs possible without losing information
- placeholders will be created if necessary
3 level example
Suppose you had the following configuration
level 3
startsWith {
include [[com seanshubin]]
drop [[com seanshubin]]
And the following (contrived) classes
Here is how they would be broken down into levels
drop | top | package | class |
com.seanshubin | detangler | analysis | Detangler |
com.seanshubin | detangler | analysis.tree | DetanglerBackedByTree |
com.seanshubin | detangler | root-of-detangler | Metrics |
com.seanshubin | -root- | -root- | CollectionUtil |
Configuration File
reportDir console/target/detangled
searchPaths [
level 2
startsWith {
include [[com seanshubin detangler]]
drop [[com seanshubin detangler]]
exclude []
allowedInCycle console/detangler-allowed-in-cycle.txt
canFailBuild true
Running from the command line
java -jar console/target/detangler.jar console/detangler.txt
Running from maven
In the file maven-sample/pom.xml
At the console
mvn -f maven-sample/ detangler:report -DdetanglerConfig=detangler.txt