= Ikonli
:project-owner: kordamp
:project-repo: maven
:project-name: ikonli
:project-group: org.kordamp.ikonli
:project-version: 12.3.1
image:https://github.com/{project-owner}/{project-name}/workflows/Build/badge.svg["Build Status", link="https://github.com/{project-owner}/{project-name}/actions"]
Ikonli provides icon packs that can be used in Java applications. Currently Swing and JavaFX UI toolkits are supported.
== Installing
You can get the latest version of Ikonli directly from link:https://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|{project-group}[Maven Central].
Refer to the link:http://{project-owner}.github.io/ikonli/[guide, window="_blank"] for further information on configuration
and usage.
== Building
You must meet the following requirements:
- JDK11 as a minimum
- Gradle 6.0
You may use the included gradle wrapper script if you don't have gradle
Adapt these instructions to Windows settings if running on Windows.
=== Installing Gradle
. Download Gradle from http://gradle.org/downloads
. Unzip the file into a directory without spaces (recommended).
. Create a GRADLE_HOME environment variable that points to this directory.
. Adjust your PATH environment variable to include $GRADLE_HOME/bin (%GRADLE_HOME%\bin on Windows).
. Test your setup by invoking gradle --version
. Follow the instructions found at http://sdkman.io/ to install SDKMAN.
. You need a POSIX environment if running Windows. We recommend using Babun Shell (http://babun.github.io/)
. Once SDKMAN is installed invoke sdk install gradle 6.3
. Test your setup by invoking gradle --version
Gum is a wrapper script that facilitates invoking gradle tasks anywhere within a Gradle project. It's smart enough
to use the gradle wrapper if available or your global gradle command. This is an optional download.
. Follow the instructions found at https://github.com/kordamp/gm to install gum
=== Next Steps
Make a full build issuing gm build
Run the sampler JavaFX application by invoking the following command
$ gm :sampler-javafx:run
Run the sampler Swing application by invoking the following command
$ gm :sampler-swing:run
Run the Ikonli Browser application by invoking the following command
$ gm :ikonli-browser:run
=== Publishing your own SNAPSHOT
You can publish a local snapshot release by issuing this command
$ gm install
If you don't Gum installed then issue this command
$ ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal